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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 204

Matilda didn’t know that Yvan had been keeping a watchful eye on her for quite some time. She was too preoccupied with Chloe and Logan, who were playing a game of tag through the aisles of the bustling mall, causing her to call out, "Hey, slow down...don't bump into anyone! Enough playing around, come back!"

Logan, with a cheeky grin, ducked behind Matilda and proclaimed, "No more games, time for a feast!"

Chloe, playfully chasing after the little rascal, guided Matilda and the others toward a restaurant, which was quite the local hotspot. By the time they arrived, a line had formed outside.

Orson clicked his tongue in apparent dislike for waiting.

With a smirk of triumph, Chloe announced, "No worries, I've got this covered. I know the manager here; I've already snagged us a spot."

And with that, she led the group past the onlookers and straight into the restaurant, ignoring the queue and heading to a private booth.

"Well, well, if it isn't Chloe, you little troublemaker. Finally decided to grace us with your presence?" greeted a dashing young man in a waiter's attire, flashing a charming smile at Chloe. "Been avoiding me for too long, eh?"

"Cut the flattery," Chloe shot back with a wave of her hand. "Anyway, this is my good friend, Matilda, and that's her son."

"Nice to meet you," said the man, winking at Logan. "Your mom's a knockout."

Logan immediately stood protectively in front of Matilda, declaring, "Back off! No one's hitting on my mom!"

The little guy was as stubborn as ever about keeping men away from Matilda.

Chloe chuckled and introduced him to Matilda and the rest, "This guy's a good friend of mine, the manager of this place and head chef. He's the genius behind several of the restaurant's signature dishes."

"That's the nicest thing you've said about me in ages," the man quipped, then turned to Orson. "And who's this gentleman?"


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