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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 226

In this corner of the world, Orson's days living with Matilda were markedly more comfortable. Once they had all adjusted to each other's schedules, the trio fell into a rhythm like a family. Sometimes when Matilda picked up Logan from school, she'd whip up a feast on the fly. Orson would saunter out of his room to find plates set and forks laid out for him as if they were awaiting the return of the family patriarch.

Logan would call out, "Uncle Orson, dinner's ready!"

Matilda's cooking was something to write home about, Orson had learned from his freeloading days. Occasionally, watching her bustling in the kitchen with her apron on, he'd catch himself in the illusion of playing house.

But the easy days were short-lived. Just when Matilda thought she had settled into a nice routine with Logan, an uninvited guest came knocking.

That day, Matilda opened the door to find Adrian grinning like a Hollywood star, his voice dripping with mischief, "Hey there!"

Her instinct was to slam the door shut, but Adrian wedged his foot in, pushing his way in with a cheeky grin, "Yo! I hear you've got the kid under lock and key. No fun for me."

The intrusion was blatant.

Logan peeked from behind Matilda, a hint of surprise in his voice, "Uncle Adrian? What brings you here?" His tone carried a trace of delight, suggesting he bore no grudges against Adrian.

Adrian, unabashed, squeezed himself further inside and turned his beaming smile to Logan, "Your mom's been hiding you too well. Miss me?"

Logan glanced at Matilda's face, swallowed hard, and replied with uncertainty, "Maybe... a little?"

Matilda's eyes narrowed, and Logan quickly retracted, "No, no! I didn't miss you!"

Adrian was nearly apoplectic with indignation. "How can you be so heartless, kid? What about our bond of brotherhood?"

Before Logan could respond, a man emerged from a room inside. Clad in a TB shirt, tall and pale with an air of aloofness, Orson squinted at Adrian and asked coolly, "And you are?"

Adrian felt the question as a blow to his pride, a challenge. He sidled up beside Matilda, positioning himself as if they were a couple, and retorted, "Who are you?"


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