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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 237

"Trouble's brewing, folks. Let's get crackin'!" Hala rubbed her hands together with a maniacal glee, "I haven't had a good catfight in ages. Last time I was this pumped was when I caught my boyfriend cheating three years ago, red-handed in our very own bed."

Baxter chuckled, "Bet you nearly killed the guy."

"Had to. I'm a black belt in Taekwondo, after all." Hala sneaked onto Mia's Facebook page using a burner account, "How much did we spend on our army of trolls?"

"Fifty grand."

Without looking up, Luna scoffed, "Damn, calling our game for imbeciles? If you're gonna take our money, at least have the decency not to bad-mouth us!"

"You'll have the company card for this," Baxter commanded, sitting at the center of the room and slapping the desk, "Deploy all the troll accounts you've got. This dumb influencer has really gotten on my nerves. Screw it, I'm gonna leak all her dirty laundry!"

At three in the afternoon, a scandalous story spread across Facebook like wildfire, detailing Dawn's questionable relationships with the wealthy elite of Sea City. But come six o'clock, a new bombshell dropped—a juicy exposé titled "The Sugar Daddies Mia Once Chased."

The post used Mia's real name, which she despised, preferring her stage name Jade or simply YOYO on Facebook. The shockwave of the exposé, using her birth name, caused a massive stir.

"Holy smokes! Did we publish this?" Luna marveled, "Are our trolls this effective?"

Orson opened the lengthy post filled with scandalous revelations and screenshots of Mia's chats with various rich kids, some of which were quite explicit, referring to each other as "baby" and "big daddy." There were even sneaky shots of Mia getting cozy and kissing these men from all sorts of angles. The source of these images was a mystery.

Mia's team was in an uproar upon seeing the Facebook post, "What the hell is this? How did this come out of nowhere? Weren't we supposed to target Matilda?"

"Does Matilda have a secret backer?"

"No way!"

Mia's eyes flashed with fury, "Matilda's been blacklisted by the elite. No one would help her!"

She was in denial, convinced that Matilda couldn't have any man's support. But what did this detailed post mean? Clearly, someone was helping Matilda clear her name.


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