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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

When Yvan walked into the hospital the next day, Matilda’s medical team had changed shifts. The attending physician caught sight of him and called out, passing him some reports with a heavy sigh. Mr. Boyd, your wife’s condition is quite serious” 

Yvan didn’t correct the doctor about his relationship with Matilda, allowing him to continue. She’s suffering from severe depression and appears to have been through a significant trauma. Mr. Boyd, has anythinghappened between you and your wife in the past?” 

Clutching the paper, Yvan’s fingers ached from the thin report’s edge. His throat felt clogged with cotton, and after a long pause, he managed to mutter, Nonothing.” 

I see.said the doctor, removing his glasses to clean them. Medication alone won’t cure this. We’ve checked her records; she’s been treated before but never followed a consistent regimen. She only takes medication when she feels an episode coming on. That’s not enough for a full recovery, and she seems unwilling to engage in therapy. Mr. Boyd, this may take some time. Do you know what your wife enjoys? What makes her happy?” 

That last question stumped Yvan

What did Matilda enjoy

He realized he had no idea

Finding it impossible to continue the conversation, Yvan mumbled an excuse and left, the doctor’s words echoing in his mind

Your wife must have endured some harsh experiences. Mr. Boyd. If there’s anything you’re keeping from us, please share. It will help us tailor a better treatment plan. Her condition is quite severe. You know, the scars on her wriststhey’re not from just one incident. They’re layers of new and old wounds. The most recent one from two weeks ago.” 

Two weeks ago felt scarily recent. How many times had she harmed herself

Matilda had been resorting to selfharm when the pressure became unbearable, alone at night 

with a blade against her wrist

Beneath her facade of pride and aloofness, the Matilda he once knew, the lady of stature from five years back, was long gone. Her spirit was shattered, leaving behind only fragments of obsession

Yvan couldn’t bear to think further. He returned to Matilda’s hospital room and lingered at the 

door, contemplating escape for the first time

He was afraidafraid to face this woman, his former wifesentenced to prison by his own hands for murder

Matilda had killed Rachel and now she lived like this. Yvan felt he should be pleased

But seeing her, he couldn’t find joy. He felt like the real executioner, the one who had led her to 

Chapter 25 

this state

Yvan stood at the door, pale and hesitant, ultimately unable to enter. He turned and walked down the corridor, taking out his phone

It’s me. Yvan.” 

The tall, imposing silhouette of Yvan stood out even in the hospital, drawing covert glances from the nurses, who whispered speculations about his identity

Look into what happened to Matilda during her five years in prison.” 

It was a painful admission, but Yvan had to confirm a suspicion, I believesomeone may haveabused her using my name.” 

Logan was picked up from preschool by Yvan that afternoon. As soon as he got into the car, he let out a sigh and said. Mr. Boyd, you don’t have to keep me cooped up. I won’t run off. At most. I’d go back to Mommy. If you really cared, just visiting me once a month would mean a lot to 


Yvan was so angered he nearly drove into the flower bed

What kind of insolent talk was this from the kid

Did he have no regard for his own father

Was this really his own son

If it weren’t for the DNA test confirming their paternity, he’d suspect Logan was someone else’s 



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