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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 266


The buzz around Matilda's live broadcast, where she sat poised on the stage to clear the air, lit up social media like a Fourth of July fireworks show. Every now and then, a big-name influencer on Facebook would pop up, singing praises to Matilda's style and grace.

The comments from netizens were pretty much on the same page:

"Look at that poise, those answers. It's clear as day who's trying to smear whom."

"Is that really the same Matilda from five years ago? Damn, how the tables have turned. Now it's those who laughed at her eating crow."

"I've always felt there was more to the story five years ago. A buddy of mine in the know says that the evidence against Matilda was flimsy, that it was her ex, Yvan, pulling the strings."

"I've always believed in Matilda's character. She's above the kind of stuff they accused her of. She wouldn't condescend to that level."

"Matilda is even more stunning in person than in her videos, seriously. She's got that debutante charm. I don't know if Mia's die-hard fans are blind or what, but Dawn doesn't even give you lot the time of day."

"You're the die-hard fan! Matilda's nothing but a poser, putting on an act!"

"The fan up there defending Mia is like a rabid dog. If you've got the guts, stop hiding behind a burner account. Come on out with your main and let's see what you got. What skill is there in getting mad and lashing out?"

"Exactly. I was neutral about Mia, but seeing how toxic her fans are, I've gone from zero to anti."

"Your idol's about to be exposed, thanks to you lunatic fans making a scene. If you hadn't been snapping at everyone, who would've known Mia was the other woman? Now you've been counterattacked and can't even fight back. Mia's got to thank her lucky stars for fans like you. Go on, keep yapping, but watch out for Matilda dropping another bombshell. Let's see you jump then."

Luna, seeing the comments rallying behind Matilda, slapped the table in delight. "This is just too satisfying! Haha!"

"People aren't fools; you'd probably have to be in grade school to be a fan of Mia."

Hala munched on a strawberry, peeling one for Matilda, who accepted it with a smile. "Thanks."

"They're delicious," Hala said. "Mr. Simpson brought them over this morning."


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