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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 269

"Unbelievable!" Luna slammed her hand on the table, her voice thick with anger. "There's no way this isn't photoshopped. Matilda, we need to get a lawyer and sue these slanderous jerks!"

Matilda's face had gone as pale as a ghost, her eyes skimming the vitriol spewed in the comment section below her latest Instagram post.

The insults hurled at her were the kind no girl could stomach.

Tears welled in Matilda's eyes as she hastily posted a defense on Facebook, insisting the compromising photos weren't of her. But just as quickly, an anonymous troll account replied with so-called proof that the images weren't edited, claiming they had been verified by an expert.

**[Who else but Matilda? She's just in denial! That face is a carbon copy of hers!]**

**[The jig is up, Matilda! Your little act can't go on!]**

**[Easy with the cold remarks, folks. Wouldn't be surprised if there's a twist coming. This photo smear campaign against Matilda is too blatant. If the puppet master behind this gets exposed, I wonder if you'll still have the face to spout this nonsense?]**

**[To the Matilda fan above, keep dreaming on with your queen of drama!]**

Matilda downloaded all the photos, turning to the designers in her studio for a closer look. After a while, Orson, the most reserved of them all, looked up with his piercing eyes and said, "Photoshopped."

"Top-notch job at that. Or, the woman in these photos is already a dead ringer for you so they only needed to tweak the facial features a bit, not switch out the whole face."

Orson hadn't spoken to Matilda in ages, but today he unloaded a torrent of words, his gaze cutting like a knife. "Think hard. Who have you crossed lately?"

Who could it be...?

"Mia?!" Luna gasped. "Do you think Mia's behind this? Trying to ruin Matilda and drag her name through the mud?"


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