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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 273

When Matilda stepped out of the car at Imperial Residence, she did so with a speed that belied her tumultuous emotions. Tears blurred her vision as she darted away from Yvan's vehicle, her sole focus on the rapidly approaching elevator doors. Behind her, Yvan, realizing what was happening, scrambled out of the car and slammed the door, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Matilda!"

His voice, carried by the wind, reached Matilda's ears, but she paid it no heed, her finger stabbing at the elevator button with determination. The doors began to close, and her last defiant glance at Yvan was framed in the narrowing gap before she disappeared from his view.

Yvan stood there, a picture of defeat, at the elevator entrance, as if the reality of the situation hadn't quite sunk in. Matilda had fled so swiftly that he hadn't even had the chance to react, let alone understand the depth of her fear.

Meanwhile, Matilda had reached her apartment, fumbling with her keys when another man's hand gently covered her trembling fingers. Startled, she feared it was Yvan who had somehow managed to follow her, but when she looked up, it was Adrian standing there, his luggage in tow, clearly just returned from a trip.

Adrian, who had expected to come home to an empty hallway, instead found Matilda, and his mood, which had been light, darkened at the sight of her tear-stained cheeks. "What's wrong?" he asked with sudden urgency.

He had been abroad, likely unaware of the turmoil she had been through. Now he stood before her, his journey etched on his face, seeking an answer that she had never given to anyone. No one had asked if she could feel pain or how much it hurt. No one had cared if the burden of slander weighed heavily on her heart.

Overcome, Matilda began to cry, her emotions spilling out uncontrollably in front of Adrian. Her tears fell hot and fast onto the back of his hand, scalding him.

Adrian was at a loss, his attempts at comfort clumsy and desperate. "Don't cry, for heaven's sake, what happened?" He couldn't understand why she was so distraught, why she trembled like a leaf in a storm.

Matilda remained silent, her sobs the only answer she could muster. She looked so lost, so in need of a safe harbor, and she let her tears flow freely.

Adrian's heart ached for her. "Hey, stop crying. I swear on my life, I haven't done anything to wrong you this time, Matilda..."


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