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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 282

Matilda stepped out of Declan's office, her eyes slightly red and teary, just as her colleagues from the studio arrived at the Yeager Group building. Seeing her distressed state, concern was etched on everyone's faces.

Luna, ever the hothead, blurted out, "What happened? Did that jerk give you a hard time?"

Without waiting for a response, she rolled up her sleeves and marched toward the Yeager Group entrance, with Hala quickly grabbing her, "Hold on a sec, how's Matilda doing?"

Choking back tears, Matilda apologized, "Sorry, Declan and I had a bit of a confrontation."

"Damn it, I can't stand bullies, especially when they pick on women!" Hala exclaimed, ready to storm in with Luna, but Yoshi intervened, holding both women back, "Calm down! What good will charging in there do now? We still need that investment!"

"Son of a biscuit! He's bailing on us now!" Luna roared angrily, "Is it all about money now? Who doesn't have a little saved up?"

Yoshi replied with a forlorn look, "My old man's against me making games; he won't support me with a dime."

"My dad and his are two peas in a pod," added Hala.

Luna snorted, "My... my brother controls all my savings..."

Baxter chimed in, "Forget it, if we have to use our own money to make this game, I'd be too ashamed. Might as well quit!"

Matilda observed everyone's frantic yet helpless demeanor. She pursed her lips and softly suggested, "Maybe... there's another way."

All eyes turned to her.

She remained silent for a long moment before breathing deeply and offering a reassuring smile, "It's okay, I'll try again. Don't worry, guys..."

But it was clear she was the most heartbroken among them.

The guilt over Chloe's affair weighed heavily on her, and now she shouldered the responsibility for the whole mess. As they headed back, everyone noticed Matilda's despondency but found no words of comfort.

After work, Matilda left alone. When Orson looked up from his tasks, the studio was deserted except for him. Glancing at the calendar in the corner of his computer, he noted the date.


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