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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

When the string of numbers flashed across her phone screen again, Matilda’s heart started to race frantically. Her fingertips tingled with anxiety as she debated whether to answer the call. Eventually, she steeled herself against the fear and tapped the answer button. At that moment, Yvan’s icy voice pierced through the receiver like the grim reaper announcing a cruel fate

I’ve taken Logan. From today on, he’s the youngest son of the Boyd family.” 

Upon hearing these words, Matilda roared with rage, Yvan, who gave you the right to take him?” 

Yvan’s laugh came through the phone, cold and unfeeling. Why can’t I take my own son?” 

He’s my son too!Matilda’s eyes were redrimmed with fury. And my lifemy everything.. 

Let me hear his voice!Matilda’s voice broke with desperation. Let Logan speak to me!” 

Yvan couldn’t stand her tone, feeling a stab of discomfort with every word she uttered. Reluctantly, he handed the phone to Logan, who obediently called out. Mommy.” 

Logan!Matilda was visibly shaken. Did Yvan take you?” 

Logan, too, was upset but tried to comfort her, Mommy, you can come and see me. It’ll be like 

we’re not even apart.” 

So you’ve decided to join the Boyd family for their wealth and glory, huh?” 

Tears rimmed Logan’s eyes. No, Mommy, I just don’t want to see you get hurt

Their conversation made it sound as if Yvan was some monstrous villain who had forcefully separated mother and son

Eventually, Matilda understood Logan’s intentions and let tears fall for her child decision. It’s Mommy’s fault; I wasn’t strong enoughthat’s why” 

Mommy, don’t be sad.Logan’s voice wavered from the other end. You can come the Boyd estate. Mr. Boyd hasn’t forbidden you from visiting.” 

2 me at 

I understand. As soon as you settle in with the Boyds, Mommy will come knocking.She couldn’t bear the separation and had to accept the situation

Matilda quickly ended the call, rose to her feet, and Gideon called out to her thinning silhouette. Where are you headed?” 

Fighting back tears, she replied, To the Boyd estate.” 

Yvan, what do I have to do for you to let me go, to let my child go? I can’t stand being 

controlled by you any longer,she said inwardly

It was twenty minutes later when Logan arrived at the Boyd estate

When Violet saw him, her heart ached, and she greeted him. Logan.” 

Approaching her, Logan respectfully said, Good evening. Mrs. Boyd.” 


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