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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 440

Back then, Ella had already laid her plans deep within the shadows. Her schemes were so intricate they could span years just to orchestrate a single downfall.

Rachel was terrified, yet powerless against her sister's ruthless ambition. She tried everything to minimize the damage, even going as far as to agree to Matilda marrying Yvan, hoping to divert Ella's malice.

But Ella... she never let up.

Matilda was an innocent caught in the crossfire, an expendable pawn in the sisters' war.

By pairing Matilda with Yvan, Rachel hoped to make Ella jealous, thinking Yvan's cautious protection would shield her. Surprisingly, Matilda proved resilient, enduring alongside Yvan longer than anyone expected...

Eventually, Matilda became Ella's scapegoat. Her supposed death placed the blame squarely on Matilda's shoulders, leading her to a lonely cell, vilified by all.

Rachel, seeing the pain in Yvan's eyes, couldn't help but wonder if he had grown fond of Matilda during their time together. Perhaps, knowing the truth, Yvan might sympathize with Matilda. So, when Ella's downfall was imminent, Rachel hesitated to reveal herself, fearing Yvan's reaction to the revelation that the real perpetrator was still alive...

Silence became their only solace.

Yvan felt as if the veils had been lifted, revealing the stark truth. His mind was in turmoil, his entire being in uproar.

"You're alive... you're alive..."

"And you knew... Do you have any idea how much unjust suffering Matilda endured because of it?!"

Yvan, typically calm and collected, now trembled with emotion. He confronted Rachel, his actions rough, driven by a storm of feelings she had never seen in him before.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why did you let me live through the despair of thinking you were dead? Why... why didn't you clear Matilda's name?"

"Do you realize your faked death led me to persecute Matilda?!"

Recalling Matilda's words, her heart-wrenching pleas, Yvan was filled with remorse. "How can I ever make amends for a life so shattered by my actions?"

He gripped Rachel's clothes, desperate for answers, yet found himself speechless.

The shock and betrayal were too much for Yvan, his face ashen, as he stared at Rachel, the woman he once loved deeply. Years had passed, and their world had irrevocably changed.

A tragic mistake, leaving nothing but regret.


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