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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 475

Chloe had finally hit rock bottom, facing Declan with a smile that was more tragic than joyful, filled with emptiness and despair.

She whispered faintly, "Yeah, Declan, you're ruthless. What's stopping you from doing anything?"

Declan met Chloe's gaze with a furrowed brow. He didn't like this melodramatic act she was putting on. When she was with Godfrey, she seemed perfectly happy!

"Don't play the victim here." Declan sneered viciously, "Chloe, I've seen you at your worst."

Chloe remained silent, simply closing her eyes to avoid looking at Declan. She believed everyone had feelings. She had gone through hell and back for him, endured slander, and yet, he had kicked her to the curb effortlessly. And when she tried to escape, he dragged her back. What did he see her as? A toy? An object to satisfy his desires? With so many women in the world, why couldn't he just leave her alone?

Later, Declan, furious at Chloe's resistance, desperately wanted to provoke a different reaction from her. Under his domineering presence, Chloe's sobs were faint, piercing Declan's heart like needles.

When it was over, he stood up to find Chloe curled up, her body covered in bruises from Declan's touch, a chaotic mix of blue and purple. Seeing Chloe in such a state, disheveled and battered, still trembling, something in Declan's heart... tightened.

"Get up!" He reached for Chloe's hand, but she didn't flinch or dodge, unlike before when she would have recoiled as if electrocuted. This unusual response surprised Declan, and only then did he realize her body was burning up. Was she running a fever...? Since when?

Declan's pupils shrank, and he immediately took off his shirt to cover her, then quickly called Keaton, his voice laced with alarm, "Keaton! Get over to my apartment, now!"


Keaton arrived twenty minutes later, only to be met by a shirtless and anxious Declan. Keaton stepped back, "Whoa, put a shirt on, man. I'm not into dudes."

Declan had the urge to slam his head against the wall, roaring, "As if I'm into you! Get in! Treat her!"

"Her...?" Keaton was full of questions, but gasped when he saw Chloe curled up on the sofa, "Chloe...?"

He was stunned. Wasn't this the girl who visited Matilda in the hospital last time? How... How did she end up like this?

"She's running a fever." Declan was annoyed by Keaton's staring, "Stop gawking at her and help her!"

"What do you think I am?" Keaton rolled his eyes, setting down his medical bag, "Always a thankless job. Treating Yvan's ex-wife with Yvan watching me like a hawk ready to kill. And now, treating your girlfriend while you're half-naked. What, are we wrestling?"

Declan, smoking nervously, retorted, "Who said she's my girlfriend?"

"If not, why the hell are you acting like a widower?" Keaton raised his voice, first placing a thermometer under Chloe's arm, then checking her forehead, "Burning up like this and you still went at it? Are you even human?"


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