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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 505

Everyone was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. No one had expected Yvan to step forward, especially at such a precarious time. His actions seemed almost... self-destructive. But Yvan had done exactly that.

After turning off the TV, Matilda's sobs ceased, and she stared blankly at the wall, lost in thought. Chloe felt sorry for her and comforted her, "Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't take it to heart. He owed you that much."

Matilda murmured, "My name has been cleared now, hasn't it?"

Chloe took her hand, "Yes, we're both truly free now. Congratulations, Matilda, for stepping out of the shadows. No one can call you a murderer anymore."

The days of being branded a murderer were finally behind her, replaced by a light at the end of the tunnel.

That night, Matilda dreamt of a pair of eyes as dark as the night. She was running down an endless corridor, and at last, she saw a light in the distance. She ran towards it, disregarding everything else. A deep voice echoed from behind, haunting her like a nightmare, repeating her name over and over.

He said, "Matilda, Matilda. With a lifetime ahead, make the rest of it count."

Someone pushed her from behind, and she leaped through the exit. That moment felt like a rebirth. Matilda abruptly woke up to a room bathed in bright sunlight. She had slept until the morning.

Matilda was stunned for a few seconds, feeling an unreal sense of disbelief. She grabbed her phone to check the date, confirming it was recent, with New Year's Eve almost upon them. Opening the news app, headlines about Yvan attending a press conference flooded her screen, each more sensational than the last.

After glancing through a few, Matilda gasped and put her phone away. Getting out of bed, she saw Chloe also waking up. Her friend greeted her with a cheerful, "Up so early?"


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