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A Journey from Bitterness to Truth (Matilda and Yvan) novel Chapter 515

Unbeknownst to Matilda, someone was thinking about her at that very moment. Yvan had driven overnight to Whitby City on New Year's Eve, all alone, and once again parked under Matilda's apartment building.

At that time, Matilda and Chloe were playing games in the living room with Logan and a few others, sipping on some red wine. The atmosphere was pleasantly tipsy and charming. Just after Adrian had left, Criss rolled his eyes, "Glad he's finally gone!"

Matilda laughed, "Why are you so against him?"

"None of those guys are any good!"

Criss grunted, "Adrian's no better! I saw him eyeing you like a hawk at the event. I just don't trust him!"

"Ha, Criss is more worried than Matilda's own mom," Chloe leaned into Logan while Godfrey sat across from them. Eugene nudged Criss, "Matilda can take care of herself, why are you freaking out?"

"Is it freaking out?"

Criss slammed the coffee table, "Yvan, Adrian, I just can't stand any of them! When you pick a boyfriend, you better not pick from the trash heap!"

He dismissed Yvan, Adrian, and the others as the trash heap.

"Right, like you're any better?"

Chloe elbowed Criss, "The only good man in the whole world, huh?"


Criss nodded shamelessly, "If no one else marries you, I will, since I probably won't get married anyway."

After all, he was into guys.


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