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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 232

Egbert, what a pain in the neck!

As the car started up, Eileen was stewing in the passenger seat.

When the car came to a stop at a traffic light, Eileen suddenly blurted out, "Why Harriet Forrest? Is Bartley using his mom's last name?"

Egbert glanced at her, surprised that she'd picked up on it.

"Bartley's just his stage name," Egbert replied.

"What's his real surname then? Or his dad's surname?" Eileen demanded, frowning.

"Why do you want to know?" Egbert asked, looking at her.

Eileen glared at him and turned away. "I'm just curious," she muttered.

Egbert looked at Eileen's stubborn face and after a while, he said, "I'll give you a chance. Ask whatever you want to know and I'll tell you."

"I don't want to know anything!" Eileen stammered, suddenly nervous, "I'm not curious at all!" she blurted out defensively.

As the light turned green, Egbert started the car again and said calmly, "Alright then."

The car fell quiet and Eileen, annoyed that Egbert wouldn't spill, huffed in frustration.

What's the big deal? She could just ask Bartley herself!

Egbert was not the only one in the know, so what was he so smug about!

When they got home, Eileen went straight up to her room and called Bartley!

The next time Eileen came downstairs, it was dinner time.

During the past few days when Egbert was recovering from his injury, Eileen had cooked for him.

Now that he was back on his regular diet, the servants were in charge of the meals again.

The table was laden with a feast. The moment Eileen sat down, she started digging in.

Across the table, Egbert placed a piece of meat in her plate.

Eileen promptly picked it out and threw it back in Egbert's plate, before helping herself to another piece.

Egbert looked at the piece of meat in his plate and, realizing she was still mad, so he didn't say anything more.

Throughout the meal, Eileen would sneak glances at Egbert, who ate slowly and appeared to have been spoiled rotten since childhood.

Her background was very different. When growing up, she often went hungry at Sarah Roach's house and would get beaten if she came home late from school and there was no food.

She used to go hungry for entire nights, and after she started learning boxing, she would sometimes faint from exhaustion.

That's when she started to overeat.

But Hubery liked slim girls. To win his affection, Eileen kept her food intake to a minimum even when she started earning money.

Over time, she got used to it.

Thinking about it, Eileen realized how different her world was from Egbert's.

After finishing her meal, Eileen quickly wiped her mouth and dashed upstairs.

Watching her retreating figure, one of the servants asked Egbert, "Mr. Reed, did you upset Ms. Lopez?"

Egbert looked surprised, "What?"

The servant pointed at the leftover pasta and said indignantly, "Ms. Lopez only had four plates of pasta today! How could she possibly be full? Did you upset her and ruin her appetite?"

Egbert didn't answer.

The servant went back into the kitchen and brought out the dessert they had bought that day.

"You should take this upstairs for Ms. Lopez as a midnight snack and maybe apologize if you need to," the servant suggested, handing the dessert to Egbert.

Egbert didn't take it, or reply. He just sipped his soup.

"If you don't take it, I'll call your mom!" the servant threatened.

Egbert didn't respond.

Egbert put down his bowl and looked at the servant seriously, "Just do your job."

An hour later, Egbert knocked on Eileen's door with a cake box in hand.

Eileen, in her pajamas, came to open the door.

Seeing Egbert, she squinted and asked with a stern face, "What is it?"

Egbert handed her the cake box.


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