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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 302

Eileen had spent an hour guiding Egbert through the art of cooking. Then, it took three more to convince him to give up on cooking for good.

As the clock struck six in the evening, they headed to a nearby hotel to celebrate the wrap party.

On the way there, Eileen was still on Egbert's case. "Wasting time is one thing, but wasting money—poor fish didn't stand a chance."

Egbert remained silent, his hands fixed on the steering wheel, not uttering a single word throughout the drive.

Seeing his dejected expression, Eileen tried to cheer him up. "From now on, I'll handle the cooking."

Still, Egbert didn't respond.

Before long, they arrived at the hotel.

In the banquet room, Sylvia and the rest of their friends had already gathered, laughing and playing party games.

Upon spotting Eileen, Sylvia called out with a lively chuckle, "Hey Eileen, come join the fun!"

Eileen made her way over, sitting next to Sylvia she curiously inquired, "What's the game?"

Hobson Miller chimed in, "We’re playing Truth or Dare."

Eileen paused, surprised.

At that moment, Egbert took a seat on her other side, urging, "Let's play."

The crowd began to cheer, "Egbert's in too?!"

They were amazed. An international superstar like Egbert, with his status, was expected to have a certain air about him. They thought he wouldn't lower himself to play such games with the crew, but there he was, being surprisingly down-to-earth.

Then, someone spun a beer bottle. After a few rotations, it pointed straight at Eileen.

The room erupted in excitement.

Eileen stared blankly at the bottle's neck, blinking in surprise.

Sylvia stood up, laughing, and asked, "Come on, Eileen, truth or dare?"

Scratching her cheek, Eileen pondered for a moment before answering, "Truth."

"Alright!" Hobson picked up a prepared card, glanced around, then posed the question, "Are you single right now?"

The room burst into an uproar; the question was bold!

Sylvia turned to Eileen, eyes wide with anticipation.

Eileen hesitated, then sneaked a glance at Egbert beside her, only to catch him watching her. Quickly, she turned away and coughed before replying, "No, I'm not."

Egbert's lips curled into a smile.

The room exploded with excitement and disbelief.

Sylvia's voice rose above the rest, "What did you just say?!"

Eileen quickly reassured her, "The show isn't over yet. I'm still in the 'married' phase, so of course I'm not single."

Sylvia was taken aback, and the onlookers let out a collective groan of disappointment.

Egbert's eyebrows knitted together.

As Sylvia reluctantly sat down, another crew member got up to continue the game.

Egbert stood suddenly, "I'll spin."

The crew member stared, stunned.

Eileen also blinked in surprise.

Egbert took the bottle, and as he spun it, Eileen had a foreboding feeling. She glared at him, silently warning him not to do anything rash.

Ignoring her, Egbert watched as the bottle slowed and eventually pointed directly back at him.

The crowd went wild again.

Egbert stood tall, hands in his pockets, and said coolly, "I choose Dare."

Hobson, holding the cards, announced, "Alright, let me find a good one."

Before he could continue, Egbert interjected, "Is there one involving choosing a lady present for a kiss?"

Eileen's foot stomped down on Egbert's shoe under the table.


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