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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 303

As the last words echoed into silence, the short film came to an end.

NightKing held his phone, gazing at the now dark screen. Reflected in the screen was his own chilling, dangerous expression.

His grey eyes narrowed. With a clatter, he tossed the phone onto the table, took another drag of his cigarette, but the hint of a smile played at the corners of his eyes.

Meanwhile, Eileen slipped her phone into her jean pocket.

She crouched down, looking at the two hulking men on the ground, devoid of any fight left in them. "Why'd you try to snatch me?" she asked coolly.

The two exchanged panicked glances but said nothing.

"Ever do time in a the jail called Crestonia? Fancy a taste?" she prodded, one eyebrow arched.

Still, they remained silent.

Eileen grabbed one by the collar and hoisted him with one hand, pinning him against the wall, her other hand raised, "Are you gonna talk or not?"

The man stuttered, "I... I don't know."

She thought of NightKing's ways. True to form, he only gave orders, never explanations.

Eileen recognized the familiar face.

This man had been with NightKing since he was twelve. She remembered once, failing a training session, she was punished by being locked in a cage with a leopard. She was mauled, and it was this man who had carried her to the med bay.

With a click of her tongue, Eileen let him go, then turned her attention to the other thug on the floor. He too was an old acquaintance, the one who'd sneak her midnight snacks in the med bay while she recovered.

In her past life, during this time, she would have been training with NightKing, and every member of the Bloodbane Shadowsociety, from enforcers to assassins, to finance and logistics, she had some dealings with them.

She couldn't bring herself to truly harm these "old friends."

Hands back in her pockets, Eileen said nonchalantly, "Get lost."

Without another glance at their stunned faces, she turned and left the restroom.

Walking back to the private booth, Eileen noted at least half a dozen lurkers in the vicinity.

Geez, these guys were so obvious, not trained by NightKing, that's for sure. Sending these third-rate goons after her, did they not actually want to catch her?

Wait, not want to catch her?The thought stopped her in her tracks. Perhaps NightKing didn't want to apprehend her at all, maybe... it was all a test?

Considering this, it made sense. NightKing had ties with the Crestonia military; during a collaboration like this, he wouldn't openly order a kidnapping.

Realization dawned on Eileen, and she chuckled to herself.

A test then, let it be. As if NightKing could ever guess she'd been reborn.

Brushing off the thought, Eileen pushed the door to return to the booth.

But as she did, someone emerged from within.

Eileen paused, surprised to see Egbert with a grave look on his face.

Upon seeing her, he visibly relaxed, took her hand, and furrowed his brows, "You alright?"

Caught off-guard, she guessed he'd just gotten the news, "Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?"

He just stared at her in silence.

The booth was as lively as ever. Sylvia was eyeing her like a hawk.

Eileen nudged Egbert, "Let's go back in."

His frown deepened.

After pushing Egbert back to his seat and settling down, Sylvia suddenly grabbed Eileen's sleeve.

Eileen turned to see Sylvia pouting, her anger palpable, "Out with it! What's going on with you two?"

Eileen's mind was elsewhere, she glanced at Egbert and brushed Sylvia off, "It's nothing."


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