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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 11

When Adira left the VIP room, she met Neil, who was pale from head to toe.
“M-Madam,” he stuttered. “W-When Miss Isa arrived, I told her that you are inside b-but…”
It must be that.
Adira knew what made Neil this nervous. He might fear seeing her freak out since Neil let another woman enter the room while she was inside.
Then, does it mean Neil knows that there’s something between his boss and that woman named Isa?
“Do you know?” Adira asked.
“Pardon, Ma’am?” Neil murmured while sweating so much.
“I am asking if you know that my husband likes Miss Isa.”
Neil’s eyes’ size doubled as if a family of giraffes could enter inside of those shaking pupils.
“M-My boss likes… who?” Neil repeated the question. He was so stunned; he couldn’t breathe for long seconds.
 As far as he knows, Isa is his boss’ good friend, and they have been close friends ever since high school. And so, when Isa entered the room, Neil worried that Adira would misunderstand the situation. However…
“My boss likes Miss… ISa?” Neil inquired about his boss’ wife.
Crossing her arms, Adira nodded her head. “It seems you don’t know anything.” She raised her right hand and added, “My mistake.”
“Anyway, keep it a secret. My husband would freak out if he heard that I told you about this.”
“I saw that his arm got injured. So, he’ll probably stay in the hospital for days. I trust that Neil will take care of my husband.”
She winked at him, tapped his shoulder, and then walked away.
Neil blinked his eyes, dumbfounded.
He’s so worried about his boss, but now, he feels so infuriated. No matter where you look, Chadwick is the bad guy who married a woman, even if he’s keeping the love of his life near his side.
‘That clueless bastard!’ Neil shouted inwardly. He felt the heat rising and throbbing at his nape, and he caressed it before he lost consciousness out of stress.
Adira and Chadwick only married for business purposes. But still, this is not right.
Neil looked at the back of his madam.
She was trembling in fear before, but now, she’s confidently walking away as if she finished her task.
But will Adira be okay?
“My poor madam,” Neil whispered while staring at her back. When his eyes diverted to the door, lightning went out from his eyes.
Meanwhile, Adira keeps walking around the hospital on the way to the parking lot on the underground floor.
Patience, doctors, nurse, and guests followed Adira’s track as she passed. Her beauty is quite a scene stealer, but that’s not what made them look at her. It is because of her appearance.  
Silky pink sleepwear and slippers. Too much skin is exposed, and it seems she came to the wrong place. She should come to the mental hospital if she walks like that in public. Some thought this way.
Nevertheless, Adira did not care.
No one will recognize her as the CEO of Crimson Meadow company. And if she ever did, then she would use that to release an article that she’s a loving wife who ran out like this when she heard about her husband’s accident.
A laugh slipped from her naturally red lips.
Now that she had calmed down, Adira felt so stupid for running like this just to see her husband. No wonder why people look at her as a crazy bitch walking in seductive pieces of clothes.
“Ahhhh, this is embarrassing,” Adira murmured, caressing her cold arms.
However, being embarrassed by her clothes is nothing compared to the scene she showed to Chadwick.
‘Did he… see me cry?’ 
It seems to be the real case. Their eyes met for a long time, and Chadwick even asked him to stay by his side and talk. That’s the first time Chadwick said ‘stay’ rather than his usual ‘Get lost’ or ‘Get out!’, which shows that he did see her crying.
But still, Adira is hoping he did not, or he will pretend ignorantly.
She cannot tell him that she got worried just because she remembered her mother through his accident.
“Or should I say that I cried because I got my eyes stung from the wind?”
Adira went dumb for a second.
She shook her head and laughed at her foolish excuse. Never did she expect that an idiotic idea would come into her mind.
Laughing while shaking her head, she seems more like an insane woman walking in the hall. But she does not care. She used too much of the energy that she did not bother hiding her face or running on the way to the parking lot just to escape.
She took her time so slowly until her feet stopped when she saw a familiar person standing in front of her.
The tall man with a sharp gaze, pointed nose, and heart-shaped lips, also halted his pace when he saw Adira.
Adira recognized him as the bartender working at her favorite bar. She met him six months ago, and his name is Geoffrey. It’s easy to remember the details since he’s a good-looking guy who’s flirting with different women every day.
‘The playboy bartender,’ Adira confirmed inside her head.
On the other side, Geoffrey, who also recognized her, smiled a bit to greet them.
Adira only sees him wearing his bartender uniform. But tonight, he’s with his white shirt and ripped jeans. His golden-brown hair isn’t styled with wax, and it covers a part of her arched brows. Nevertheless, he looks damn sexy and handsome in any style.
Meanwhile, Adira felt a bit… a tiny bit… embarrassed at the way she looked right now. She always wears expensive and sophisticated clothes when she visits the bar, but here she is, in her sleeping wear and indoor slippers.
Even so, she succeeded in smiling back at him and walked away. She hurriedly entered the elevator and pressed onto the basement floor so she could go back to her car as soon as possible.
Finally, she arrived at the basement. Fetching a sigh, because she felt so tired, she walked towards her car and was about to open the door. However, suddenly, someone held her wrist from behind.
Adira turned around and saw the bartender whom she had met at the bar.
“Miss,” he said, catching his breath.
Did he come here after running?
But why?
And why would he follow her?
“Your right foot,” Geoffrey said before looking at her right foot. “It’s bleeding.”
Her right foot is bleeding?
Adira ducked her head to check her feet. And he’s right. She got her feet wounded, but she doesn’t know where exactly she got this. Probably, she got hurt while running before. Since she was informed, she only feels the tingling pain on her skin just now.
“Don’t you think you need to go back inside the hospital and get it treated?” Geoffrey suggested, pointing to the exit behind.
Looking at the wound, it seems not that big to get treated. So, Adira thinks there’s no need for her to go back. Besides, she doesn’t want to stay here any longer.
“Thank you for your concern,” Adira thanked Geoffrey as she pulled her wrist away from his grip. “But I’m fine. I’ll treat it by myself.”
“Can you drive with that foot?” he asked, looking at her very worriedly.
Ever since Adira saw this man, she always spots him flirting with women customers. Geoffrey had this dogmatic sneer on his lips as if he couldn’t help it when girls stuck to him like a magnet because of his looks. He always looks arrogant in her eyes. But she does not hate him.
Never did Geoffrey approach Adira whenever she was at the bar. Many men tried to woo the gorgeous Adira, but Geoffrey daredn’t stare into her eyes.
Because of that, Adira concluded that their first meeting, when Geoffrey stared at her as if he knew her, was just a mistake.
But now, Geoffrey is doing something that makes her confused again.
Why does he look so worried?
Is he hitting on her, or what?
“I don’t think we are close enough for you to worry,” Adira replied.
Geoffrey’s mouth opened and closed as if he wanted to say more but was forced to shut his lips. Then, he nodded his head.
“Sorry,” he murmured.
“No. You don’t need to apologize too.”
“Then, how about…” Geoffrey shoved his hands in both of his pockets, and his right hand found what he was looking for. It is a Band-Aid. “Use this”
He offered the band-aid to her with a smile on his face.
Adira looked alternately at the band-aid and the strange man.
‘A man who has a band-aid inside his pocket?’ Adira was trying to figure out how odd he was.
Seeing the confusion on her face, Geoffrey explained. “Ahhh. I hurt myself while I was doing my part-time job.” He showed the band-aid on his elbow. “See?”
Adira’s doubt has cleared up. She accepted the band-aid and showed her gratitude by saying, “Thank you.”
“My pleasure.”
Silence settled at the underground parking lot, and if it was not for the squeaking sound of the tires hissing on the road, they might have stayed at their positions for a longer time.
“I’ll be going,” Adira said with a business-like smile.
“Ah, yeah. Okay,” Geoffrey replied.
Adira hopped inside the car. She intended to close the door, but Geoffrey placed his hand between the gaps.
“And…!” he shouted.
Adira opened the door again and looked at the man.
“Take care on driving, miss,” he added.
Adira tilted her head. She’s not sure if this is his way of flirting, but she’ll admit he had a talent for that. Anyway, even if he looks so damn sexy and good, there’s no way Adira will waste her time with a man like him.
She’s married.
“Thank you, Geoffrey,” she replied.
Stunned because she remembered his name, Geoffrey removed his hand from the door and stared at her while gaping.
Adira, who didn’t see his reaction, closed the door and opened the engine. She did not hesitate to drive away, even looking back through the mirror, and left the parking lot.
As she drove, the bartender did not leave her mind. She finds him cute and sly, like a fox.
“If only my husband is like him, it will be easy to seduce him,” she murmured while driving.
Of course, that doesn’t mean she fell into his charm and is now willing to be a part of his harem. Adira never had her heart taken, nor has any plan for the future either.
For her, falling in love will always be late. First, she’s unable to fall. Second, she’s too old. Third, she’s already the wife of Chadwick McElroy.
Meanwhile, Geoffrey, who is still in the parking lot, keeps standing at the place where Adira left him. He is staring in the direction where Adira had gone to.
“This is the first time… she called my name,” Geoffrey murmured.
He raised his hand and clutched his throbbing chest, which kept on beating.
“You noticed me a bit too late, Adira,” Geoffrey said as a sorrowful smile escaped from his lips.
Six months ago, Geoffrey tried his best to avoid her and to pretend ignorantly. But ignoring this feeling which he kept for a long time, is like a ticking bomb that suddenly stopped ticking.
He was so happy when he did not see the ring on her finger. Yet that happiness only lasts for a short time. He found out that she was a woman whom he should not covet, think, or even miss of. Geoffrey said he would do his best to pretend okay and never cross the line.
However, when he saw her bleeding foot, his resolution crumbled in an instant. He realized right then that he should try and endure more.
Geoffrey heard a familiar voice from behind. He turned around and saw his stepsister.
“Brother, why are you here?” asked Isa.


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