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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 12

Before Adira got married, she discovered that her husband had a messy love triangle in the past. Chadwick loves Isa, but Isa loves someone else.
Adira did not research more about the third person since she and he wouldn’t see each other anyway. And knowing her husband’s woman is enough. However, being ignorant of the details will be her mistake.
“Brother, why are you here?” Isa asked her brother, Geoffrey.
The man whom Isa loves so dearly is no other than her stepbrother, Geoffrey Cullen, the bartender who’s working at Adira’s favorite bar.
Isa and Geoffrey became step-siblings because their parents remarried. But ever since their parents died, Geoffrey cut ties with his stepsister. The main reason is that he knows Isa’s feelings for him, which he cannot accept.
“What are you doing here in the hospital? Are you sick?!” Isa inquired about her stepbrother with a worried face.
With downcast eyes, Geoffrey kept his lips pursed. His heart was pounding hard before, but now, it calmed down.
He did not have a plan to talk to her and start any conversation, so he walked past towards the entrance.
Geoffrey ignored her.
It is always like this.
Whenever Isa tried her best to reach him, he would always run away.
But she’s used to this chasing game. Although it hurt, Isa’s heart went numb to the point that she let her feelings turn from love to obsession.
“Chadwick got into a car accident.”
At Isa’s words, Geoffrey halted.
Chadwick McElroy. Geoffrey knows that name better than anyone. He is the man who followed his stepsister ever since high school. And also, that guy, Chadwick, hates Geoffrey so much for pushing Isa away.
‘That bastard,’ Geoffrey said inwardly.
Geoffrey and Chadwick mutually hated each other. Chadwick hates the playboy stepbrother, who keeps on hurting Isa. Geoffrey hates that silly man who’s jealous of him when he does not have to.
They are like East and West, black and white, or Atlantic and Pacific. Never will collide.
“I came here because Chadwick got injured. So, I wanted to take care of him. The doctor said that he’d be okay. But still, I wanted to be by his side,” Isa shared, waiting for Geoffrey to turn around.
“I see,” Geoffrey murmured. He put his hands inside his pockets and walked again.
That’s all. He is not interested in Chadwick and Isa, who seem to be playing a tag-and-pull game.
“Is that all?!” Isa shouted, echoing around the ample space.
Once again, Geoffrey stopped while fetching a sigh. He knows his stepsister’s tantrum and hates it. But for the sake of old times, when he treated her just like a family, Geoffrey sometimes stayed to hear her grumbles. She’s an orphan like him, after all.
“Won’t you get angry? That I am still hanging around with that guy I rejected before?!”
This time, Geoffrey turned around and looked at her with his eagle-like sharp eyes.
“Isa,” he called.
Isa’s hanged opened mouth shut. She took a deep breath, waiting for his following words.
“Did you tell me you’re with Chadwick to say you’re worried about him? Or…”
A sly smile appeared on his heart-shaped lips. Then he continued in a colder tone than ever.
“It is your tactic to make me jealous?”
Isa’s eyes widened, then subsided. She really got worried for Chadwick, but at the same time, she told this to Geoffrey in the hope that he would feel somewhat regretful or jealous. However, she does not see a hint of jealousy in her stepbrother’s eyes. Only pity and empathy reside in his bored gaze.
She could not retort at his harsh questions that appeared like his answers, too. Even so, she gulped her pride and decided to accompany him a little bit longer.
“Before you go, at least tell me why you are here,” she said.
“I don’t need to answer that,” Geoffrey murmured. “Ever since the day our parents died, I cut all ties with you. We don’t have any connection, Isa.”
Isa clenched her fists at the hemline of her skirt.
It is not supposed to be like this.
If only not because of that mistake she made in the past, Geoffrey might have stayed by her side, not as her lover, but as a brother.
But she ruined it. She lost his trust just because of her confession.
“Wishing for Chadwick to recover fast, though,” Geoffrey whispered before he stepped away.
Each of his steps resonated around the underground parking lot.
Isa’s heart’s temperature also dropped every time it fell, as if freezing at the North Pole.
When she could no longer hear the footsteps, she realized how sad it was to be abandoned, to be alone in a world that never loved her. It was then she remembered the only man who showed her affection.
Chadwick McElroy.
The married man who loves nothing but her.
Because of Geoffrey, who abandoned her, Isa finds comfort from the only guy who really cares for her.
While she keeps on chasing the man who will never reach her hand, Isa is resting, assured that there will be someone from the back who will catch her.
Chadwick is her comfort zone. Someone she can never love back but can’t lose.
So even if he’s married, Isa decides not to let go of the man who must be by her until the end. It is his role in the past, in the present, and in the future.
Therefore, a wife like Adira can’t interfere. Isa will ensure Adira won’t snatch the summer in his frozen heart.
Meanwhile, Chadwick is alone in the room and waiting. He felt thirsty, so he tried to grab the glass of water from the side. But as soon as he raised his right arm, he felt a jabbing pain, as if thousands of needles prickled his skin and bone.
“Argh,” he groaned.
His eyes diverted to the door where Adira and Isa both walked out.
A moment ago, after Adira left, Isa also said she had to hurry and follow his wife. Isa wanted to talk to Adira to say sorry for being so overreacted just because she was worried about Chadwick.
[“Your wife might misunderstand our relationship again. So, I need to reassure her that we are just friends.”] Isa said to Chadwick before she followed Adira.
Chadwick indeed has feelings for Isa. But they don’t have that kind of relationship. He’s married, and although he does not like Adira romantically, he can’t cheat. Besides, Isa won’t feel the same emotion he has.
Now he ponders how comforting it would be if only Adira is as kind and understanding as Isa. They can be friends for a long time, until the end of their relationship. Both knew that in the future, they would divorce soon.
‘But… do I hate her?’ Chadwick asked himself.
When he’s living with her for six months, he was so irritated at the sight of that perverted woman who asked for nothing but sex. He tried his very best to avoid her or even start a conversation with his wife. However, he felt worried every time Adira caught him comforting Isa.
Chadwick feels pathetic when Adira says she does not care if he has another mistress. He knew it is because of his pride.
Then what about that sad gaze of Adira when they were in the orphanage?
What about the odd feelings he had when he saw her crying just a moment ago?
She’s so unpredictable that Chadwick doesn’t know where to put himself; to the place where he must hate her? Or the place where he wanted to know more about Adira?
Chadwick shook his head, trying to sweep away thoughts in his mind. Then his eyes caught the paper bag at the side.
It is a gift for his wife’s birthday.
During the car accident, Chadwick protected the paper bag, which is why he got his arm injured.
‘What about that?’ 
Why did he protect it at all costs if he does not really care about his wife?
Isn’t it because Adira left his car with this hopeless face, saying that not all people need love?
“I don’t know anymore,” Chadwick mumbled, so confused.
The only reason why he wanted her to stay longer is that he had to give her the gift. That’s all? Is it really the only reason?
He even said to Isa to leave them alone!
‘Exactly, what’s wrong with me?’
Chadwick blamed that maybe, living with a crazy person also makes him one.
A moment later, his secretary entered the room.
“Sir, you’re awake,” Neil greeted.
Chadwick lifted his gaze and looked at his secretary who looked at him with an apathetic gaze.
“Yes. Can you give me the water?”
“Sure,” Neil gave him a feeble response. He grabbed the glass and gave it to his boss. “Here it is.”
Chadwick held the glass with his left and took a sip. Neil stared at him with less emotion.
Just a moment ago, when Neil saw Chadwick in his wrecked car, he was panicking, as if it was him who got into an accident. But now, Neil gawked at his boss very differently.
‘Is Adira’s emotionless face contagious?’ Chadwick wondered, thinking if Neil got his wife’s infamous poker face.
Chadwick forged a cough, “Ahem.” And he continued, “I can’t go to the company with this injury. They will make it a big deal. What did the doctor say? How many days should I stay in the hospital?”
“A week, sir,” Neil answered.
“I see,” Chadwick murmured, sighing. “Then during that week, bring the paperwork that needed to be signed. I’ll work here instead.”
Neil avoided his boss’s gaze, which confused Chadwick even more.
Why is Neil acting as if he hates to be with Chadwick?
There are times when Chadwick is moody, but he always makes sure he is treating his secretary better than anyone else.
“What’s wrong with you?” Chadwick couldn’t help and ask.
“Yes?” Neil answered, without looking back. “Nothing, sir.”
“No. Seriously. What’s wrong with you?”
Neil rolled his eyes.
Chadwick saw that and had his eyes wide open. Did he really just see his secretary rolling his eyes?!
“Y-You…!” Chadwick gasped, pointing at him.
Neil, who cannot take it anymore, looked back to his boss and said what was bothering him.
“Sir. Why are you so mean?” Neil exploded.
“You forgot that it is Madam’s birthday. Then now… I mean, you are so mean to madam.”
Chadwick narrowed his eyes. He couldn’t understand his secretary’s blabber. And so, he flung him the question:
“Explain it to me in words I can understand. How did I wrong her?”
Adira’s POV 
My husband stayed at the hospital for one week.
During those days I was alone in the house, I ate well, slept well, and pooped well.
He has that loving Isa on his side, so he doesn’t really need my help.
Today, my husband came back home with a cast around his right arm. It seems he will have trouble moving that.
“Welcome home, honey,” I welcomed him who was standing at the door with a pale face while looking at me.
‘Do I look like a ghost?’ 
I am wearing my usual sleepwear and I am freaking gorgeous from head to toe. If I were a ghost, then I will be the prettiest ghost. Yeah. I am this confident in my looks.
Chadwick kept wordless while staring at me. Suddenly, his minion, I mean… his jolly secretary stood beside him and smiled at me.
“Good day madam!” Neil greeted. I caught his eyes tracing my provocative dress, and how he tried to keep his eyes on my face.
‘That’s right. A normal man will react like this in front of me. And so, I concluded that my husband is an alien. A real alien.’
“What are you doing? Wearing that?” Chadwick finally spoke.
What’s wrong with my clothes? I am inside the house. Besides, I did not expect that he’d come home with his secretary early in the morning.
“Neil will keep his eyes on my face,” I answered, then stared at his blushing secretary. “Right, Neil?”
“Y-Yeah? Ahhh! Yes! Yes madam!” Neil shouted like how a soldier does during his military training. “I will keep my eyes on your face!” he added.
How cute.
I chuckled at Neil’s response. At my laughs, his face became even redder.
Well, my very face is enough to seduce a healthy man. So, I doubt he’ll be okay staying here with me for a long time.
I saw my husband alternating his gaze between me and his secretary. He looks so mad, but I doubt that he’s jealous. Maybe he just feels quite irritated.
“Neil. You’re busy right?” Chadwick said to his secretary.
“Not really,” Neil answered.
At my husband’s sharp gaze, the not-so-busy man became busy.
“Ah right! I have so many things to do! I remembered it just now!” Neil said, clapping his hands. He carried my husband’s luggage inside and looked at me.
‘Oh, my~ There’s something on Neil’s gaze that made me curious.’ 
His eyes are shining and twinkling like stars. Working in a field where you need to read people’s faces, I could see whether someone holds something malignity behind his gaze.
“As you can see, madam,” he started. “My boss is still injured. He can’t use his right arm yet. So, please take care of him.”
My eyes went to the man behind who cannot meet my gaze. Maybe he feels too embarrassed to ask me himself.
‘If he needs more help, he should have stayed in the hospital for…’ 
Wait a minute.
I stared back at Neil’s twinkling eyes.
Ahhh. I get it. I know what’s lying in those sly eyes.
Neil is playing the cupid who wanted to get me along with his boss.
My mission is to seduce my husband to have a s*x with me. Chadwick is injured right now, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible, right?
Thinking how good the opportunity was, a grin slipped from my lips.
“Of course,” I said in a seductive tone. “I will take care of my husband… really well.”
When I looked at Chadwick, I could see him getting nervous just like a rat in front of a snake.


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