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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 35

Third Person’s POV 
“Boss, are you going to work all night?” Neil asked Chadwick, who was stuck near to his desk all day. 
Ever since Adira stayed out of the house for work, Chadwick thought there’s no reason for him to go home. So, he wanted to stay in his office and do hellish work, just like Adira. Because if he stays in the empty house and lays down on his bed, all he would think is her. 
‘I rather divert myself in work than having those impure thoughts.’ 
This is the first time Chadwick felt such intense lust over a woman. When he liked Isa, he imagined kissing her and hugging her. While he did, he felt butterflies in his stomach. But that’s all. He did not have lewd thoughts for her. But like 360, his mind and body suddenly changed after meeting his wife. 
He did not feel anything when Adora was seducing him during the six months they had been together in the same room. It was because he still hadn’t feelings for her during that time. However, after he realized his feelings, different kinds of scenarios filled his head.
Going in shower with her. 
Making out in the kitchen. 
Claiming her on the sofa. 
He imagined a lot for the past three days that he can almost publish a whole book of his s*x with his wife. That is why, to maintain his sanity, he decided to stay in his office and work. 
“Let’s work and work only,” Chadwick told himself before his eyes went to the office desk. Then his mind started to wander again.
‘How will it feel to have a sex above my office desk?’ 
Chadwick’s eyes widened. 
He just said that he won’t think of any lewd things anymore but here he is again, thinking about s*x with Adira. 
“Ahhh! This is hard!” he shouted then grabbed his hair. 
Neil stared at his boss. Then he suggested, “Sir. If you feel tired already because of work, then just go home.” 
Abruptly, Chadwick’s sharp eyes turned to him. 
Neil’s instinct felt the danger Chadwick’s gaze has for him, and so he stepped back. 
“I SAID, I WILL STAY HERE,” Chadwick marked while gritting his teeth. “IF YOU WANTED TO GO HOME, THEN LEAVE ME ALONE. GO!” 
Neil flinched. He doesn’t want to stay here any longer since Chadwick is behaving indifferently. 
“T-Then, I will go now, boss.” 
His secretary was about to walk out of the office but stopped when he heard the vibration of his boss’ phone above the desk. 
Chadwick also stared at his phone. Without expectation, he grabbed it and checked the message he received. 
[“Honey. I’m home.”] - Adira. 
The red beast, who looked like a bull before, turned into a puppy wagging his tail. 
‘Adira is home. She’s home. We can see each other later,’ he celebrated this inside his head before he quickly typed his reply. 
After he pressed the send button, he stood up from his seat, grabbed his jacket and smiled sweetly at Neil. 
“Neil~” he even called him with a voice that is as soft as pillow. “Let’s go home together. You don’t need to drive me home. I will drive by myself.” 
Chadwick tapped Neil’s shoulder before he exited the office. 
The stunned secretary stayed in his place with an open mouth and eyes which cannot blink. 
“I really think,” Neil murmured, “he injured his head during the car accident before. I’m sure of that.”
***************** *****************
Chadwick, therefore, drove happily on the way home. He cannot describe this feeling which seem like a foreigner, who returned after a long time. He felt better after admitting to himself that he likes Adira. 
If only he had noticed this earlier, he probably would not have done those dumb things in front of Adira. 
Now, his mind was set. 
This time, he needs to entice Adira’s heart. It is not only her body he wants, but her mind and feelings too. 
He knew it best that his wife is a someone who isn’t interested in loving a man. All she wanted is Chadwick’s body and get pregnant. Therefore, seducing a woman like her will be a hard quest. However, Chadwick thinks that it is not an impossible wish. 
‘Why not? We’re married.’ 
Unlike his bitter first love, Chadwick has more chance because he’s married to her already. He may not confess for now, but he will try his best to show her that he will be sincere starting from now on. 
Chadwick stepped on the accelerator, speeding onto the highway. 
Soon, he arrived home with the loud beating of his heart. 
For the past months, Chadwick never announced his arrival whenever he entered the house. He just plainly goes inside with tight pursed lips. But now, as soon as he entered the entrance, he shouted so loud with a smile on his face. 
“I’m home!” 
He hurriedly took off his shoes, as if he was running to go and grab his most favorite food. But as soon as he stepped inside the living room, it wasn’t the food he saw but someone whom he wanted to taste. 
“Welcome home, honey,” Adira greeted while wearing the white lingerie which exposed almost of her body, except her breast and her lower part. 
Chadwick’s smile faded. The bag he’s holding dropped on the floor. But it wasn’t only his bag that fell, but also his heart. 
He had hard time breathing while looking at her sexy figure, which he saw for the first time. 
Adira wore sexy outfit before, but tonight, she’s wearing something sexier.
Chadwick’s mind blew away. It was as if he was expecting to see a cat but met a tiger instead. 
All sanity left him, and he felt so weak. 
He wanted her. That’s a fact. But the thing he saw is too much that his body cannot take it all. Thus, the weak Chadwick fell on his knees. 
“Oh?! Honey!” Adira shouted before she ran towards his husband who has blood flowing from his nose.


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