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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 36

Men’s primal instincts attract them to the woman is no real mystery.  That is why, seeing a woman in lingerie will psychologically entice a man.
When Chadwick saw Adira wearing a white linger with touch of lace showing at the breast area and a clasp showing below the skirt at the top of her stockings, it is as if he saw a hidden treasure that he must seek out. She became a mystery which he must reveal. 
Seeing the soft and silky white dress that most things men cannot wear, Chadwick imagined how it feels to rub it against his skin. That might feel pleasing and erotic, giving tingling sensations to all of his senses. 
His mind overloaded in state of bliss that he can neither control or prevent; he won’t want to either. 
Those lines and straps, Chadwick imagined setting it free. He will look every inch of it closely and rub as much as his own body against Adira and her lingerie. In a different scenario, if Adira strips in front of him, slowly remove an item of lingerie, he will not complain of ask her to stop.
Chadwick gulped. Cold sweats ran down from his heated face. 
His eyes fixed at the gift wrapped with fancy ribbons or bows but he still wants to tear the wrapping to get the gift inside. 
‘What and how much do I need to remove before the parts that I want are accessible?’ 
As he challenged his weak brain, his body gave up. He fell down on the ground with a bleeding nose. 
“Oh?! Honey!” Adira shouted before she ran towards him. 
The imagination he had is wild. But the body and brain still need a more practice. 
Adira and Chadwick sat on the couch. 
Chadwick was looking up the ceiling while Adira was poking a tissue rolled like a stick inside his nose. 
“Ahh, ahhh,” Chadwick winced, “Do it softly.” 
“Yes~” Adira answered then placed it gently. “It’s done.” 
He kept his head upward as he glanced at his wife.
Now, Adira is wearing normal clothes, a sleepwear that doesn’t reveal sexy parts of her body. Finally, he can breathe at ease. But there is still a part of him which is disappointed. If only he knew that he would bleed like this, he would have stared at her body for a long time. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” Adira asked. 
“I hate hospital. It’s not been that long since I came out from that place,” Chadwick replied, holding the tissue. “Besides, this is embarrassing.” 
Adira crossed her arms while nodding her head. “You’re right. It is embarrassing to tell to the doctor that your nose bleed because you saw your wife in sexy lingerie.” 
Quickly putting down his head to look at her, the tissue with blood fell on his lap. “That’s not true! I did not bleed because of that!” He lied. His pupils shook. 
When Chadwick saw his wife narrow her eyes to him, he picked up the tissue and shoved it inside his nose again. Then he avoided her gaze. 
“I’m j-just a-anemic,” he stuttered while tilting his head to the other side. 
“I don’t think so,” Adira disagreed. “I really believe that you bleed because you got so surprised. Am I that sexy?”
“Huh,” he scoffed. “You’re talking nonsense again. It’s n-not like this is the first time I saw you wearing that.” 
“That’s true,” Adira agreed. “But unlike before when you look like a statue of Liberty, you reacted tonight. You must be a real innocent, Chadwick.” 
Chadwick doubted that. 
He glanced at his wife and looked away again. 
‘If only you know what went in my mind during the three days you’re gone, you won’t think that I am an innocent man,’ he confessed inwardly. 
“So, for now, I will stop teasing you,” Adira said. “I felt guilty for wearing things that will make you shock. Sorry.” 
“Aahhhh, but that doesn’t mean I will stop. You know me already. I won’t stop until you’ll give in.” 
Chadwick stared at Adira once more, and this time his eyes stayed at her gorgeous face. 
Actually, it is not the lingerie that made him excited, but the woman who wore it. The accessories are just accessories. What matter is that the woman who is wearing it is no other than the woman who caught his heart. He only felt that because it is Adira. 
Lingerie does create an atmosphere, like a role play, a retardant, a firewall, an exquisitely long wick that delays the explosion. But the trophy behind it is Adira whom she likes. 
“The next time you wear it,” Chadwick murmured. “My nose won’t bleed anymore. That’s a promise.” 
Adira’s eyes widened and subsided. 
Chadwick just sent her a message that he will be more ready in the future, so she does not need to worry. 
However, Adira thinks differently. 
“That’s a problem. It means you won’t be shocked anymore, and you will ignore me again,” she said. 
He squinted his eyes and scoffed. He doesn’t know if he is the real rock here, or Adira, who thinks that emotions are just playthings. 
“But it’s okay,” Adira uttered with a clap, as if boosting her morale. “I have lingerie that is sexier than before.” 
The calm heart of his started to beat again. If the white sleepwear is already sexy, then what’s more if she wears those which she endeared as more seductive? 
Chadwick felt the blood running down his nose. 
“Ahhhh, sh*t,” he cursed before he looked up and pressed his nose. 
Seeing his reaction, Adira laughed at him. She thought how cute Chadwick is right now. 
‘Cute?’ Adira asked herself again. 
She already thought that her husband’s reactions were funny. But this is the first time she really saw him so cute. 
While thinking about this odd thing, Adira saw Chadwick’s phone vibrating on the top of the center table. She looked alternately at her husband, who’s aiding his bloody nose, and to the cellphone.
Planning to give his phone to him, Adira picked up his cellphone. She was about to tell him that he received two messages, but she stopped when she saw the name Isa on the screen. 
Adira placed the phone back on the center table again. 
‘I really don’t care about him and my Isa,’ Adira thought. ‘But if I am seducing my husband, it will be a problem if Isa keeps coming and meddling my plan.’ 
“You got a message,” Adira told him. 
Chadwick looked down at his phone and went back to his wife. Adira does not have much expression so he isn’t sure if it is a good thing to check his message or not. Slowly, Chadwick picked up his phone. 
However, before he could see Isa’s message, another message came at the same time. 
He did not notice the first message and opened the second one which came from the journalist who wrote the article about him and his wife. When he pressed the message, a picture came into his view. 
Jaymee sent a picture she did not include in the magazine. It is a shot when Adira kissed Chadwick’s cheek when they were on the ice rink. 
At the end of the message, Jaymee told him: 
[“I did not include this to the magazine, but I know you’ll be glad to have it. Don’t worry. I did not send the same picture to the wife you love.”] 
All face of his turned as red as ripe tomato. 
“You turned red,” the observant Adira commented. 
Afraid that Adira would accidentally see the picture from his phone, Chadwick hid it behind his back. Then he answered, “N-Nothing.” 
Adira thought that it was Isa’s message that made his husband turned red like that. She’s not curious how and why, but Chadwick’s behaviors are so suspicious. 
“Let me see.” 
“I told you it’s n-nothing!” he said as he shoved his phone deep between his back and the sofa. 
“A message that made your face all red, but it’s nothing. Your actions and your words don’t match, dear,” after Adira said this, she hopped out of the sofa and wrapped her arms around Chadwick’s body to get the phone. 
The tissue from his nose fell down as Chadwick laid his back on the sofa to prevent her from stealing his phone from his hands.
“H-Hey! Stop it!” 
Chadwick struggled hiding his phone especially when Adira went on his top. She laid on his chest while shoving her hands inside the narrow space between Chadwick’s back and the soft sofa. 
Not only did Chadwick felt her weight from his top, he could feel the two soft flesh bouncing on his chest. It is Adira’s breast. 
His face turned even hotter and redder. She knew that Adira’s only goal is to get the phone from him, but the situation is getting out of hand. Every time she moves, her large bust pressed on his chest, which made the heart pound inside his rib. 
Chadwick felt scared. 
What if Adira hears his beating heart and find his secret? 
But more than that, what he feared the most is himself. 
A man and woman inside the empty house. He is in love with her, and that ‘her’ is now lying on his top. If this continues, he might lose his control and let the beast overtake his whole system. 
It is as if he’s standing on the edge of the cliff, and with a little push, he will fall deeply into lust.
‘It can’t be!’ 
No matter how he wanted to touch Adira, he does not want to have a sex without mutual feelings between them. He loves his wife. But what about Adira? Will there be a good result in touching a woman who does not intend to be with him forever? 
Before his mind shut down completely against temptation, Chadwick pushed Adira away from his body. 
“Get away!” 
He didn’t mean to use all of his strength, but he accidentally pushed her a bit hard.
“Oh!” Chadwick gasped as he saw Adira falling on the floor. So, he grabbed her tight, pulled her closer and hugged her. However, Chadwick did not win against gravity. 
The two fell down on the carpet, but only one felt the pain in his back. It was Chadwick, who firmly held Adira’s head so she wouldn’t hit it against the floor. 
When Adira opened her eyes, her husband’s handsome face came into her view. 
“Argh,” Chadwick is still groaning with one eye closed. 
Seeing him at this distance, Adira would admit that Chadwick really has a face that looks enticing even when he’s wrinkling his brows and when there is still a hint of blood on his nose. However, such beauty won’t affect Adira. And although he saved her life and injured himself, the first thing that came to Adira’s mind is that now she had the chance to check the his phone. 
It is not because Adira is really an evil person who does not feel pity towards her husband. She believed that Chadwick hurt himself because it was also him who pushed her away before. 
Thus, while Chadwick is busy recovering from the fall, Adira searched for the phone without moving up from her husband’s body. She saw the phone lying down beside Chadwick’s arm. 
Adira picked it up and looked through the screen. Then, she discovered the picture Jaymee sent to Chadwick . 
She blinked her eyes while staring at the picture. At the same time, Chadwick recovered. He froze when he saw Adira staring at his phone, which he tried to hide as much as possible. 
“Jaymee sent you this picture?” Adira murmured. From the phone screen, her lovely eyes stared down on him and met his quivering gaze. “You are hiding this picture from me?” 
“This is the shot when I kissed your cheek to pretend that we are really in love with each other. I don’t see the reason why you need to hide this from me.” 
Adira is right. 
There must be no reason for Chadwick to hide the picture. But that is just based on her point of view. 
For Chadwick, that picture reminded him of the time he finally realized he loves his wife. It is a memorable scene which he cannot erase in his mind. So for a moment, he feared she might caught his secret. And if that happens…
‘If Adira happens to know that I like her, then…’ Chadwick asked the question too. 
His unpredictable wife will always be unpredictable. So, he’s not sure about the answer too. All he thinks is that it is better to work out their relationship more and make her see him, not just a real man, but a partner. So, he wanted to be a friend.
Chadwick carefully detached his lips. He’s not sure what to say to her but at least, he should try to give her an excuse. 
Ding dong~ 
The doorbell rings. When Adira looked at the door, she predicted who the hell came to visit her husband again.


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