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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 38

Chadwick returned home after having a serious talk with Isa. He went inside the house and looked around as he hoped he could see Adira. Before he walked out, he clearly told her that he will be back quickly; which means if it is possible, Adira should wait for him. However, he saw no one in the living room where he left her. 
Standing near the door, Chadwick heaved a sigh. He felt lonely all of a sudden as he looked at the close door of Adira’s room. 
‘She’s probably sleeping.’ 
For a moment, he was so disappointed from the fact that Adira can sleep easily even if here husband is out and together with another woman. 
A husband with another woman? Chadwick realized that he doesn’t have the right to feel sad, since in the outside picture, he’s the bastard who left his wife just to follow Isa. But he only did that so he can finish what he needed to end. 
He told Isa that he doesn’t like her anymore and that he wanted to have a good relationship with Adira. Because he’s falling for his wife. 
After sighing, a laugh slipped from his lips. 
“Well, if she waited for me, then she’s not Adira,” he murmured with chuckles. 
He’s sad that Adira went to sleep, but he thought that will be normal for someone like her. 
And so, instead of checking his wife, who is probably in deep sleep right now, Chadwick entered his room while dragging his feet. 
He sat above his bed and took out his phone out of his pocket. Opening the screen, the picture that Jaymee sent to him is the first thing he saw. Then he remembered the question that Adira asked him after she found this. 
[“This is the shot when I kissed your cheek to pretend that we are really in love with each other. I don’t see the reason why you need to hide this from me.”] 
The reason why he suddenly feared of showing this to Adira , he is aware of it. The moment when Adira kissed his cheek while they were on the ice rink, it was the time he fully admitted that he’s falling for her.
For Adira, the picture might only shows how she kissed him. But for Chadwick, it means more than their physical contact. 
So he got scared.
Chadwick got scared what will be her reaction if ever she found out his hidden feelings which are growing uncontrollably as the day passes by. Adira is unpredictable woman. So, he decided to hide it and work out on their relationship before he can confess. 
But before when he opened his lips to answer her, he remembered saying…
The door bell rang that time so he did not had the chance to continue. 
‘What could be the next words that I will say that time?’ he wondered.
Somehow, he’s thankful that the doorbell rang. Because if not, maybe he had a slip of tongue out there. 
Sitting on the bed while only the light from the lamp is shining the dim space, Chadwick placed his phone on the table beside him. 
If Adira will ask him the same thing, about why he’s hiding the picture, then he might have another hard time answering the question. 
‘So I need to try my best more,’ he thought. 
He will work out things between them very slowly. 
Adira is a smart woman whom he respected when it comes to business tactics. But when it comes to emotions, she is the slowest person he met.
“Maybe because she hasn’t experience liking someone?” Chadwick concluded. 
He pouted his sexy lips and squinted his eyes. Licking the corner of his lips, he tilted his head while processing the idea he had just now. 
‘Adira liking someone?’ 
That was a huge punch to his face. Just thinking that Adira harbors feelings to another person has made his blood boils.
Chadwick hates that so much. 
He cannot stand the fact that the cold and stern Adira liked someone, either in the past or in the present. 
‘If she will like a person for the first time, it should be me,’ he said to himself. 
A spark of determination shone in his eyes. Then he tended his gaze to the paper-bag he’s hiding beside his bed. It is his birthday gift to Adira which he cannot give until now. 
Sweet smile formed into his face. 
Someday, when the time is right, he will give this to her. At the day when Adira is ready to open her heart for him, he will also tell the secret he’s hiding. 
The night passed as quiet yet meaningful just like that. Then shining morning arrived after the dark night rolled on. 
The early risers chirping outside, as they also welcome the golden rays of sunshine peeking through the  clouds. There is gentle cool breeze, making the dewdrops over the green leafs dropped. Golden light everywhere, covering natural and man-made creations. 
For many, a morning means beauty and magic filled with the promise of new beginning. Chadwick also thought the same. When he went to bed last night, he promised he will have a healthy relationship with his wife from now on. But… 
“Chinese businessmen said that you shouldn’t duck you head early in the morning. The moment you did, business will fail,” Adira said to her husband who is ducking his head while sitting in front of the table. 
Chadwick, who just walked out of his room to drink water, is now sitting in front of the table. With his head hanged low, his two hands massage his temple. Despite of hearing Adira, he did not lift his eyes, as the moment he does, then he will see her wearing a seductive dress again.
Today, Adira wore one of the sleepwear that she bought yesterday. 
She wore a purple lingerie which shows her cleavage and a part of her slim legs. Even without make up, her face looks seductively pretty and she tied her red hair up, revealing her sharp collarbone. 
Chadwick started to  doubt the decision he made last night. 
“What’s wrong with you, my husband? You look so down,” Adira said while holding a spatula. “Like literally down because you are staring down.” 
Of course he can’t look up. Right now, if he saw her wearing a seductive dress early in the morning, his nose might bleed again. Or, he might turn into a beast! If that happened, he might do things he might regretted; like touching her or marking her his. 
What’s the problem of touching his wife? 
Because Chadwick still holding into the belief that sex is only for two people who loves each other. He loves Adira, that’s the fact. But Adira does not feel the same way. Up until now, she only sees him a capable guy who will give her a child. Then what will happen after that? If Adira won’t like him back, then they won’t have the ending that he’s hoping for to see.
So he had to suppress his desire, even if right now, there’s a growing lump between his pants. This is why he cannot move away from the table because he’s afraid Adira might see the changes on his body. 
‘She will probably tease me more,’ he reminded to himself. 
Ignoring the lust, Chadwick kept his head looking down as he spoke. 
“Why are you wearing a different sleepwear early in the morning? Shouldn’t you only wear that when it’s nigh time?”
The silly Adira chuckled. She answered, “There’s no time limit when seducing my husband.” 
Those words…
Chadwick thought they are so sexy. 
A silent growled came from his throat. He gulped his desire, and his Adam’s apple moved up and down. Still, he kept his head again. 
‘Why the hell did I like this woman again? She’s a crazy pervert!’ Chadwick shouted internally. 
“Also, I heard from your secretary that you frequently skipped breakfast,” Adira added. 
Chadwick flinched. The stormy expression on his face vanished in instant. 
“No matter how busy you are in work, you must eat. Even if I don’t care about your love life, I still care about you as human being.” 
Chadwick lifted his head and stared at her apathetic gaze. 
Today, Adira woke up early in the morning just to cook. And the reason? Because she wanted to cook breakfast for her husband. 
Why suddenly? 
Before, Adira doesn’t want to cook for him because she doesn’t see the need of it since her goal is to feed his desire, not his heart. 
‘Because I also noticed that he’s getting thin after the accident,’ Adira said to herself. 
Ever since Chadwick got into the car accident, he couldn’t cook by himself anymore. Even if he’s not wearing cast, he still can move his right hand freely like before. So instead of cooking breakfast, he would just skip it or eat cereal. 
Adira isn’t as unmovable as rock. She pitied him, that’s all. 
On the other side, looking at her, Chadwick was reminded why he fell for her. 
It is because Adira has a soft heart, which she always tries to hide. She really does care about the people around her. However, she will hide it and pretend evil. 
Is it because of her pride? Or she is not used of receiving love and care? 
“There will be a project between us,” Adira said after she noticed Chadwick’s intent gaze to her face. “If they saw you thin, they might think that I am not taking care of my husband.” 
Just like this. 
Adira cooked breakfast for him but she’s pretending to be a bad wife who only thinks about her reputation. But Chadwick won’t be fooled. Even if she’s not showing much emotions, he could see that Adira bothered walking early in the morning because she’s worried about him. 
‘She’s cute,’ Chadwick chuckled inwardly. 
Back then, Chadwick’s ideal type are girls who are innocent, cute and simple. That was why he was so sure he won’t fall in love with his wife. But as the time passes by, he discovered that Adira is actually cute. She is just desperate to have a kid so she’s trying her best to seduce him. 
Oh how cute is that; Chadwick thought. 
Wearing sexy dress, cooking for him, and calling him ‘my honey’, her efforts made her look an innocent tiger trying to be a fearless beast. 
‘Then, if Adira and I will sex, I wonder how she is on bed.’ 
Chadwick’s eyes widened. 
He promised he would suppress his feelings but he’s daydreaming again! Worst, he’s doing it in front of an irresistible woman like Adira. 
‘Damn it!’ 
He shook his head and growled once more. 
Adira, who saw him, just thought that Chadwick might be just expressing his anger. She doesn’t worry much about that, though. 
“So eat a lot before the launching of our project,” Adira murmured as she turned around. She got a plate from the side and placed the hotdog and fried egg on the plate. She also put toasted bread on it. 
Then, Adira approached her husband. She gently placed the plate in front of him. 
“Here it is, honey.” 
Chadwick looked at the well-cooked breakfast in front of him and back to his smiling wife. He already tried Adira’s cooking before. And even though she only prepared a simple hotdog and egg, he’s sure that it will taste good. 
Because the person who cooked these are no other than the woman he likes. 
“Thank you,” Chadwick showed his gratitude. “How about you? Why didn’t you eat breakfast too?” 
“Me?” Adira pointed to herself. 
Actually, Adira woke up early because she got hungry. That is also one of the reasons she cooked for breakfast. She already cooked one for herself and ate. But in order to look like an angel, which she thought would annoy her husband, she lied. 
“Just seeing you eat makes me full.”
Chadwick scowled. He likes her, but sweet lies like that still don’t fail to give him goosebumps. 
He just shook his head and will get the bread. However, he stopped when he noticed her looking at the food on his plate. 
Adira, all of sudden, stared at the big hotdog. 
She blinked. 
After looking at the hotdog, she stared back to Chadwick. 
Chadwick tilted his head, wondering what’s she’s up to. 
Once again, Adira stared at the sausage then at Chadwick. She looked alternately at the two, and when her lovely eyes set to her husband, a malicious grin spread on her lips.
Just seeing her smirk and the way she stared at him and the sausage, Chadwick realized what she was thinking. 
‘She’s really crazy!’ he shouted inwardly, doubting again why the hell he fell in love with a pervert.


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