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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 40

Adira and Chadwick ride on a long white limousine on the way to the event hall. The vehicle is a large luxurious chauffeur-driven sedan that has a glass partition separating the driver’s seat from the passenger compartment. 
There are super comfortable seats which were laid out in a bench-like manner inside the limo. It has sitting capacity of 8-18 people so tall man like Chadwick has enough legroom to stretch out as much as he likes.
Next, it also has an aux input where they can enjoy the ride with their favorite music. The stereo systems of a limo have amazing equalizers, amplifiers, and speakers that strategically fitted around the vehicle and distribute sound evenly so everyone gets to enjoy the music being played regardless of the spot they are seated; whether they are sitting next to each other just like what they did on the airplane, or separately. 
Above, there is a LCD screens and A DVD player. So if they feel bore, they can watch a movie during the joyride. Aside from having a nice climate control and an amazing opera lights, the most luxurious thing inside the limo is the mini-bar with wine holders and refrigerated ice bins. Anyone who wished to take a drink  can just pick from the wine collection available and enjoy. 
All of these are things that  can give the two CEO a luxury and an enjoyment. But none of them seems enjoying the ride. 
Adira just looked outside the window, while Chadwick leaned his back on the seat while he is crossing his arms with his eyes closed. 
Since they hopped inside, no one had spoke yet.
Before they walked inside the limo, Chadwick made a slip of tongue when he said that he thinks Adira is so pretty. Neil and Adira did not expect that from him. And so, when he realized his mistake, he said: 
[“I mean myself! I think that myself is pretty!”] 
Chadwick denied calling Adira pretty, even when a lot of people heard him loud and clear. 
Now, he was too embarrassed to even look at her so he keeps his eyes closed. Without his eyes, he thinks Adira won’t find an opening to start a conversation. 
The ride continued silently. 
Wondering what Adira’s up to, Chadwick couldn’t endure so he slightly opened his eyes. The plan is to just peek at her for a short time. But the moment he saw her face, the windows of his eyes, as if they became rusty, couldn’t shut again. 
Every time the lights from the city shone into her face, she looks extra pretty in his eyes. Looking at her secretly, Chadwick feels like a poor boy who is having a crush on someone. 
“If you continue looking at me like that, I might think that you have a crush on me,” Adira said while looking outside the window. 
The only person she’s with here is only Adira. Her guess is exactly at point, that Adira forgot to breath for a moment and panicked. 
Hardly composing himself, Chadwick brushed his dark hair and answered, “N-No! C-Crush? Don’t wrongly accuse a person.” 
It did not take long when Adira nodded her head and agreed at his rebuke. For her, it is only a wrong accusation meant to tease her unfaithful husband. 
“Coming from the guy who called me pretty,” she continued without looking back. 
His face turned red, and he’s thankful that Adira was not looking. 
“T-That…! I mean,” he stuttered, waving his hands mid-air as he makes gestures. “It’s not that I am l-lying that you are indeed pretty.” 
“That makes sense,” Adira agreed. She stared at the bake shop in the street as she continued to speak, “sometimes, I am having a crush on myself too whenever I look of my reflection through the mirror.” 
Chadwick scoffed. “I wonder where did you get that confidence.” 
“It is easy to find confidence if it is true.” 
Finally, Adira tilted her head to the man sitting beside her. 
Chadwick moved back. 
“W-What?” he asked, like a puppy who’s acting scared but actually wagging his tail. 
Adira leaned closer to him to observe her husband’s face. 
Sharp cat-like eyes, pointed nose, and lips shaped in perfection; she always sees his face but every time he changed his hair style, his handsome face also changed. And tonight, with his hair brushed up, she thought that Chadwick might steal a lot of maiden’s hearts in today’s event. 
‘His face is a good thing to use to advertise,’ Adira, a businesswoman thought. 
Feeling slightly guilty of using her husband as a tool to advertise and to widen her connection, Adira opened her lips and praised him. 
“Now that I am looking at you this close, I could say that my husband is undeniably handsome tonight.” 
Chadwick’s heart skipped a beat. 
He used of hearing words like this from Adira, but tonight felt so different. 
However, Adira, who saw his husband looking at her with wide eyes, she imagined how he will react if she kiss him right now. He might run around the large vehicle and push her away with disgusted face, just like before. Yet, Chadwick’s expression last time gave Adira a huge shock, she knew there will come a time when she had to use this technique again to seduce him. 
‘He’s a good kisser,’ Adira admitted. 
She feels no love for Chadwick. But whenever she remembers how soft and hot her first kiss was, she’s curious how his lips will feel again against her. 
And so, Adira drew closer to him. 
Heat rose to Chadwick’s stomach to his chest. Adira’s lips were getting closer and closer and his heart decided to skip a beat once more, the smell of her hypnotic beyond reason. He parted his lips and imagined the taste of her silencing all his thoughts and washing him over like a wave of warmth, unfurling all his sense. 
His body tingled as he felt her smooth and small frame leaning on him. Adira’s arms wrapped around him felt so forbidden to Chadwick. 
‘Not here.’
‘We can’t.’ 
‘I can’t give in.’ 
‘Not yet.’ 
He was flooded of thoughts that reminding him not to skip the right steps. He hasn’t confessed his feelings yet. So kissing Adira after giving in by her temptation felt so wrong to Chadwick. 
But by the time he became aware of those, his fingers already held her cheeks and felt her smooth skin radiating in heat with his palms. 
As if time sopped right there, as they sat inside the limo, glued to one another, like no one else existed; and there was no risk in kissing behind the curtains of the act, Adira began to nibble his upper lip. 
After tasting a bit of his lips, Adira moved back to watch his expression. 
Chadwick had his mouth slightly parted, and there is no focus in his eyes as if he was in daze. Whether he likes it or not, Adira cannot tell. However, Adira thought that she can take this chance to do more while her husband was caught off guard. 
And so, she took a move closer, so close Chadwick could smell the sandalwood of her shampoo, sweet scent of the lipstick she’s wearing  and the silky cream that she must used on her skin, skin that his hands burned to touch. 
Even in the darkness inside the limousine, he could see her eyes were green. And here, this close, Chadwick bent his neck to move closer, and then he realized that what was green was in fact a constellation of brown and yellow and gray and blue. Adira’s beautiful eyes appeared like galaxy. 
Losing his mind, he brought his burning hands up, resting them on the curve of Adira’s hips, and felt those sure hands tremble. 
Then Adira brushed her lips. Soft lips on soft lips. It was delicate, like butterfly wings, just long enough that he could inhale her breath, feel the warmth on her skin and the taste of her lipstick lingered far. 
“Hmmm,” a hummed slipped from Adira. 
For the briefest of seconds, those lips, hers and his were tentative, unsure of what he might find. They found their match in warmth and their mouths opened as if unlocked, and tongues met. 
Tasting Adira for the second time is like tasting an explosion of the best flavors in the universe all at once mingling together and creating the best taste and sensation he has ever felt. 
When Chadwick was a little kid, his aunt made him some gooey mouthwatering blueberry pancakes. After she had finished making them, she took out a jar of marshmallow syrup and told him: “Now a kiss from the person you love is just as good as a spoonful of this syrup. It’s sweet, passionate, soft, warms your heart and makes your belly tickle.” 
Unfortunately, when he first kissed Adira, he wasn’t still sure about his feelings back then. Besides, the kiss they had was more like an impulsive act of lust. But today, as Adira kissed him like he wanted to be kissed, like no woman had ever kissed him, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment, Chadwick realized he experienced his first marshmallow syrup kiss; the one that makes him melt and crumble like a s’more heated up over a bonfire.
“Ahhh,” Chadwick moaned. He had his eyes half opened, sneaking sneaking a guilty peek at her every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn’t a product of his imagination.
Then, his burning, trembling hands reached from her hips, up to her ribs, and stilled themselves as he drew her into him. 
“Hmmm,” she gasped, drawing her body closed to his, as if there’s no more space left in between. 
His tongue touched her tongue, quick, electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through them. 
Tilting their heads, seeking each corner that hasn’t yet wet, they shared their breaths. Soft moaning sounds escaped from both of them. 
The rustle of clothes rubbing each other and the sensual sounds of their saliva filled the hot air. 
Chadwick felt like he’s not in his own body anymore and that he is in another universe, floating. He could get lost forever in Adira, and he’s not really sure how, but he is, and it is only through kissing. 
It’s amazing to kiss a person you like, he thought. 
‘Then how will it feel if that person also likes him back? 
Chadwick pulled away. Then their lips broke. 
When they looked at each other while catching their breaths, it was like being cast from the sea to the land. Marooned, shipwrecked, half drowned and gasping for air.
His pupils shook as he realized that once again, he gave into her temptation. Still, he’s curious about Adira’s expression after he let her kissed him and kissed her back with the same intensity. 
Was she also flying onto the moon? 
“At least, you don’t look disgusted,” Adira murmured. Then as if nothing happened, she went back on her seat and looked outside the window. 
Clueless, Chadwick swiftly blinked his eyes. 
‘Disgusted? What does she mean by that?’ 
He doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but he hated how their second kiss ended like this. Then, the fact hit him. 
It was only him who likes her wife, and the kiss, might be Adira’s another seducing tactic to let him give in her temptation. 
The love that he felt was only one-sided. He felt like he was being used physically, and there’s no room for her to feel the attachment he’s hoping for. 
Gritting his teeth, Chadwick held his lips and asked, “Are you having fun?” 
Adira looked back and met his glare. 
“Are you having fun kissing your husband just like that?” 
Smiling a bit, Adira gave an answer, “I had fun. But it sad that we only have short time. I prefer it if we go to bed and…”
Adira could not finish as Chadwick pulled her waist closer. 
In a flash, when she lifted her head, she saw him staring at her in close distance. 
“Well I am not having fun at all with this joke,” he whispered, leaning his forehead to hers.
Adira squinted her eyes and murmured, “You’re mad. Are you?” 
“Yes. So mad.” 
“So what will you do?” 
“Take a revenge.” 
“How will you take a….” 
Chadwick bent down, placed his lips on her neck and sucked her skin hard.


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