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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 55

Geoffrey’s POV 
As a 32-year-old man, I never thought that I will bring a drunk married woman back to her house. I have choices which tell me not to do it.
First, I’ll feel damn meeting Chadwick again. 
Second, he will misunderstand my relationship with his wife. 
However, I ignored all of those sensible thoughts with the excuse that I had to teach him a lesson. 
“Why are you with my wife?” he asked. 
The three of us were standing at the entrance. Adira was half conscious on my arms while Chadwick was in front of me. Before I replied, my eyes slowly slipped into his empty fingers. It's true. Just like Adira said, they both aren't wearing their wedding rings because their relationship doesn't involve romantic feelings.
“Good eve, Sir,” I greeted. “I am a bartender in a bar and your wife got so drunk. That’s why I brought her back home.” 
I knew that my excuse didn't make any sense. In fact, my decision to bring her in front of her husband is the meanest idea out of hundred options. But regretting isn’t important anymore when I am already here and making a mess. 
“Bartender? Do you know that Adira is my wife?”
Unfortunately, yes. And Adira is so unlucky to marry someone like him. 
 “I know that she’s married. But I don’t know it is you,” I answered. 
“I don’t know what you are planning, Geoffrey,” Chadwick said before he pulled Adira away from me. 
"Hmmm," Adira groaned, as if she was hurt by Chadwick’s sudden pulling.
Can’t he be more gentle?! This bastard…
“But if you are bored flirting with other girls that your next target is married women like my wife, you better get lost before I kill you with my own hands.” 
“Sir, your wife and I aren’t in the kind of relationship,” I murmured.
It's true. Although I confessed my feelings a moment ago, it doesn't change the fact that for now, Adira and I doesn't share any rendezvous connection. She's married and I don't want to disturb her with immoral ideas.
“Really? I heard from Isa that you are dating with multiple women behind her back. What a freak.” 
I drank 10 bottles of beer to be exact. But yeah, I'm completely sobered. Brushing my hair upward, I chuckled, “I don’t need my stepsister’s approval to date.”
It always like this –  me trying to avoid my sister, and this guy who chased after her. This love triangle made me the bad guy. But dude, do I really need to fall in love with Isa just because she didn't choose Chadwick?!
And what rights does he have to say this to me?
The image of him and my sister kissing inside is still vivid in my head. When I saw Adira standing from afar while looking at them, something churned up inside my stomach. They made me wanna puke with disgust. 
I couldn’t believe, I became friends with these sh*ts. 
 “Talking about being a freak, I think you should go and check the mirror. At least, I am not someone who kissed another woman in front of my wife.” 
I saw him flinched.
With widened eyes, he asked me, “W-What did you say? Who kissed who?” 
What? He didn’t know this? 
He dared live with her normally and even made a photo shoot with Adira without knowing that his wife caught him cheating?
After biting my lower lip until I could taste the blood, I told him, “At the event when I was working as waiter, I saw you and Isa inside the car. You two are kissing.” 
Chadwick remained wordless while standing in his spot. 
‘This is not enough. Just telling you this isn’t enough.’
“And it is not only me who saw the two of you. Your wife, Adira, saw it too. You freaking b*stard.” 
His face became pale, as if he’s watching the whole world met its doom. I know how much you love Isa that you did these horrible things to your wife. But at the back of my head, I still holding at the fact that you aren’t originally as selfish as this. 
Because you were a great friend. Although you knew that Isa likes me, you held back. 
So why? 
Why are you hurting an innocent person?
“Adira and I aren’t in a relationship,” I repeated again. 
For now, that’s the case. 
But there is always ‘what if’ after that phrase.
So, if ever, just if ever you continue being like this, then I will follow Adira’s suggestion to pursue the love I kept for long years. 
“If you keep being a bastard, I don’t know what I might do next, Chadwick,” I said before I turned around and walked away. 
While walking, I could feel his stare on my back. My hand grope at Adira’s phone inside my pocket. I can give it to him right now, but I won’t. For this would be my best excuse to see her again the next day. 
The next morning, my head was half destroyed with a tsunami of dizziness. I drank a warm water with honey mixed on it. 
Soothing my empty stomach, I sat on sofa while wondering if Adira is also suffering from hang over. 
“Geez,” I chuckled then shook my head.
‘She’s a cool woman so I shouldn’t worry,’ I laughed inwardly. 
During my 32 years of existence, I never experienced of dating a girl I really like. I started counting my fingers which aren't enough to count years that passed by.
"It's been 12 years and five months, I see."
Five months are shorter than those 12 years. Now, I regretted my cowardly back when I was 20. If only I was brave enough, I should have asked her to date me. But now it's too late. My only hope is to wait for five months.
After preparing myself for a brand new day, I went back to Adira’s  house while saying, "She needs her phone. That's right. She needs this." As if repetition of words helps to fix what's originally wrong. When I arrived at their house, the door was already opened, and I heard voices from inside. 
I hid behind the wall and listened. 
“Because of you, my husband had to face the rumor that he’s having an affair. And to fix that, we need to work extra. If you come here, another rumor might come again.” 
That is Adira’s voice. And the one she’s talking with is…
“Chadwick is having an affair and that’s me?” 
That woman…! Isa?! 
Did she come here again?! 
I bit my lower lip while standing behind a wall and listened secretly. 
“Oh no! How can I be that kind of woman?! Isn’t it funny that Chadwick will like me despite of having an amazing woman like you? Adira?”
“Yes. That’s funny.”
“W-What do you mean?”
“I called you dumb.”
I almost snorted after hearing Adira’s answer. 
She won’t be Adira if she isn’t as cool as that.
“W-Why are you saying that to me? You offended my feelings, Adira,” Isa stuttered in quivering voice. “Do you… hate me that much?” 
“Then should I like you?” 
“I mean, it’s natural that you hate me because your husband has a feeling for me but…” 
“I don’t care. I don’t want to care to a woman like you who needs attention. If you wanted me to get jealous, then I will apologize. Because I never ever got jealous at you and my husband. Even if you kissed in front of me. I don’t get jealous. I am someone who makes other people jealous of me.” 
“No,” Isa answered. “I actually pity you.” 
“Pity who?” 
“You. I pity you, Adira. Because you don’t have any emotions. I pity you for being platonic. Poor Chadwick. Why did he marry a woman who cannot give him the love that he needs? Someone who is not worth to touch.” 
What did Isa say? 
“Wearing seductive clothes, that won’t work. So, who’s more pitiful? A woman who begs for a man’s love? Or a wife who begs her husband to have a sex with her?” 
That’s below the belt. 
Anger spiked me. Rage pulsed through my veins, and I felt the flicker of irritation. 
‘I can’t endure anymore. Waiting quietly like this, I wanted to stop standing at the sideline.’ 
Clenching my fists, I walked out from the shadow and showed myself. 
‘That’s how the four of us finally met in one place.’ 
“Letting another woman entered your room while your wife is present. Didn’t imagine you’ll stoop low like this, Chadwick.” 
“Wait, brother, I can explain. Chadwick and I aren’t that kind of relationship. I just came here to visit him as a friend and to apologize.” 
I don’t care about Isa and Chadwick anymore. Because I knew better than anyone else who the real villain in this mess? 
“Your explanation is not needed. Just like what I said, I came with another purpose.” I looked at the woman, whom I only concerned of. “Here, ma’am. You forgot your phone in the pub.” 
“Pub?” Isa stood between Adira and me. “Why would Adira forget her phone in a pub? And why did you pick up her phone? How did you know each other and why do you know Adira’s address?” 
“He is just someone who Adira met last night,” Chadwick suddenly said. “Nothing more, nothing less. This will be the last time you’ll step in this house, Geoffrey.” 
Last time for me? I haven’t stepped in!
“I did not step in. Look~ I am still standing outside your house. Unlike Isa, who dared come in and out whenever she wants.” 
“I told you I am just a friend,” Isa defended as she keeps this ‘playing nice’ acting. 
“Then starting from now on,” Chadwick replied. “I won’t allow Isa to come here again.” 
We stared back at Chadwick. 
‘What? Did he just? What?’
“H-Hey,” Isa stuttered. “Why would you…” 
“Isa, please go out.”
“But I…” 
“Please leave my wife and I alone.” 
Did I hear him right? 
A sudden weird though gave chill on me. 
This is the very first time I heard him pushed Isa away. 
Why suddenly? 
“Geoffrey came here to give my phone back,” v said that snapped my senses.  “It’s not like we are going to stand here forever while watching each other faces. So, let’s end this right away. I had to go to work too.” 
She walked towards me and raised her hand. “Give my phone back.” 
I, who was still in shock, moved my hand to give her things back. “Ahhh, yes.” 
“No. Give it to me,” Chadwick murmured before he snatched away from my hand. 
I don't have the remote control to replay his past action, but I saw it.
‘Chadwick is wearing his wedding ring.’ 
Why would he? 
A moment of silence reigned. After seconds of serenity, Isa’s voice resurfaced. 
“Alright. We will go now.” 
She dropped the paper bag she’s holding on the floor. Then, she grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the house. 
While we are walking together, the image of the ring in Chadwick’s finger kept repeating inside my mind. It cannot just go away. 
‘Last night, I clearly saw that he’s not wearing his ring.’ 
“What was that?” 
I looked at Isa in front of me and realized that I was daydreaming for a long time. I am now outside the house where my eyes won’t read the married couple. 
“What is your relationship with that woman?” she asked, glaring, and gritting her teeth. 
Still in daze, I uttered, “Not your business.” 
 I turned around and stepped away. But Isa blocked my way with open arms. 
“Are you flirting with a married woman now?” 
“How did you meet her?” 
“Tell me before I lost my mind!” 
“Damn it,” I uttered while staring straight at Bea. 
“Why do I need to explain myself? Who are you to inquire me with this sh*t?!” 
“Because I am jealous!” she shouted. “I can tolerate seeing you flirt with other women, but not her. Please, not her!” 
I get it. 
She cannot lose Chadwick so she’s trying to make Adira jealous. But now, the same method bounced back at her. 
“Please, if you are using this to punish me for not listening to you, then I will stop,” she said, crying. “I won’t bother Chadwick anymore. So, tell me that nothing is going with you and Adira.” 
Gently, she held my hand while tears keep flowing on her cheeks. 
‘How selfish.’ 
If she’s hurting like this, then how about Adira?
Did she ever think what Adira feels while she’s clinging around Chadwick? 
“Adira is,” I murmured as I pulled my hand away from her. “Adira is someone that I love.”
“For 12 years, I only love Adira.” 
Chadwick and Isa hurt the woman I love. So, this time, I will revenge for her and take her away from them.


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