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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 64

As Chadwick carries Adira inside the villa, she was greeted by the enticing and intoxicating smell of Chadwick, which brought her back to the chilly spring of May. 
Slowly, Adira looked up to her husband, and the view of Chadwick from below also speaks perfection. Every angle of him can be highly appreciated. But what distracted Adira from asking him to put her down is his musky scent that has sexy, sensual and rich sent. It is a masculine scent which can drive people wild, and Adira would admit she was demented by the smell. 
After noticing Chadwick’s smell, Adira looked up once again. Her eyes fixed at his red ears and red nape. When she traced where Chadwick looks at, she saw him trying his best to keep his head straight. 
“Why can’t you look down on me?” Adira answered. 
For a moment, Chadwick felt that something is blocking his way and he kept on bumping into an invisible huge wall. 
He tilted his head and gulped. Deciding to break the wall, he continued his pace. 
“Is it because you are scared that if you look down,” Adira said and continued with lower and more seductive voice, “you will see my bo*bs?” 
Chadwick stopped again now that Adira brought up the real reason why he couldn’t bow down and look at her. Once he laid his eyes downcast, two mountains would greet him. 
He bit his lower lip while taking a huge breath. This is the main reason why he carried her with force and took her inside the villa. Because he cannot stand seeing her in sexy outfit while there are many spectators around. 
Baring his teeth while walking, Chadwick did not respond to Adira until they arrived in front of their room. 
Adira unclasped her hands around his nape. Then Chadwick put her down. 
“Go inside,” Chadwick’s voice returned but in cold tone. He kept his eyes staring only at her face, and not at her body that was inviting him to explore. Still with reddened ears, Chadwick continued, “And please wear something to cover your body.” 
His wife raised her brows as she crossed her arms, causing her chest to bounc. That… is something that Chadwick failed to ignore. He swiftly glanced at her chest, down to her slim waist, her hip, and her long legs. 
‘D*mn it,’ he cursed inwardly before he shut his eyes tightly. When he opened his eyes, he stared at the teasing expression of her face which says: ‘Do you know that you look dumb right now?’ 
Chadwick will agree. He must be an idiot for carrying Adira in front of the companies staffs and even brought her inside the villa. But what can he do? Back then when he caught men staring at her body, he thought he’ll gonna die from madness and jealousy. 
“Now that we’re alone,” Adira spoke. “You can tell me your real reason. Why do you have to take me here just to ask me to wear clothes which cover my sexy body?” 
His sharp eyes, not cold but have authority, met hers. “Can’t you see how other men stare at you?” 
Chadwick nodded her head. “I can tell. They love seeing my body.” 
“And enjoy that?” 
“That’s the purpose of wearing a bikini.” 
”Adira. You are married.” 
“Exactly. Why are you acting like a jealous husband out of nowhere? You are being out of character.” 
Chadwick snorted. He roughly brushed his hair, licked the corner of his lips, and stomped his feet as he turned his back against her, and then stared back. 
Yes, he is. 
He is not the Chadwick, who does not care anything about what she wears, what she thinks or what she wants. But it is so freaking hard for him to tell the truth; that he loves her, and he hates seeing other men fantasize Adira. Just the thought of it makes him sick deep into his bones. If he could just pluck all of those sinful eyes, he will. 
“I am not jealous,” Chadwick lied while clenching his fists. “I am just worried what other would think of me if you came out like that.” 
‘So in the end, he’s worried about his reputation,’ Adira said to herself. 
“They will think that you are so lucky to have a beautiful wife like me,” she said. 
Finding it hard to compose himself anymore, Chadwick placed his hands on the door, locking Adira in between. 
With a close gap they stared at each other eyes. Then Adira saw it; his serious gaze that held a flame. She knew right then that this wasn’t the time to joke. And why did he have to be so mad over her bikini? She’s not sure why. 
Adira wanted to defend herself but this isn’t the place where they can fight and debate. There are many eyes around. Unfortunately, she decided to be submissive. 
“Alright,” Adira murmured. “I will wear clothes if you care about your image so much, MR. McElroy.” 
She pushed his chest to get him away from the door. Then she turned around, opened the door and entered the room. 
Now alone, Chadwick finally found time to breath. 
He messed his hair as he leaned on the wall and bit his lower lip. Chadwick was so shocked of himself. He admitted that Adira is the only one who can make him go crazy, but this time, it’s more than he expected. This possessiveness he has for her is something new; a new discovery he found out. 
When he liked Isa, he never tried to tie her away from other people. He’s just contented seeing her from afar while liking the man she loves. But for Adira, it’s different. 
‘Because we’re married. Because for now, she is mine,’ he told this to himself again and again. But in the end, he confessed the answer. 
It is because he loves her more than anyone else. The amount of love he had for Isa is nothing compared to the love he has for his wife. 
With perturbed face, Chadwick leaned the back of his head on the wall and stared at the blank space. He’s probably having a hard time expressing and understanding himself. But soon, when he can be more courageous, he will tell Adira why he’s acting like this. 
Everyone is enjoying themselves at the large cottage outside the villa. From there, they can see the huge sea and feel the breeze. There are a lot of foods to eat and beverages to drink. 
At the corner, Hansel is drinking her 5th bottle of malt beer. Her husband only did not cheat on her, but he’s giving her hard time by refusing to sign the divorce paper. And so, during this vacation, she wanted to pour out all her stress by drinking. Unfortunately, she’s a heavy drinker and it will take forever before the alcohol kicks in. 
After she finished her 5th bottle, she will open the 6th bottle. However, someone stopped her from doing so. 
Hansel looked at the man who sat beside her. 
“Why are you drinking so much? It is still in the middle of the day,” Neil asked with a worried face. Then he snatched the beer from her hand. 
“Why are you stopping me?” Hansel asked in disbelief. She couldn’t figure out why he had to butt in her business. 
“It’s because you will get drunk easily if you continue,” Neil said, setting the bottle aside. 
“Stop bothering me. Give that back and go on your way,” Hansel complained and about to get her bottle back, but Neil did not let her to. 
“Hey hey hey,” Neil protested. “Just listen to me. And also, why are you treating me this way? As far as I can remember, I did not do anything bad to you.” 
In fact, he even lit the billboard just to cheer her up. So, he’s thinking why Hansel acts coldly at him. 
There are two reasons why. 
The first reason, it is because his name reminded her of her husband, Daniel. 
Neil and Daniel. They sound the same. 
Of course, Hansel won’t tell this lame reason to him. So, she opened her lips and said that second reason instead. 
“I hate people who are close to Sir Chadwick.” 
Because for Hansel, Chadwick will always be a bad husband for Adira. A cheater, just like her husband. 
“Hey, I think it is wrong to hate someone just because of that reason,” Neil rebuked. “And also, if you are thinking that my boss is…” 
Neil stopped and looked around. There are lot of employees and he cannot bring up the topic of cheating at this place. 
He looked at Hansel with a sigh and said, “This won’t do.” 
Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist and stood up. 
“We really need to talk.” 
Neil pulled Hansel out of the crowd and brought her to the secluded place where they can talk alone. 
“What are you doing?” Hansel protested as she pulled her wrist away. 
“Listen to me for a second.” 
Glaring at him, Hansel said, “I will give you five seconds.” 
“What? That is not enough!” 
“This is really important!”
“Miss Hansel please…” 
“My boss is not cheating!” 
At his shout, Hansel stopped her counting. She tilted her head to him and added, “If you take me here just to defend your boss, you better get out of my face. I learn karate.”
Neil gulped when he heard that. For a moment, he saw a resemblance between Hansel and her boss, Adira. 
“I am not here to defend him. And also, I understand why you all think that he’s bastard who is cheating on his wife.” 
Hansel likes it when Neil called Chadwick a ‘bastard.’ For that, she decided to stay and listen. 
“It is true that my boss liked another woman before,” Neil continued. “But he was not the one who kept on making way to see that b*tch… I mean, that woman. The woman keeps going back and forth to him and create conflict between Sir Chadwick and madam Adira.” 
Hansel did not hear this from Adira. 
Adira just said that her husband likes another woman, but she never talked bad behind Isa’s back. 
“And also, there is one more thing,” Neil said with hesitation. He intently looked at Hansel and talked in slow pace. “Don’t be shocked, okay?” 
“Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell it.” 
“Well, uhmmm, you see… my boss…” 
Getting impatient, Hansel started counting again, “One…” 
Neil panicked and quickly uttered, “Chadwick likes Adira!” 
Then there was silence. 
After processing the information inside her head, Hansel asked, “Are you drunk?” 
“I did not drink anything before!” Neil explained. 
“No. You seemed high. Are you doing drugs?” 
Neil rolled his eyes. He already expected that it would be hard for her to believe. But if this is Hansel’s reaction, then what’s more on Adira? 
“It is really true,” he defended. “I know it is hard to believe it, but Sir really likes madam. Can’t you notice how my boss acted so strangely these past few days? During the photo shoot and today. Yes! Today! His eyes were burning with jealousy before! So, he carried madam away because maybe, he can’t endure seeing other men look at madam.” 
Although Hansel does not want to admit that Neil is saying a sensible idea, she’s somehow convinced. 
It is true that Chadwick is acting strange around Adira. 
“But the problem is Madam Adira,” Neil continued. “The madam does not look like someone who will believe this.” 
“Did your boss confess?” Hansel asked. 
Neil’s mouth opened then closed. He avoided Hansel gaze and spoke in low tone. “I d-don’t t-think so.” 
“Then how will ma’am Adira know if your boss is being a coward.” 
“Right. Both of them are prideful persons.”
A boss who is dense and a boss who cannot confess. 
Hansel was so convinced she’s indeed drunk right now because she believes Neil. 
‘But if he’s really telling the truth, then ma’am should be happy, unlike me,’ Hansel thought while thinking all the things that Adira did for her. 
“So I have a plan,” Neil offered. 
Hansel looked at him, quite curious. 
“Today, I am planning to get them together, so boss will have a chance to confess. But to do that, I need your help.” 
With a determined look, Neil stared at her and offered his hand for a handshake.
“Will you help me?” 
Hansel stared at the hand in front of her. 
‘Maybe, I am really drunk,’ she thought before she accepted the deal and made a handshake with Neil.


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