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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 80

Volleyball is a game played by two teams, six of each team. The teams are separated by a net, and they will use an inflated ball to compete with one another.
The goal of the game is simple. It is to win the match. 
A match is won by the first team to win 2 out of 3 matches. As soon as a team wins 2 games, then the match is over. Points will be given to a team every time they score by landing the ball in the opponent’s court or if the opponent commits a fault. 
The game will start when a team serves the ball on the other side. Each time is allowed 3 hits before the ball must be returned over the net. It is bump, set, and spike the ball into the opponents’ courts. 
Each team consists of 3 front lines, the attack zone, and three back lines, the defense zone. Each player has different roles in the game. There is an outside hitter (wing spiker, left side), opposite hitter (the main scorer of the team, setter, middle blocker and libero. 
In Crimson Meadow team, Adira was placed as the in the defense line as the outside hitter behind the left spiker and beside the Libero. Geoffrey stands in the center as the middle blocker of the team. 
Meanwhile in Wine&Vibe team, Chadwick plays as the team’s setter and Isa is the outside hitter, same as Adira’s. 
“Go! Go! Go! Team Crimson Meadow!” 
“Win it all Wine&Vibe!” 
Cheers from the viewers echoed in the place. Employees cheer on their designated company, as their future tonight will depend on this match. Surely, no one wants to cook dinner and get tired. 
From the side, Hansel and Neil are watching while standing next to each other. 
“You can win it all! Ma’am!” Hansel shouted. 
“Crush them all! Sir!” Neil shouted. 
The two of them looked at each other with contempt. Now, they are enemies as they support different teams. 
Meanwhile, before the match started, Adira looked around the place. This is her first-time playing beach volleyball as she only experienced being in the court. So, she had to feel the wind, as it may affect the direction of the ball. 
“The match will start!” shouted by the referee, an employee from the Wine&Vibe who once worked as volleyball referee before. 
Silence reigned. 
All eyes looked at the person who would serve that ball. That is Isa. 
From the serving position, Isa is holding the ball. She took a deep breath. 
“Hoooo, haaa.” 
All watched the lady calming in the serve area. They think that she will serve an underhand serve because is the easiest one among all serves.
However, when Adira saw Isa start in and up and back stride with most of her weight on her back right foot, she knew Isa won’t choose the underhand. 
‘Don’t tell me…’ 
Isa’s  left hand holds the ball extended forward and in front of her right side. Her shoulder was forwards and her right shoulder is back ready to draw. 
When the referee blew the whistle, Isa tossed the ball in front. She stepped and swung her hand on the ball. 
The overhand serve came faster and dropped faster, no one received it. 
Everyone was at a loss for words. 
When Chadwick and Geoffrey saw the sharp serve, their nape felt tingly, as they remembered how it feels to get that serve hit their heads. They experienced getting hit by the shot when they were high school. 
Adira looked at the ball and at Isa.
Isa lifted her head, as if boasting, then smirked at Adira. 
‘So she’s a volleyball player before too,’ Adira chuckled inwardly. 
When Isa was playing volleyball, she was renowned as the queen of overhand serving. There was a match before when Isa’s team won because she scored ten executives points just because of her intense serving. 
And that almost happened in this game. 
Team Crimson Meadow could not defend the serve three times. When the libero received the serve, he passed the ball to the setter and the setter tossed it to the opposite hitter. 
The opposite hitter spiked the ball, then the opponent team defended the attack. Chadwick, as the setter, gave the ball into their opposite hitter and then scored a point with a cross spike. 
Team from Wine&Vibe cheered, as well as the employees from the side. 
After Isa’s serve, the same scenario repeated again favored by the Wine&Vibe. The score is 9 out of zero! 
The employees of the Crimson Meadow are already raising their white flags. They are readying themselves to get tired this evening. 
Geoffrey looked at the scoreboard and at his team. 
‘Sh*t. There is no teamwork in this team,’ Geoffrey complained inwardly. 
It is because their team purposely does not give Adira the chance to score, believing that she has no power to do so as their outside hitter. 
Gaining no confidence to win the match, the players on Adira’s side decided to give up. Not until Adira called for time out. 
‘A time out?’ Everyone wondered why the team captain, a female, asked for the time out. 
Adira called all her team, including Geoffrey. 
“You guys, listen,” Adira said during the meeting. “If we keep doing like this, we will lose the game.” 
Geoffrey stared at Adira’s burning eyes while talking. He saw her play in college before, but this is the first time he saw such enthusiasm and will to win. 
‘Maybe because we’re playing against Isa and Chadwick,’ Geoffrey thought. 
“So, I have a plan,” Adira said before she told them what’s on her mind. 
When the team heard her, they couldn’t believe her suggestion. They wanted to disagree but what can they do? Adira is their boss in the company. And so, even out of their will, they decided to do what Adira wanted. 
The game started again, and everyone went into their position. Team Chadwick’s did not change their position but everyone noticed the changes in Adira’s team. 
Instead of being the outside hitter from the defense line, Adira came to the front as the main spiker. The setter also changed. Geoffrey became the new setter of the team. 
Usually in  professional game, a team cannot just change their positions whatever they want. But this is not an official match so there’s no rule that Adira’s team can’t. 
‘Huh. Whatever. We will still win this,’ Team Chadwick thought of the same thing. 
When the referee blew his whistle, Isa served another intense overhand spike. 
“Mine!” The libero of the team Adira shouted as he received the serve. Then he gave it to the new setter of the team, Geoffrey. 
Geoffrey looked up into the ball. With a smile on his face, he tossed the ball to their new opposite spiker. 
All pairs of eyes looked at Adira who is speeding towards the net. 
Most people believe that a powerful spike isn’t about having huge arm muscles or being seven feet tall. But today, that belief will change. 
As Adira jumped, she focused on swinging her arm at the ball with as much speed as possible. She generated her power and then she hit it with a high-speed, powerful cross spike towards the next court. 
The ball did not bounce on the sand but was buried, as if it abused the sand. 
When Adira stepped on the land, a moment of silence filled the open space. 
The sounds of the waves reigned. 
And then…
The Crimson Meadow employees’s moral went alive again.


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