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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 81

The players in Chadwick’s team did not know what the hell had just happened. A moment ago, they were in the lead with 9 points. But after Adira’s spike, they continued losing until they lost the first match. And this time, the opponent’s team has two points left to win the game. 
Since when did it go wrong?
When they let Adira joined the game? 
When they made the deal since they know they will win? 
Or when they belittle Adira’s ability just because she is a woman? 
Whatever the answer is, they needed to defend the last two points and scored five points to win the game. 
“Yey!” team Adira cheered. 
They gave a high five to the right spiker. 
“Ma’am, that was an insane spike!” The libero praised. 
From the other net, Chadwick looked at Adira. Even though his team was losing, he could not feel bad at all. He was just in awe and felt amazed seeing Adira shine even in this game. 
“Thanks,” Adira said before giving a high five to their libero. When she stood in front of the setter, Geoffrey, she smiled at him. 
“Nice job,” Geoffrey complimented and offered high five. 
“Same to you,” Adira replied and gave him a high five. 
Chadwick said that he does not feel bad seeing Adira’s team win. However, whenever he sees Geoffrey and Adira celebrating together, just feeling bad isn’t enough. He felt like someone removed his skin and poured salt on his wound. 
‘I cannot lose,’ Chadwick thought while staring at his wife and his old friend. If he knew that it would be like this, Chadwick regretted dividing the team into companies. He should have teamed up with his wife! 
“That’s okay! That’s okay!” Chadwick cheered his team who’s losing their morale. 
Even Isa, who did nothing after scoring 10 points in the beginning, knew that they will lose in this game. 
‘Argh! I already washed the plates. If we lose, I had to cook dinner too!’ She said inwardly before glaring at Adira. 
From the other side, Adira looked at the opponent team and she received Isa’s glare very well. As her reply, she gave Isa’s a sly smirk, as if saying: ‘Loser~’ 
Isa felt her blood boil in high temperature. She really hates the idea of losing and that Adira is teamed up with her stepbrother! 
The second match continued with 24-20 points, favored with team Crimson Meadow. At the last rotation of the Crimson Meadow, Adira will stand at the serving area. 
What players far from strong spiker is the time when the spiker will stand in the serving zone and give an intense serving. 
For that, players in the offense zone in Crimson Meadow team covered the back of their heads just in  case. They don’t wanna end up in the hospital with a spike straight on the head from Adira. 
Holding the volleyball, Adira diverted her eyes to the opponents team. They are in their guards, waiting for the referee’s whistle and at the time Adira will give her serve. 
Adira stared at her husband on the other side. 
When Chadwick received the gaze, he felt his skin stand on each other. He can understand that Adira holds grudges on him, but he wished she wouldn’t use this game as her excuse to relish her anger. 
‘No. You won’t directly serve that to me, right?’ Chadwick prayed inwardly before he sent a faint smile to his wife. 
Seeing the smile of Chadwick, Adira replied to him another beam before the referee blew his whistle. 
Everyone did not blink and clenched their teeth tight.
Adira strode up and back with her weight on her right foot. Her left hand holds the ball, extending it forward and in front of her right shoulder. Before the timer of serving ended, she tossed the ball up high, looked at it and waited for the right time. Then, she jumped and swung her arm at the ball with high speed. 
Chadwick received the ball in difficulty as the strength was enormous.
“Argh!” he winced and fell on the sand. 
The ball went up high and the libero followed it. “I got it!” He passed it to the outside hitter. The left spiker tossed the ball over the net, giving a nice shot chance for Adira’s team. 
“Defense!” Chadwick shouted to his team as he quickly stood up while wincing. 
In Adira’s team, the attack was softly received by the outside hitter at the left, and he tossed at their setter, Geoffrey. 
Geoffrey and Adira looked at each other. 
As the ball falls on the setter’s hand, Adira ran towards the front line, gathering the strength she needed for the attack. 
Everyone from the opposing team moved backward. They are anticipating that Adira will do the last point and it might be another intense spike again. 
When the ball went to Geoffrey, he tossed it to Adira.
Adira jumped high, swinging her right arm backward as much as she can. And before she hit the ball, her eyes went to Isa. 
It is so quick. The moves are quick but for Isa and Adira, it seems like the whole world turned into slow mo. 
Isa noticed the gaze Adira had for her. And she knew it right then. That the next hit will be on her side. Adira has the eyes of someone who is threatening; ‘You should never mess with me.’ 
Then in a flash, a very fast-moving object went towards Isa. The speed like lightning ball passed beside her, Isa could feel the strong wind coming from it. Her heart stopped. All she knew that death almost come to pick her up and when her sight became clear, she’s already sitting on the sand while everyone is looking at her. 
Her hands are trembling, no sign of stopping. She was engulfed with terror, than the time when she let herself drowned into the pool. 
Slowly, Isa looked at Adira who’s staring at her from the other net. 
Her gaze filled with disgust, spite, as if telling her to stop butting into her life or else, a single hit like that won’t end. 
Isa’s face turned from white to red. 
She felt so embarrassed to let Adira win against her. It is always her who got what she wants, and Isa stayed in the slum of losers. Her muscles quivered in madness. 
“Team Crimson Meadow won!” the referee announced, followed by the loud cheers of Crimson Meadow’s employees. The loudest one to cheer is Hansel. 
Neil and the Wine&Vibe’s employees accepted their fate with a grimace. All in all, it was a good match and they enjoyed playing and watching the game. Not until…
“Ahhhh!” Isa winced in pain. All stopped and looked at her, who suddenly covered her eyes as if she was hurt. 
“Oh?! Miss, are you hurt?!” The libero from Chadwick’s team asked. 
Their team members, except Chadwick, started to approach Isa and worry about her. Adira’s spike was too fast, so Chadwick’s players weren’t sure if the ball hurt Isa or what. 
Of course, if Isa was hurt, there’s only one person to blame. Eyes went to Adira, who is looking at Isa with nonchalant gaze. 
The ball did not hurt Isa. 
Although Adira wanted to smash it at her directly, she aimed at the spot near to her instead. So why does Isa act as if she was hurt badly by the ball? 
Simply because she wanted Adira to be the villain again. If people think that Adira aimed for her directly, then they will conclude that she did that because of jealousy. 
‘I did not win but you will look pathetic again, Adira,’ Isa laughed internally while acting. 
Will Adira beg everyone to believe her? 
What will Adira do if Chadwick chooses Isa’s side again? 
Isa was so confident that her acting would put Adira in a shameful situation again. However, she did not expect the next thing to happen.
“All of you had your backs when the ball went there,” Geoffrey said. 
Isa froze at her stepbrother’s voice, who obviously was siding with Adira. 
“But I saw it,” Geoffrey added. “The ball did not even touch a strand of your hair, Isa.” 
An awkward silence, followed by buzzing murmurs settled.
“Why are you acting as if it hit you? You’re weird,” Isa said, chuckling. 
So, who became pathetic? 
It isn’t Adira. But her, the one who keeps on playing like the victim to gain affection. 
Teary, Isa lifted her head to her brother and to Chadwick who did not say a thing but only stared at her. 
Next, her eyes met Adira’s. 
“Hey,” Adira’s cold voice turned the temperature low beside the seashore. “If you are going to pretend weak, you shouldn’t have joined the game. Acting like that is pathetic.” 
Chadwick and Geoffrey had their eyes widened towards Adira. Isa also did not expect Adira to say that in front of everyone! 
Those who heard the strong remark gasped. They knew that there’s something between Adira and Isa, but Adira’s remarks convinced them more.
Who will the public give their vote to? 
Of course, they will choose the legal one. 
“Adira, that’s a bit t…” Chadwick was about to interfere, but Geoffrey talked loudly, shutting him up. 
“Alright!” Geoffrey said, clapping his hands. “Now that our team won, what will happen?” he asked Adira. 
Adira took her eyes away from Isa, then back to the silent spectators. She laid a sweet smile on her face and announced, “The Wine&Vibe is in charge for cooking dinner!” 
As if nothing happened and everything chose to ignore Isa, the employees of Crimson Meadow cheered again! 
When Adira peeked at Isa, she saw her clenching her hands onto the sands. 
‘Well, this sight suits her,’ Adira said to herself.


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