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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 84

Adira’s POV 
They said that divorce can be emotionally and financially draining, whether it is a mutual decision, or a surprise move initiated be one steps. I agree that it cost a lot, since we request a court order that won’t take days and weeks after filing the divorce petitions. Anyway, money isn’t the problem for people like Chadwick and me. 
Then what about the emotional? 
I am not sure. 
Today, Chadwick and I are inside the court while waiting for the judge to finalize the judgement of the divorce. We already filed the proof of service, a document that tells the court that I have met the statutory requirements for giving my husband the copy of divorce petition. The process went smoothly because Chadwick was amenable to this and he agreed to sign the acknowledgement, which happened last night. 
The process continued with the judge asking the legal grounds of the divorce like “irretavable breakdown” of the marriage, or any other reason allowed by the law. We chose the lack of intimacy as our reason since we haven’t had s*x since the beginning. Chadwick agreed on this without hurdles too. Next, we were asked the date and place of the marriage, the address where we lived together, the financial disclosure, and if I wanted to keep my married name or resume using my maiden. 
Keeping my married name or maiden surname is one of the hard decisions that I had to make. However, the situations don’t allow me to change it, so I agreed on continuing as “Adira McElroy.” 
We proved the signatures on the separation agreements and agreed that the division of assets is fair. 
Then, the divorce process finished. The judge finalized the divorce between me and Chadwick. Our contested separation will be final 120 days after the date of this hearing. We will have to go to the court clerk’s office to get the copies. Within the 30 days, we will receive in our mail’s documents called “Findings and Order.” And we’re done for good. 
I am no longer his wife. And he is no longer my husband.
With this, all the things that we did will be put behind our past, and we should never look back. 
“Congratulations,” I greeted my husband after the hearing. 
I did not offer him a handshake because I knew he wouldn’t hold my hand. Why would he? He could not even look into my eyes during the hearing. 
Keeping his eyes downward, Chadwick replied, “A congratulation from my ex-wife. What a surprise. I never heard a case when the wife congratulated her husband after the divorce.” 
“That means we’re special,” I said with chuckles. “Anyway, since we’re not marriage couple anymore, then that means that we can do whatever we want from now on.” 
He shut his lips. Next, his heavy lids eyes met my gaze. Chadwick looks like he’s under the heavy influence of alcohol, which is impossible because there’s no way he can attend the hearing while drunk. 
“However,” I continued, pretending that I didn’t notice the heaviness in his gaze. “We must keep this secret. There are still five months before the project between our companies ends. So, until then, the divorce will be between us. Unless we wanted to tell it to someone we trust.” 
Why I can’t change my surname, it is because of the project between Crimson Meadow and Wine&Vibe. I had to sign papers under my name as his wife so there won’t be any issues. 
“Do you think I will go around and tell this to everyone?” he asked. 
I shook my head. “You don’t look that idiot to that. But with certain someone, you sometimes forgot how to have a trust issues.” 
His expression said he understood my words, and that I was talking about his ‘dear friend’, Isa. 
Chadwick could not say anything after that. 
“Our parents should not know this,” I said. 
He set his eyes on the ground again, just like what he always did before. Why does he look so gloomy when he was the one who suggested this? 
“And about our house, we can continue living together for five months. But heed your worries. There will be no Adira who will intrude your room.” 
Chadwick’s hands clenched.
From his whitening knuckles, my eyes went to his face that seemed to hide thousands of emotions. There is a part of me that wonders what’s going on inside his mind. Yet a large part of me commented that it would be better to ignore my curiosity about my ex-husband. 
I turned around and stepped back, as I didn’t see any reason to stay here and converse with him. 
“Where are you going?” His voice, which is like a broken phonograph, stopped me. 
‘Where am I going?’
First, I had to go back to the company and work. 
But I don’t think I can do it.
Oddly, I cannot decide where to go. It’s not like I’ll be happy to enter our house after going to the court to divorce him. 
Before I turned around to face him, I lifted the corners of my mouth, making a calm beam that is as quiet and serene as a lake. 
“I don’t think I had to share my plans with my ex-husband,” I said.
His eyes widened for a moment, then subsided. He did not rebuke. 
So, I walked away from him while letting my fake smile fade out, and the real one did not fade in. It was always difficult for me to let all my masks go, the ones I wore for the other and the ones I wear for myself. But the most challenging maybe is the reactions I have for him. 
I hopped inside my car, started the engine, and drove down the highway on a warm day. 
It is nice outside, and so my windows rolled down and I let the wind blow my hair.  Autumn approached and even the sun shines brightly, there’s a crisp of cold in the air. Driving down the roads which I memorized every twist and turn, my mind drifted. 
What will dad react once he finds that I am single again? 
Will the people who are supporting us get disappointed once the article about our separation is released? 
‘Will Chadwick tell this right away to Isa?’ 
Noticing that I was thinking things which aren’t mirror my characteristic, I parked the car beside and pulled the handbrake. My hands rested on the wheel while my eyes wandered in nothingness. 
‘This is for the better. I have no regrets.’ 
Even though I failed seducing him or getting pregnant, exiting his life is a good decision. 
‘Then, what is this heavy feeling inside my chest?’ 
A sigh slipped from my lips as I lifted my gaze. To my surprise, I found myself in the parking lot in my favorite bar. 
“I… came here?” 
I don’t have an exact destination and I planned to waste diesel by driving here and there until I can get my mind clear. But…
“I did not expect that I subconsciously went in this place.” 
Before, I promised Geoffrey that I would never come to visit this bar. Yet this sinful body betrayed me. I knew that maneuvering and leaving as soon as possible is a must. However, my body did not cooperate with my mind. I hopped outside my car, locked it, and entered my favorite space. 
--- ----- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Third Person’s POV 
The night of the vacation in the resort, Geoffrey saw Adira walking out of the cottage. Next, she’s going toward the exit of the resort. Curious and worried, Geoffrey excused himself from the employees he was talking with and followed. 
Adira was rushing as if she was in a hurry.
Geoffrey wanted to call her and ask where she would go but before he could, Adira’s secretary came to her side.
“Ma’am!” Adira called. 
Adira stopped and stared at her secretary. 
“W-Where are you going?” 
“I don’t want to stay here anymore. So, I am going home.” 
Hansel bit her lower lip. Before that, they set a trap to Isa, and for Adira to act like this, then it is obvious that Chadwick left her again. 
“Also, prepare a divorce paper tomorrow.” 
“Huh?!” Hansel gasped. 
Geoffrey got stuck in his place while listening in secret. He expected that the two would separate after five months but he was stunned to hear that Adira wanted to prepare the paper the next day. 
After reminiscing about what he accidentally heard during the last night of the vacation, Geoffrey placed the wine glass on the side. 
He looked around the empty bar before a sigh escaped his heart-shaped lips. 
Why would Adira want to divorce Chadwick as soon as possible? 
‘Well, after Chadwick saved Isa from drowning, I can tell why Adira wanted to end their relationship.’ 
Geoffrey was there. He saw the humiliation in her expression while she was walking away with water dripping from her hair. She was like an abandoned puppy, who did not want to go home. 
“Haaa~ And I don’t know what to feel in this moment,” Geoffrey murmured, staring at the empty wine glasses. 
He isn’t the reason why the two break. But he’s guilty for stopping Isa from meddling them. 
“Hey, what happened?”
Geoffrey looked at his co-worker in the bar, Vernon. 
“Why are you smiling so wide? Is there any good news?” 
Geoffrey looked around to find something that would mirror his face. Soon he found his reflection on a huge aluminum ice pitcher. And even though it did not define his detailed features, he saw the hint of smile on his lips. 
‘I am… smiling?’ 
Just now, he told himself that he’s guilty for being unable to stop Isa. But deep inside, it seems he’s happy that Adira will be single. His true desire, tricky and selfish, is finally showing on. 
“Don’t tell me,” Vernon uttered, squinting his hazelnut eyes to Geoffrey. He pointed his friend with his index finger and exclaimed, “are you dating her?!” 
A demented scowl marred Geoffrey’s handsome face. “What are you saying?” 
“Well, you looked so down these past few days, and I know that it is because of your impossible love with that rich woman. But now, you are smiling like a creep. There’s only one reason why! It must be because of her!” 
Accusation after accusation. 
Geoffrey wanted to defend himself, saying that his relationship with Adira hadn’t progressed yet. But somehow, he cannot say it. Their relationship is still the same but Adira will divorce her husband. That will have a huge blow in the situation.
“No! I won’t allow it! I don’t want to visit you in jail for dating a married woman!” Vernon said in loud voice. 
Rolling his eyes, Geoffrey ceased the frown on his face and looked at him. “Can you lower your voice?” 
Vernon pointed the bar. “There are no customers today.” 
“I know but still, this is not a topic that you can bring outside.” 
“At least you know how ponderous this topic is. Hey, I am saying this because I am worried about you. But you can’t really date a married woman,” Vernon continued. “Besides, she is in completely different world. Did you see the sky kissed the ground?” 
Geoffrey looked up, as if thinking so hard, then answered, “When I went to the beach, I saw the sunset kissing the ocean.” 
Vernon hit Geoffrey’s shoulder. 
“Ahhhh,” Geoffrey winced. 
“That’s personification. You idiot.” 
“Huh,” Geoffrey snorted then chuckled. “Dude. I told you it’s not like that. I do like her but…” 
“But what?” 
“But,” Geoffrey murmured, then bit his lower lip. He could not bring the truth that Adira will divorce Chadwick so there’s no wrong in pursuing her. Because even if he does, he knew Vernon would still oppose this relationship. 
“But she’s a divorced woman,” a woman’s voice said. 
Both Vernon and Geoffrey looked at the first customer who entered the bar in the middle of daylight. 
Their eyes widened at Adira, who came here at the exact moment they are talking about her. 
“Ma’am Adira?!” Vernon gasped, covering his mouth. 
“Adria,” Geoffrey called. 
Adira sat in front of the counter and laughed at the two’s reactions. “You two look like you both saw a ghost. Well, if I’ll be a ghost, then I am a virgin ghost. Boo~” 
“What? Are you going to stare at me forever? Give me my usual. I really need to drink right now.” She winked at Vernon. 
Vernon panicked as he finally moved. “Ahh y-yeah. The tequila. Yes, ma’am I will prepare it.” 
He hurriedly left them to prepare for the drink, leaving the two. 
Meanwhile, Geoffrey’s eyes did not leave her. 
It is not about her beauty: her alluring eyes and her captivating lips. He was rapt and speechless because the words she said just a moment ago, kept on ringing inside his mind.


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