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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 92

Adira’s POV 
I was in charge of washing the dishes after our dinner. Standing in front of the sink, I felt deja vu. 
The first time we ate dinner together, I also washed the dishes. Then an accident happened. Chadwick came rushing to me and we…
‘We kissed.’ 
Recalling that moment, I bit my lower lip until I felt the pain in my flesh. I subconsciously looked up to see if there’s any bottle, glass or cup that would fall. Fortunately, there’s none. 
‘That means there will be no reason for us to remake the past.’ 
 I shook my head and continued washing the dishes. Until I remembered the thing he said to me before and I stopped again. 
[“I am seducing you, Adira.”] 
Somehow, I can’t get that out of my mind as if it is a broken plaque that keeps on replaying again and again inside my head. 
He really looked serious when he said that he will seduce me. Does it mean that he’s planning to do something now? 
Although we drank a bit of wine, I don’t think that’s enough to make him drunk, just like the night when he signed the divorce paper. 
I am sure, that won’t… 
All of a sudden, someone is standing behind my back. I could feel his chest firmly pressing on my back, it was warm, like a cup of coffee. 
“Do you need some help?” he whispered in my ear. 
His warm breath brushed on my nape, causing some hair of my skin to stand up. This is a natural reaction so there’s no need to be surprised. 
I looked at the two hands leaning on the sink, and he’s there beside me, standing as if he’s giving me a warm back hug. 
‘What is he doing?’ 
 I guess this is a part of him seducing act that he told me before. Inwardly, I cackled a burst of laughing of amusement. I wanted to see how far this virgin man can go. 
“If I say that I need help, will you help me?” I answered, continuing my work. 
I received nothing from him besides his breathing that keeps on ticking my nape.  I didn’t want to look around but my curiosity hit its peak and so I did. When I tilted my head to see why he was staying quiet, I saw his face up close. 
His straight brows, pointed nose, partly hanged lips and lastly, his eyes. There’s something in his gaze which made the air between us very thick. It’s hot, burning, like how flame blazes and licks the air. He looked at me as if he wanted to touch me, to taste my skin and to caresses every corner of my body. 
“Of course. I will help you with anything,” he whispered in throaty voice, rough like rock rubbing on another rock. 
Every time he speaks, he Adam’s apple vibrated. It is so sexy to watch. 
I admit that he has the ability to wake up a maiden’s sensuality. 
My eyes went back to the plate in my hand. I grabbed the sponge and wiped the greased on the plate. Then, I said, “The help I need requires your body.” 
He went stiff and I could barely hear him breathing. 
Chadwick is handsome and sexy. But if he wanted to seduce someone, he had to be bolder. I passed the phase when I was bold enough to seduce even the men with er*ction disability. So, I can tell that this man is still an amateur. 
Right now’s situation is an example. I just told him that the help I am seeking requires body but he suddenly went stiff like a robot. Looking back, this innocent guy always had this stunned blushing expression on his face when I was teasing him before. 
‘Wait. There were times when he really backed out like a sweet puppy, but I think I forgot for a moment how he kissed me inside the limousine and when we were in the photo-shoot. Didn’t he also had the courage to bite my neck before?’ 
Suddenly, the stiffened man leaned closer, and I felt his back pressing on my body, there’s no more space between us. Like a ham between bread, I was sandwiched between his body and the sink. 
‘Oh my~’ 
This is what you called: ‘Never underestimate your opponent.’ 
 I underestimated Chadwick because it stuck in my mind that when it comes to seducing, it will be me who must initiate first. People do change. 
However, in the field of work, there are beginners, masters, hustlers and professionals. He must be so dedicated to seducing me so he has the courage to act clingy like this. But I know this field better than him. 
Playing a smirk on my lips, I turned around and faced him. In an instant, we’re looking at each other in a close gap. Our breaths mingled and our lips were hairs breadth away, the slightest move would be enough to join them together. 
The fire in his eyes that I saw before turned big, engulfing a huge house until it turns ash. He peered straight into my eyes as he pinned on the sink, locking me between his arms. 
“I need long and delicate fingers,” I whispered. 
In no time, his ears turned red. 
“I have long fingers,” he replied. 
“That’s great,” I responded. “I need those fingers to touch something.”
“What something?” 
“Something wet,” I said in husky voice before biting my lower lip and licking the corner of my mouth with my tongue. 
His eyes that were looking down on me widened. Next, there was this blunt and explicit gaze, almost tangible.
“You need to hold something wet and soft. Are you okay?” I asked, grinning. 
Chadwick gulped while staring at me, before he smirked back with the same intensity as I have. 
“Adira, it’s a good thing that we’ve been together for a long time,” he said, moving back. Next, he suddenly snatched the sponge from my hand. He showed it to me, grinning. “I know that you are talking about this.” He tilted his head, raising his brows up and down. 
‘How did he know that I am talking about the sponge?’ 
As if he can read my mind, he answered, “Long finger holding wet and soft, it is easy to misunderstand that word if I don’t know you.” 
Next, he bent down, the tip of our nose bumped like two swords gently clinking. 
“However, if you want me to misunderstand the word, I can grant it.” 
His other hand abruptly touches the side of my waist. 
The heat began to grow, and I felt hotter by the second. I felt my body temperature rise, as if I was shocked by something electric, and it was coming from the hand that was caressing my waist. 
I looked down on his hand that kept on getting downward. The adrenaline that died down before has returned with full force. And it kept getting worse. When I lifted back up to stare at him, I saw him licking the corner of his lips. 
“Should I… touch that for you while you are washing the dishes?” he whispered and now, the tip of his fingers slightly slid inside my short. 
My toes curled and my mind became a mess. 
‘I underestimated him.’ 
Quickly, I placed my wet hands on his chest and pushed him away. 
Stepping backward as he maintained his balance, he sexily chuckled like an evil who just won the game on who’s more demon between us. 
I am not sure what kind of expression I was making when I left him. 
“Hey! Are you really going to leave me?!” he shouted.
His voice faded as I went inside my room. I leaned my back on the closed door and locked it. 
“Sh*t. I lost,” I cursed undertone while looking down. 
--- ----- ------ ----- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---
Third Person’s POV 
Chadwick was so tired today.
He worked so hard in the morning, cooked dinner when he got home and even washed the dishes. But although all of his muscles are shouting complaints, there is still a smile on his lips while he’s laying down on the bed. 
He imagined the scene when he locked Adira on the sink and looked at her face in a close gap. Until now, he can remember the warmth on his palm and the alluring scent that put his limit on edge. 
Feeling giddy just by recalling the scene, Chadwick grabbed the pillow and hugged it. With a silent squeal, he rolled on his bed, left to right, right to left. He stomped his feet, tapped the bed and when he stopped rolling, he looked at the ceiling while biting his pillow. 
He feels so happy to express everything in words and actions. 
“Indeed, confessing is the best thing to do,” he murmured before another smile creeped out of his lips. 
Chadwick spread his arms on the bed, as if doing an angel snow, then took a deep breath. 
Nothing happened between him and his ex-wife today, but he’s contented. Chadwick could not wait for the days waiting for him in the future together with Adira. 
Slowly, he placed his hands below his head, making it his pillow.
He recalled Adira’s surprised expression before she left him alone in the kitchen. 
That sparked hope to Chadwick. He thinks that there is a chance for him to swoon over the cold lady. Amidst of partying for tonight’s victory, Chadwick remembered Geoffrey. 
“Huh! See that? I have the upper hand than you!” Chadwick suddenly shouted in the air, as he thought of his old pal, A.K.A his rival for Adira. 
Chadwick thinks that among them, he has the upper hand since he’s living in the same house. So, he doesn’t worry that much that he has Geoffrey as his competitor.
Back then, the only thing that Chadwick and Geoffrey fought for is the top one position in their school. During those days, Geoffrey always defeated Chadwick, so he stood in second place behind Geoffrey. But Chadwick felt fine if he had Isa beside him. However, the jealousy he had for Geoffrey started when he found out that Isa actually has feelings for Geoffrey. 
Chadwick felt that he would never win against him and he’s afraid to fight him in the future. 
‘But this time, I had to win,’ Chadwick said to himself as he closed his eyes. 
He has no plan of backing down from the fight. However, on the other side, Geoffrey thought of the same thing. 
“You are going to be my brother again?!” Isa asked Geoffrey. 
Geoffrey stopped from getting his clothes from his luggage and looked at the person who barged inside his room without his permission. 
Isa is always like that even from the past. She crossed the line that shouldn’t have been crossed. 
“Why? Do you hate it because I’ll get half of the inheritance?” Geoffrey replied to her. 
“That’s not it,” Isa said. “If you became my brother again, then that’s mean that we can’t be tog…” 
Isa stopped talking and looked at her stepbrother with teary eyes. 
“It is time to stop your illusion.” He looked at her tired eyes and said, “We cannot be together. Accept that.” 
She knows that even from the very beginning. But what made her realize the truth is when Chadwick rejected her before. Isa realized that because of her greed, she lost everyone special in her life. 
If she did not confess his feelings to Geoffrey, would he stay by her side as her brother until the end? 
If she did not reject Chadwick, will she still be the only woman he loves?
She regretted everything, including the fact that he teamed up with Nocturne just because she despises Adira so much. 
‘Maybe, this is really my punishment for being greedy,’ Isa told to herself, staring down on the floor. 
“Right,” Isa murmured. “I should accept that no one will be on my side anymore.”
At her reaction, Geoffrey got puzzled. 
The stubborn Isa just agreed with him that easily? 
“Do what you want,” she added. 
Now that he’s looking at her, Geoffrey noticed the dark circles under her eyes and her skinny body. It seems like she’s skipping meals and even sleeping. 
He did not have time to worry about his obsessive stepsister since all of his focus settled only to Adira, but he wondered what happened to Isa during the last night of the vacation. 
‘Did Chadwick tell her something?’ he concluded. 
“I won’t care anymore, about you, that Adira and Chadwick,” Isa whispered before she turned around and left the room. 
Tracing the space where she stood at, Geoffrey felt ominous about his stepsister. It seems good that she will stop bothering Adira from now on, but…
‘Why do I feel that she will do something big in the future?’ Geoffrey worried.


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