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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 95

The lunch that Geoffrey prepared tasted so good. But somehow, it was hard to digest, as if they had eaten a rubber instead. 
Then, Adira, Geoffrey and Chadwick went back to check the other stores in the mall where they will launch the wine in mall for the first time. They walked here and there, passing by bright lights, vibrant signs. And an array of people who filled the grand foyer and bold signs, neon light animates each store. There are over a thousand shops to browse from, signs are as big as giant and people from all occupations and professions are running errands or browsing every retailer. 
They said that the mall is a place where women love to go to do retail therapy. 
Adira will agree. When she looked around at the Forever 22 shop, she heard music playing in the background creating an exciting feeling for some and girls in small groups browsing each rack of clothing. Metal racks filled to the brim with overprices and cheaply made clothing. 
Despite that teenage girls still flock to this store. Most girls head towards the sale section first. 
‘We should put a ‘sale’ tag in our launch,’ Adira thought of an idea. She smiled to agree but suddenly frowned when she felt the throbbing of her feet. She looked down and saw the back of her feet turning red for walking so much with high heels. 
'Now I regretted not letting Hansel accompany me,’ Adira said to herself with an inward sigh. 
Before the three of them went to the mall, Chadwick and Adira both said to their secretaries not to follow them anymore. The reason is because they wanted to talk freely with Geoffrey.
So, what are the two secretaries doing now?
Neil and Hansel are in the office of Adira, eating doughnuts.
"I feel guilty for eating here while my boss is working," Hansel said, looking at the doughnuts.
"Why would you? Madam Adira and Sir Chadwick told us not to follow them," Neil defended.
"But still..." Hansel bit her lower lip.
When Neil saw her sexily biting her lips, he choked.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"
"Are you okay?" Hansel asked, giving her the cup of ice Americano.
Blushing, Neil received the coffee and drank it. "I am o-okay," he uttered.
"Why are you eating so fast? Tsk, tsk, tsk. You look like a pig."
Neil just pouted his lips while avoiding her eyes.
"Anyway, I am wondering what they are doing right now," Hansel sighed.
"It is obvious," Neil uttered. "The two are probably fighting to win over Madam. Didn’t you see how they act before? They did what they wanted as if we weren’t there. I am thankful that they left us here.” 
Hansel would agree that it feels creepy watching two men fighting over one woman. However, knowing about Adira’s thoughts on trying to open her heart, she felt excited for her. How will Adira deal of receiving love from two men? Hansel is curious. 
‘She might be tired right now,’ Hansel guessed. 
And she’s right. 
"I am afraid if Mr. and Mrs. McElroy are tired now," the director said to them.
It's true. But they don't have the choice but to end the work for today.
'But my feet are aching so bad,’ Adira complained inwardly while walking.
"It's alright. There are two more stores. So, let's hurry and finish it," Adira answered.
"Thank goodness," the director said. "Ahh, actually I am one of Mrs. and Mr. McElroy fans."
All stopped from walking.
Although Geoffrey kept the smile on his lips, he has an expression that is difficult to paint. Chadwick and Adira have divorced already, but since it is a secret, the people around still see them as a married couple. A sweet and perfect relationship at the top of that. They gained fans because of the articles, advertising, and the recent news about Chadwick. 
People looked up into them, thinking that their story resembles a story in the fiction world. 
‘But it is not true,’ Geoffrey protested silently, the clicked his tongue. 
On the other side, Chadwick felt good hearing those words. He felt like he has the whole world on his side, and they are against his competitor, Geoffrey.
"Really?" Chadwick replied with smiles creeping at the corner of his lips from time to time. "Then, do you like to have a picture of Adira and me?"
The director's face brightened. It is an offer that a fan like him cannot decline!
"Can I?! It will be a pleasure!" he gasped. 
"Of course," Chadwick answered without asking his ex-wife if she's okay with that.
They are still acting as a married couple so Adira cannot decline. For that, she just wanted to laugh it off. 
"Thank you so much," the director enthusiastically showed his gratitude. Not wanting to waste time, he quickly grabbed his phone and opened the camera application. Next, he stood between Adira and Chadwick.
It’s all set up, except the photographer. Who will take the picture? 
He desperately looked around. The only person he found, who can take the picture at this moment is no other than his boss, Geoffrey. 
He contemplated while staring at Geoffrey with an apologetic gaze. How dare he is to ask a person in a higher position to take a picture? 
Geoffrey saw the director’s gaze. It did not take him long to understand what that gaze held. 
'Sh*t,' Geoffrey laughed internally.
Taking a picture of Chadwick and Adira is something he really hates, second to none. Yet, Geoffrey cannot let his jealousy to create an unnecessary scandal between him and the two CEOs. 
“Okay,” Geoffrey said, heaving a sigh. “I will take the picture.” He raised his hand as to volunteer. 
The director sighed in relief. “Thank you so much! Sir!” He quickly dashed to give the phone to Geoffrey. 
Holding the phone, Geoffrey moved backward, looking behind him to make sure he wouldn’t bump to anyone else inside the busy and crowded mall. 
Once he stood at a good distance, he stopped and looked at the three. 
"I will take it right now," he said, staring at the phone screen. "One, two..." before he pressed the shutter, he stared at Adira’s beautiful face.
Adira sensed his gaze.
He smiled at her and continued, "Three."
Kachak. Kachak. Kachak.
He took three pictures of them.
"Thank you so much, sir," the director said, getting his phone back to Geoffrey.
"Then, how about me?" Geoffrey asked him.
"Pardon, Sir?"
"I am also a fan," Geoffrey said.
He is not a fan of the couple, but a fan of Adira. The gaze Geoffrey has for Adira is the evidence. Chadwick knew that.
"So, if you want Sir, I can take a picture too," the director offered.
Chadwick rolled his eyes. He does not want to have a picture with Geoffrey. But declining will arise suspicion.
"Thank you so much," Geoffrey uttered. He forcefully stood between Adira and Chadwick, like a bulldozer that cut the house into two. 
In Chadwick came swiftly a red glared as he turned to Geoffrey. 
Geoffrey replied to him with a grin. 
While Adira just chuckled inwardly. She’s tired walking so much but dealing with these two men made her more tired. She felt like a hand in the clock that kept on ticking between the two nerves. 
The director positioned himself to get the right angle of the pictures. As he did, Adira shook her head and a mascot from afar caught her attention. 
It is a Super Mario mascot who is playing with the curious and excited kids inside the boisterous mall. Her eyes fixed at her favorite game character; a smile naturally fell upon her lips. 
Amidst the fighting, Geoffrey and Chadwick noticed Adira staring at the mascot.
For Adira, staring at the mascot brought nostalgic memories of her college days and the day when she and Chadwick went on a date in the amusement park. During their date, a Super Mario mascot gave her a red rose. Feeling grateful, Adira took a picture with the mascot, and surprisingly, the odd mascot pulled her waist during the picture taking. 
"I will take the picture," the director said. "One, two..."
Before he pressed the shutter, Geoffrey whispered, “It will be good if there is a red rose.” Then, his warm hand wrapped around Adira’s waist and pulled her closer. 
She gasped and Chadwick frowned.
Kachack. The picture was taken.
Chadwick tossed a sharp stare to Geoffrey, who suddenly uttered about a red rose. If only he saw Geoffrey pulling Adira in the waist, then he might remember the Mario mascot who made him jealous before. 
On the other side, Adira was dazed. She felt so weird about why she abruptly saw the mascot in Geoffrey. Somehow, he remembered the warmth. 
Adira stared at Geoffrey bit by bit, with partly hung loose mouth of confusion. 
Chadwick saw her staring at Geoffrey. His face crumpled even more. 
After that short picture taking, they walked again around the mall, passing through the crowd who threw glances at the three good looking people walking side by side. 
"There will be a launch of a new car on the same day when the stores will open," the director explained, pointing to the car next to them.
Adira, Geoffrey and Chadwick stared at the red car in display.
"We talked about this to the car brand and they agreed on advertising the wine too," the director continued. "But we need your consent for it."
"The car is pretty," Adira said. "It's red, just like the wine."
"I think it will be good to talk to the owner of this brand," Chadwick commented.
"Yeah," Adira agreed. 
"The car is really cool," Geoffrey said, staring at it.
Adira and Chadwick looked at him.
"The tires look durable. I bet it won’t suddenly break while driving in the long high-way," Geoffrey added, meeting Adira’s gaze. "It will be hard to fix your car tire when you are alone. Unless there is a man with motorbike who will help you."
That incident too. Adira remembered the night when she had a flat tire while driving in the highway. Then, a man with motorbike fixed the tire while he still had helmet on.
'How did Geoffrey know this?'
There is only one answer.
'It is him. Both the helmet guy and the mascot,' Adira realized.
She packed her gaze with the truth, wanted to sear this moment into her brain and hope later she would understand if her guesses were the actual truth. 
But then, Geoffrey’s gaze shifted to her, and the fragile bubble of time popped. Even in the middle of the crowd, his gentle stare penetrated her chest. And there’s nothing in his eyes or his expression that says he’s bluffing. 
Chadwick watched them sending meaningful gazes to each other. He held his face tight, clenching his jaw, keeping his expression rigidly neutral. But the grimace sneaks out anyway. A tornado touched down on his face, his brows. Lighting stroke over stormy eyes. 
If he wasn’t looking straight to men, then he wouldn’t wavered. But he is looking. He sees them. 
Chadwick felt as if there was a strong red roped tied between Adira and Geoffrey, and he’s not belong. That fate made it possible for the two of them to see each other again. 
Thinking like that, he felt like falling into a cactus, and his heart has been punctured a million times over by tin pinks. It stings at first, but now, it seems they’ve left him numb —not even slightly painful, just numb. 
He’s not bleeding, but he knows that if he starts pulling these foreign objects out, one by one, the blood will come gushing out. 
Thus, Chadwick wanted to play ignorant. Instead of pulling this painful truth, he decided to ignore the fact that Adira is starting to see Geoffrey as a man. 
While Geoffrey and Adira were staring at each other, and Chadwick tilting his head on the other side, the director looked at the three.
He blinked swiftly. 
'Am I an idiot? But I can't understand their conversation at all,' the director thought.


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