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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 96

Geoffrey saw it. 
Within the short time after he picked up Adira’s ringing phone underneath the table, he saw the picture on the screen and the red heart reaction below the image. 
If he can, he will turn back the time, so he won’t see a glimpse of the truth. Yet he has no power to do so. What made it worse is that he wasn’t the only one who saw the picture.
He is certain that Chadwick saw the picture as well. That is why Geoffrey can understand why Adira’s attention was all fixed to her ex-husband. She’s wondering if Chadwick saw the picture or not.
Geoffrey has no plan of revealing his past encounters with Adira. When he helped her fix the car’s tire, and when he gave her the rose while he was wearing a Super Mario mascot in the amusement Park, he intended to keep those secret, taking it to his grave. Because he does not want her to see him as coward. Yet, as if playing his wild card which he holds dearly in his heart, he laid them on the table.
The result did not leave him empty handed. 
Adira’s eyes looked for him and they stayed there for a long time. She was no longer staring at Chadwick, as her all focus looked at the mysterious man. 
‘She must be dying with curiosity,’ Geoffrey thought while feeling her gaze through his peripheral vision.
Geoffrey ain’t masochist. He hates making life harder for Adira but if making her curious will steal her attention from Chadwick, then let it be. He did not climb up and chose this path just to lose. 
In the past, he loses against his cowardice, time, and situation. Now, he cannot bear to see Chadwick get her once again. 
“This is the last store to visit, Sir and Ma’am,” the director said to the two CEO who visited the stores in the CUR8 mall. 
At last, the tiring work for today will come to an end. Still, Adira has energy to spend staring at Geoffrey and wondering if he guesses are right. 
“Ma’am?” the director called her, as he was spacing out. 
Ever since they took pictures together and saw the red car before, it was noticeable how Adira zoned out, as if distracted. 
For a moment, she was drowned at the surprising realization that Geoffrey could be the man behind the helmet and the mascot she met in the amusement park. 
‘So, what’s wrong if they are Geoffrey? What would I feel?’ Adira asked herself. 
Just being in gratitude won’t suffice to explain her emotions. It is the magic of fate which made her believe that perhaps, she and Geoffrey are destined to meet each other after a long time. 
They once met in high school, in college, and even when she got married, their paths crossed. If this isn’t fate, then what will she call this? 
Certainly, he holds a special place in her mind, and that is why it was hard to take her eyes off him right here, right now. 
“Mrs. Adira?” 
When the director called her name for the second time, she turned her head forward. 
How long had it been when she started gawking at Geoffrey? 
Did everyone notice where her gaze fixed at? 
She breathed and parted her lips. “This place is…” 
A sciatic ache had settled in her Achilles and the instep arch of her feet. Seconds passed, the pain started to travel like a strong tide towards her calves and back. 
Adira took a couple of deep breaths then talked again. 
“...it’s good,” she continued and successfully laid a forged smile. 
She needed to rest. 
Adira was wearing high heels for too long. She would adjust her position of her legs and hips as she walks so that she can match up with the three men. But she reached her limits. If only Hansel was here, she might have helped her. But now she’s alone and she must deal with it; either tell them honestly that she cannot walk anymore or if they can rest for a bit. 
“That’s great. Then, we can go to the office to review the…” 
“Wait,” Chadwick spoke. 
They tended to him, who was quiet for a long time. 
“Can I excuse myself for a moment? I left my phone in my car,” Chadwick said. 
Chadwick McElroy forgot his phone? 
Both Geoffrey and Adira had their brows raised. 
It is so bizarre for someone like Chadwick to forget his phone in his car. Yet, they did not complain. 
“Oh really?! That’s okay, Sir. We can wait for you here,” the director said. 
Before exiting the store, Chadwick glanced at Adira and Geoffrey. He, then, lowered his gaze and left. 
“That’s weird,” the director murmured to himself. “Why do I feel like I saw him holding his phone before?” 
Adira breathed. At least, she will have a rest too due to Chadwick’s mysterious mistake.
“Director,” Geoffrey called. 
“Yes, sir?” 
“There is something that I need to discuss with Mrs. Adira. Is it okay to take her with me while we are waiting for Mr. McElroy?” 
What will he discuss? 
Wondering about that, Adira stared at him. Suddenly, he held her gaze with eyes that somehow reassured her. She felt the connection in the pit of her stomach, a warm, coming-to-life tingle. 
“Yes, sir. Please do,” director replied, pointing to the exit of the store with both hands. 
Then Geoffrey smiled at Adira, as if he’s telling her to follow him. And even without him pulling her wrist, Adira felt she was pulled.
She gritted her teeth while walking in pain until they reached a part outside the mall building through an exit which isn’t available for everyone. 
At the wide space, she felt the wind brushed on cheek. Cold. They are in an open area with a high roof above that looks like a bridge. 
“This is a new building,” Geoffrey said. 
She stared at his wide back. 
“There will be no people here beside us. So, you can rest assure.” 
Rest assured for what? 
Geoffrey held his tread and gander at her. 
“Rumor is not good for your health,” he said.
She breathed and watched the shift in his eyes as he ceased staring at her and looked at the bench in the center. Though he left her words unspoken, his action is doing plenty of explaining. 
Adira realized what Geoffrey wanted to discuss. This is not about how he suddenly appeared as the representative of the CUR8 or if he is really the man, she met multiple times before. Simply, he wanted her to rest. 
Geoffrey tapped the bench in the middle, asking her to slump down. It is a request that she won’t decline. 
Almost limping, Adira walked towards the bench and perched down. All pain released from her back, her calves, and hips. There is still tingling pain in her Achilles and that’s normal. 
“I am so glad that Mr. Geoffrey is quick witted to notice my struggle,” she said staring at the reddish mark on her Achilles. 
“It’s not that I am quick witted at all times,” Geoffrey murmured. He knelt in front of her. 
When she saw him suddenly kneeling on the floor, she felt the smile slipped from her eyes, lips and fell complete off her face. 
“You are the only person I am looking, that’s why I can notice every single details.”
The answer came, and she was surprised, unable to speak at all. Her throat is desert-dry, and her tongue felt like a deadweight, swollen to twice its size. 
Geoffrey head whipped and saw something changed on her face. Something flickered through her eyes, so quickly there was no time for him to read it. She fished away from his gaze and pretended she did not hear anything. 
At times when you cannot understand why you are behaving indifferently than before, Adira knew that the best answer is to play ignorant. 
She kept a neutral expression on her face. Yet when she felt a warm hand pulling her left foot, the scowl sneaked out. She threw a stare at him and saw Geoffrey taking her heels off. 
“What are you doing?” she asked, although she knew the answer. 
“Aiding you,” he said. Then, he took something from his pocket. 
A batman band-aid. 
That is the same band-aid that he gave to her when they met each other in the hospital. 
They stayed in their positions, in a silence rich with things they couldn’t say. She watched him unwrapped the band-aid and put it on the wound on her Achilles. 
“I am curious,” Adira murmured to the man who could not lift his head. “Why do you bring band-aid with you?” 
That’s a good question for Geoffrey, and a smile painted beautifully on his heart-shaped lips. Keeping his eyes on her smooth and white left foot, Geoffrey detached his mouth. 
“Long time ago…” he started. 
Adira frowned at the word. She really hates stories that start from that phrase. Because that means it will be a long one. Yet, she did not complain and listened without complaints. 
“There is this woman in my school. She’s a skillful volleyball player. An ace at the top of that.” 
He is talking about her. She snorted then crossed her arms. Now she’s interested to hear more, even if it is long. 
“Whenever I see her coming out from the gym of the school, she always wears band-aid on her hands.” 
Adira can remember that. Injuring her hands became natural when she was a volleyball player. So, she always brings band aids with her. 
“So, since I wanted to look for a way to approach her, I brought band-aids with me every day. Today, tomorrow, the next morning…” 
Gradually, he raised his eyes to her. 
“It became a habit,” he whispered in hoarse bass voice, like an echo in an empty house. “A habit I gained for longing of her attention. But I failed on doing so, years ago.” 
Adira uncrossed her arms and stared at him. They looked at each other and the world stopped. 
She recalled the night when Geoffrey chased after her just to give the band-aid in his hand. That is… the first time he got the courage to break the habit he has for many years. Yet, he chose not to stop there. Because he loves her. He loves her sincerely and that is her doing. 
“I will be honest,” Adira said. Nothing in her tone changed, but Geoffrey saw something in her eyes. Resolve. 
“Go on. I will listen.”
“I rejected you before because I don’t want to be in this messy life. And I have no intention of indulging myself in lovely relationship.” 
Geoffrey smiled a beam that says he knew her. 
“I know. You were always like that.” 
“But now, I am confused,” she added. “I kept on asking myself what’s gotten into me that I am hesitating over my decisions. That is why that night when I got two confessions, I escaped.”
Why can’t she reject Geoffrey and Chadwick? 
She thought about this for sleepless nights. Whenever she does, Hansel’s words repeated in her mind. 
[“It’s not about the situation, age, or responsibilities. If someone truly wishes to be happy, then she will prioritize her feelings above else. So, what do you feel ma’am? You should know that to get the answer.”] 
Thinking about that, a warm smile spread on her lips. It is a bottled elixir of magical delight for Geoffrey, who’s staring at her. 
“I think I know it now. I can love someone, romantically,” she answered.
To open the heart of Adira, it is a quest that one of the difficult games in the world. It is like unlocking a door with a lost key. 
“I think I should congratulate you for being a normal person, finally,” Geoffrey chuckled, still kneeling in front of her. 
“Thank you,” Adira replied with small giggles too. 'But I think you will pull out your congratulatory soon.' she continued inwardly.
“So,” he murmured in slow pace. He let go of her foot, looked at the floor then diverted his eyes back to her. “To whom is that for? The romantic feelings you discovered.” 
“I am allowed to be honest. Right?” she asked. 
Geoffrey nodded his head. 
If she will be honest, then the answer is…
A question mark invisibly appeared next to Geoffrey’s head. He doubted if she heard her right or what. 
“You and that idiot Chadwick, I think I can like you both.” 
His lips parted, then closed. The tip of his tongue holds many questions, but he couldn’t throw it all. 
What does she mean that she can like both?
“I didn’t mean to be a two-timer. But I realized that the two of you can make my heart wavered. So, what should I do?” she said, grinning. 
Geoffrey’s jaw fell down. 
If Isa is a greedy girl who wanted to keep a man beside her even though she does not like him, then how about Adira who said that she can love two people at the same time? 
He breathed sharply then blinked swiftly. “Adira, you…” 
Before he could finish his words, Adira said, “Yes. I am an evil woman.” 
At least she admitted it right away. 
“An evil woman who wanted to test who I like the most. That’s me,” she proudly introduced herself while pointing her chest. 
Geoffrey couldn’t believe this. This is the first time he saw someone say this openly. Indeed, Adira was right when she guessed that Geoffrey would regret calling her a normal person
She is not! 
 From the full moon, his expression went as sour as unripe grapes. 
“So, what will an evil woman do?” he asked. 
She smirked at him and answered, “I will enjoy this love triangle until I can choose. Two handsome men are fighting over me. Isn’t that exciting? And nostalgic?” 
After she said that, she tilted her head to the side and Geoffrey followed where her gaze headed. From afar, they saw Chadwick standing while staring at them with a box of band-aids in his hands. 
“If it is worth knowing,” Adira spoke while staring at her ex-husband. 
From Chadwick, Geoffrey’s eyes tended to her side profile, and he saw no smile or smirk settling on her lips. All left is her sincerity, the window of her soul. 
“If it is really worth knowing, I wanted to find it out,” she added.


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