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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 98

Third Person's POV 
Geoffrey followed where Adira’s gaze peered into. What he saw standing from afar was his old pal, his former buddy and now, his competitor. 
Years ago, when Isa confessed her feelings to Geoffrey for the first time, Geoffrey saw Chadwick hiding in secret. That day, he only wished for Chadwick to come out and to be brave. If only Chadwick was courageous to get Isa’s love, then it wouldn’t be necessary for Geoffrey to avoid them and lose their friendship. 
But now, Geoffrey felt the opposite.
When Chadwick saw them together, he wished he could just turn around and leave them. 
'You used all your time and opportunity to be with Adira. Why are you still trying when it is too late?' He asked this in his mind as he stared at him. 
At last. 
Something snapped in his brain as he remembered how Adira answered his question before. 
Adira said that she could fall in love with one of them. As of now, Adira thinks the two of them can make her heart move. 
'So, being with her for a long time wasn't put in vain.' 
Geoffrey let out a low sardonic chuckle as he watched Chadwick walk towards their side. 
Chadwick has changed. Geoffrey can tell that just like him, his old pal has become a whole new person too. 
As soon as Chadwick arrived at their side, he lifted his foot and then kicked Geoffrey. 
"Ahh," Geoffrey winced in pain as he fell seated on the ground. 
'Did he just... kick me aside?!' Geoffrey exclaimed inwardly. 
He was as dumbfounded as Adira, who is blinking swiftly after she saw her ex-husband kicked another man. 
Acting nonchalant, as if nothing happened, Chadwick knelt down at the same place where Geoffrey was at. 
Geoffrey gaped. "Hey," he called. 
Chadwick heard him but he played ignorant. His eyes went to the band aid that Geoffrey put on Adira’s foot. 
Indeed, Chadwick was late. However... 
"There is still another one," Chadwick said as he raised Adira’s other foot. 
He got a piece of band aid from the box and peeled the cover.
The two watched Chadwick put the other band aid on Adira’s wound. 
"I am late. But at least, I got one," Chadwick said before he raised his eyes to meet hers and played a smile as bright as the first sunlight in the morning. 
Adira isn't sure if it is because Chadwick is handsome that his expression brought a pang inside her chest. 
'Danger,' admitting this, Adira suddenly pushed Chadwick away from her. 
"Ahh!" Chadwick winced. He fell seated on the floor with his butt and now he's on the same position with the man he kicked before. 
Geoffrey laughed, thinking how fast Karma is. He wanted to mock Chadwick more, not until he saw Adira’s blushing face. 
'Now I understand  why she said that she can fall in love with either the two of us,' he said internally as he clenched his fists. 
"Hey! That is stronger than my kick!" Chadwick complained while caressing his painful butt.
Instead of answering, Adira wore her heels again with his band aided feet. Then she stood up. 
Adira cleared her throat and without looking back at them, she stood up. 
"We still need to finish our work," she murmured with flat voice. Not wanting to entertain the two men's reaction, she treaded away. 
"She's really something," Chadwick murmured as he stood up and dusted his butt. He's usually a clean freak but as Chadwick dusted his pants, he has a smile on his lips. 
Geoffrey saw his beam and scowled. Then, he also stood up. 
Chadwick was smiling while staring at the back of his ex-wife but when he tended to Geoffrey, his beam was put out in instant, as if a thief stole it and dashed away right after. 
"Talking about business?" Chadwick asked Geoffrey. "Don't give me a sh*t. What did you do with her?" 
"Isn't it obvious?" Geoffrey answered with a rigid stare. "You saw me put a band aid on her foot." 
"I saw that. VERY CLEAR. What I wanted to know is your conversation with her. What did you two talks about?" 
Geoffrey faced Chadwick and took a deep breath. Then, he replied, "I asked her if she can like either one of us." 
Chadwick’s eyes opened and could not shut. 
"R-Really?" He leaned closer to Geoffrey, as if excited and asked, "What did she say?" 
Geoffrey looked down for a moment then diverted his gaze back to him. Breathing out for a second, he replied, " Adira said she thinks she can like one of us." 
There was a fleeting joy danced in Chadwick’s chest as he saw the fruit of his works. 
Was it being honest and sincere that opened her heart? 
"Did you inquire her who she can like?" 
He received smirks and chuckles from Geoffrey. 
"You should ask her yourself," Geoffrey rebuked. "Why should I tell you anything? You are my competitor."
He tilted his head before shoving his hands in his inner pocket and walked away to follow Adira. 
Chadwick snorted. 
"That's... right," pouting his lips he admitted. "It made sense. But..." 
Chadwick pointed his back and continued in unusual rude tone.
"Why does it sound so annoying? That bastard. He really changed." 
For a second, he remembered the first time he met Geoffrey. 
The Geoffrey from the past is a shy boy who had hard time dealing with women. Yet that very man became a Casanova. 
Well, Chadwick knew that Geoffrey only changed after his mom died and because he was looking for a way to avoid his step sister. 
'But even though I couldn't trust him, deep inside, I don't want to hate this guy.'
Chadwick lifted his eyes to Geoffrey and saw him talking to Adira with a smile. 
A grimace sneaked out on his lips. 
He stomped his feet towards them but ceased when Adira looked back. 
Their gazes met from afar. 
Didn't know why she was staring at him, Chadwick smiled at her and even waved. 
However, Adira’s gaze was clawed with terror. Dark and fear. 
His beam subsided and the infectious grimace spread on his very expression. 
'Why is she looking at me like that?' Chadiwck pondered. 
He saw her glance up then back to his face. 
It was Adira who told him to run. However, before Chadwick could process the word, Adira took off her heels and ran into him barefoot. 
Everything muted down and all paces turned into slow motion. 
As he watched at her running in full speed, it was then he realized that she must be warning him at the upcoming danger. 
He looked up. 
Chadwick was right. 
A metal is falling into his place.
From slow mo to fast pace. 
He heard a metallic clink, and he felt his body being thrown out. 
An immense pain spread out from his back to his calves. 
 He groaned with his eyes closed as he caressed his wincing pain. Then, it snapped him: 
Why was he thrown? 
Who pushed him? 
What was the sound before? 
He opened his eyes, and his pupil shook. 
All questions were answered the moment he saw Adira lying down on the ground with blood on her head. 


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