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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 99

The adrenaline that Geoffrey and Chadwick had as they bring Adira to the hospital haven’t died down yet. 
When they saw Adira laying down on the ground, unconscious and with blood on her head, they felt an unfamiliar sensation, a combination of adrenaline that made their body cold and electricity tingled their skin. 
As adrenaline hit them, they realized the situation. Adira is in danger.
Chadwick looked at his tainted hands and trembled. 
He and Geoffrey are currently waiting outside the operating room where Adira was brought in. It’s been an hour, and yet, they haven’t heard anything about her condition. 
Will she live? 
Will everything be okay? 
They wanted to be positive as much as possible. Yet the terrible shock made them anxious. 
Thinking if something would happen to her is not just painful for Chadwick. It takes everything out of him. He was so distraught over her suffering that it made him feel nauseous and lightheaded.
Then guilt came to knock him over. 
‘This is because of me. I am the reason why Adira got into an accident.’ 
If only Adira did not run to save him from a falling object, she wouldn’t be in this situation. 
Blaming himself, Chadwick was in terrible shock as he was completely whacked out of sadness and grief echoing inside him. 
He feels so helpless that he cannot do anything right now instead of waiting and blaming himself. The anxiety and heartbreak took away his logic, and his composure, and his power, and his rationality. Everything that makes him feel secure, certain and in control is lost. He was just left with feelings; pain, worry, deep cuts, concern, fear, and constant powerlessness. 
Still, he prayed. 
Him, who did not understand the concept of wanting to take someone’s pain on himself, realized it a bit let when he watched someone he loves goes through a life and death situation. 
‘I will do anything. Please make Adira come back to me. Please. I’ll rather die instead!’ 
Geoffrey watched Chadwick clutch his hands and cried silently while sitting down. 
‘The deeper the love, the deeper the pain.’
Geoffrey remembered those words that his mom told him from a long time ago. And based on what he saw to Chadwick, he was convinced how deeply he loves his ex-wife. 
You cannot love someone if you feel nothing when they are in pain. You can feel “bad” for someone going through something if you only feel affectionate, infatuated, or guilty towards them. But, you don’t love someone until the idea of them suffering makes you feel sick. Until the idea of them being in danger tears your heart. Until you’d be ready to do anything or take on anything if it means that they could be free from whatever pain they are in. 
And that’s what Geoffrey feels too. 
Just like Chadwick, he was so desperate to even sell his soul to the devil just to see Adira alive and in good shape. 
As Geoffrey gets teary while watching Chadwick break down, he wanted to tap him back. To say that it wasn’t his fault and to stop crying because he believes that Adira will be okay. 
But he couldn’t. 
Perhaps, this is the cost of too much love. 
Even if your brain logically opposed, your heart and your soul remained in deep pain. It is alarming and scary, driving them insane. 
Geoffrey’s hand, which would touch his old pal’s shoulder, stopped in the middle. It clenched and retreated. 
As both cried in silence while waiting, the door of the operating room opened. 
For a moment, the whole world stopped. 
They both tilted their heads to the man in gown who is approaching their sides. 
Chadwick staggered as he stood up, while Geoffrey walked closer to the doctor. 
Their hearts are hammering inside their chest, and they hold their breaths as they wait for the words the doctor will say. 
The doctor took of his medical mask and looked at the two men. His eyes first diverted to Geoffrey, then to Chadwick who he believes has the right to know the situation since he’s Adira’s husband. 
Trembling, Chadwick asked him, “How is it? What happened to her?” 
Breathing out for a second, the doctor detached his lips and uttered, “She’s safe.” 
Those words, those very words put the thorns out of their chest. 
Chadwick shut his eyes tightly, tears fell while Geoffrey took a sharp breath with his quivering lips. 
After delivering the good news, the doctor continued sharing her condition, “The patient had an open injury that broke her scalp because of the blow in her head. It was a concussion after the impact injured her head and that’s why she lost consciousness. However, the loss of function associated with concussion is temporary. We sew the open injury in her head and soon, she will wake up.” 
“S-So, Adira is safe, and she did not get another head injuries?” Geoffrey asked. 
“Well, as of now it is the case,” the doctor answered. “But even if the injury seems minor, we need to still watch her condition to make sure it doesn’t get worse and to check for any new symptoms. Right now, you can’t wait for her to wake up. We will now transfer her to a room.” 
Adira was brought to a new room. As soon as she was transferred, Chadwick quickly went inside the room to see her. 
When he entered the VIP hospital room, he saw her sleeping on the bed. Her chest elevated up and down, and in rhythm. And even if her head was wrapped with bandage, there’s a peace on her sleeping expression.
All his strength in his knees weakened. Chadwick staggered to the bedside and knelt down. 
After him, Geoffrey also entered the room. His feet ceased. From the entrance of the room, he saw Chadwick kneeling in front of the bed while crying out loud. 
“Thank you so much. Thank you for staying, thank you,” Chadwick sobbed as he reached for her hand and buried his face there. 
Geoffrey wanted to do it. 
He also wanted to thank Adira for staying alive while crying beside her. However, he was rooted in his spot while staring at Chadwick. 
Somehow, he saw the resemblance of himself to his old pal. 
That is the exact reaction when Geoffrey cried beside his mom’s dead body. 
His mom was his whole world. 
And when the world collapsed, he thought of dying too. 
The exact image of him overlapped with Chadwick. 
Gritting his teeth with teary eyes, Geoffrey clenched his fists. 
He doesn’t like these feelings, emotions of pity and helplessness. 
Loud voice snapped v out. He tilted his head and saw Adira’s secretary coming inside together with Chadwick’s secretary. 
Hansel was wailing loudly as she dashed inside the room. 
“Ma’am!” she sobbed loudly before coming to the other side of the bed. Hansel heard from the doctor that she was in good condition but as soon as she saw her lying down on the bed, unconscious, she burst out. “It is my fault! I should have not left you!”
Neil does not know what to do while watching Hansel wailing out. He kept on telling her before to calm down and not to blame herself. But now, he couldn’t just do anything rather than watching her cry. 
Furthermore, he isn’t just worried about Hansel but also about his boss. Neil gander at Chadwick and caught his boss kneeling down beside the bed. 
Before Hansel and Neil could see his crying face, Chadwick tilted his head to hide his face. But too late, they already saw his tears. 
Hansel and Neil looked at each other before they diverted their eyes back to Chadwick who waswiping his eyes. 
All went silent. It pierced inside the spacious room and settled. 
Slowly, Chadwick stood up and tried to calm himself. 
He fixed his soggy eyes to the floor before breathing in and out. 
“Did you contact her father?” he asked to Hansel. 
“Yes, Sir. I contacted Sir Falcon,” Hansel answered while suppressing her sobs. 
Next, Chadwick tended to his secretary. “Neil.” 
“Yes, Sir?” Neil responded right away. 
“Make sure this incident won’t leak. No reporter shall hear about this.” 
“Yes, Sir. I will make that sure.” 
Chadwick turned around in order to see Geoffrey and talk about this. But as soon as he turned his back, he saw the door open again. And behind Geoffrey, an old man appeared. 
“Oh?” Neil gasped when Adira’s father came. 
Chadwick looked at his ex-father-in-law, and so did Geoffrey. 
When Falcon saw his one and only daughter lying down on the bed and unconscious, he just stared with wide open eyes cannot shut, like the whole world is breaking crumble apart around him. He didn’t even shake. Just there, he was in total paralysis. And when he realized that he almost lost his daughter, reality took him. 
“Sir!” Hansel shouted when Falcon almost collapsed on the floor.


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