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Planned Baby novel Chapter 26

“Are my babies ready?”

I smile at Ulie as I showed him the twins. Today is their dedication day in the Church and also their official appearance to the public (with media).

“They are so beautiful.” Ulie utter as he gives the twins kisses.

“Of course they are. We are their parents, it’s already given.” I confidently said to him.

He chuckled. “Mommy is getting cocky here. But we can’t deny that she is correct. Right babies?”

The twins giggle as if they understand what we told them.

I can’t help myself but give those two lots of kisses.

“Finally you guys are here!” Kaela said as she went to us the moment our car arrived at the hotel parking space.

The church venue is in the Laertes Hotel ballroom. The church is renting the said room for church service.

“We are not yet late Kaela. Stop overreacting!” Ulie hissed at his sister.

Kaela pouted her lips. “I just miss the twins, brother. Let’s go inside already, everyone is waiting”

She went to me to carry Amelia while I was carrying Alistair.

Auntie Adel, Uncle Laertes, Luna, Jace, and Nick were already inside the church. I went to Ulie’s parents to pay them respect. Luna went to me and carry Alistair, then she went back to her seat beside Jace. While Nick is trying to carry Amelia from Kaela, but knowing her, she will not give Amelia to him.

Once Kaela carries one of the twins, she will not let go of it. I only had a chance to hold my child from her when the baby is already hungry. Kaela has no choice but to give the baby to me unless she can produce her own milk. The twins don’t like formula milk.

“Is the venue for the official public appearance of the twins ready?” Uncle Laertes asks Ulie.

Ulie nodded. “Jace assure me that everything is ready in the grand ballroom.”

“That’s good to hear because the ceremony will not take long.” Uncle Laertes responds.

In a few minutes, the church service started. After the worship service, the pastor started the dedication ceremony.

Baby dedication service dedicates the baby or babies to God and officially welcomes the baby to church. During the ceremony, the parents also dedicate themselves to raising a child as a Christian.

The pastor invited us and our babies to come onstage.

“It is my great joy to introduce you to these newest members of our church family. Alistair Kade Escarrer and Amelia Quinn Escarrer are the children of Ulysses Kade Escarrer and Penelope Quinn Cabello and were born March 14, 2021. These parents have come today to pledge themselves before God and this congregation to raise this child in a way that honors the LORD.” The pastor said.

Then, the pastor started to ask us the parental affirmation to God.

“Do you today recognize these children as the gifts of God and give heartfelt thanks for God’s blessing?”

Ulie and I both answer. “We do.”

The pastor ask four more parental affirmations and we both responded “We do.”

In a shorter ceremony, the pastor read a biblical admonition about parenting.

The pastor lays hands on the twins and offers baby dedication prayer.

“Alistair Kade Escarrer and Amelia Quinn Escarrer, together with your parents, who love you dearly, and these people who care about the outcome of your faith, I dedicate you to God, surrendering together with them all worldly claims upon your life, in the hope that you will belong wholly to God forever.”

We returned to our seats and the pastor proceeded to his preaching.

When the service is finished, everyone went to the grand ballroom on the upper floor. While the direct family and friends went to the private room while waiting for the start of the event.


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