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Planned Baby novel Chapter 27

Time flies so fast. Many unexpected things happened. Who would have thought that my plan of having someone to be with will come to this?

I only want to have a child of my own, but God gave me more. He gave me a great partner-not romantically, but he can still be considered as family. Ulysses is a great dad to my soon-to-be five years old twin. Aside from Ulie, God gave me his family. It’s like a package deal.

I couldn’t ask for more. I am very contented with my life right now, not to mention how my company grew for the past five years. We are now one of the in-demand architecture and engineering companies.

Our company starts receiving clients abroad. My parent's vision for the company is now happening. I am sure that they are happy with all the company’s achievements.

Speaking of international clients, we are currently waiting for Mr. Schulz of Schulz Technologies.

Schulz Technologies are planning to have their office building here in the country.

Most international clients, especially in IT companies, are only renting floors to set as their office since their main office is located outside the country. It was more cost-efficient on their part.

Schulz Tech also has other offices nationwide. However, I am not yet sure if they were planning to have their own building office in their other offices or just here in Manila.

“Ms. Cabello?”

I look at the guy who called my name. I smiled and nodded at him.

“Yes, I’m Penelope Quinn Cabello, CEO of Cabello International Corporation.”

“I’m Harold Ortaleza, the CEO’s secretary of Schulz Tech here in the Philippines. And here with me is our CEO, Mr. Enrique Schulz.”

He extended his hand for a handshake. I gladly accept it, and then I offered a handshake to Mr. Schulz, which he obliged to accept.

“She’s my secretary, Ms. Luna Bianca Nielis, and our head Engineer Mr. Dominic Rosales and head architect Ms. Lorie Belle Garcia.”

After the introduction, we proceed to the conference room and start the meeting.

This is another big project. It is as big as the LHI Resort Project we did five years ago. I was surprised when Mr. Ortaleza contacted me about this project. It only proves that our company is making a name not just here in the country but also in other countries.

They showed us the land that they had newly acquired. It was located in Taguig. The land was ample. I am sure that if this project leaks to the media, it will be another talk of the town. Many people will anticipate this project.

“We want this building to be as grand as our main office in the States.” Mr. Schulz said.

I nodded. It makes me more excited to start the design of this project. It was one of my dreams to do a unique and high-tech design. Most of our projects for the past years were hotels, resorts, restaurants, and mansions. It was our first time doing this kind of project, and I can’t wait for it to start.

“I guess we were all clear about the requirements of this project. I have seen your project with LHI and Hearst, and I must say that I’m impressed that’s why I am expecting a lot from your team.” Mr. Schulz said in a formal voice.

I smiled at him. “I will not disappoint you. And thank you for trusting our company.”

“That’s good to hear. But I hope you don’t get too confident because I made myself clear that this meeting is not considered a close deal yet. Getting another company is still in our option if we are not happy with your design.”

“I understand, Mr. Schulz. We will do our best to close this deal.”


After a few discussions, the meeting ended well. The contract will be given once they approved our design. They made it very clear that providing this opportunity for us to design for them is not an assurance that we will get this project. Acquiring another company for this project is still on their option. What we need to do is give our best to close this deal completely.


“That was hot!” Lorie exclaimed.

After the meeting, we went back to our office and had an initial discussion on this project.

“You mean Mr. Schulz is so hot!”


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