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Planned Baby novel Chapter 29

My interest in Hadley Adelson started when Nick told me about her, how he became close with Ulie because of her. After I talked with Ulie about his friendship with Mr. Schulz, my interest in Hadley grew. I suddenly wonder, does Ulie like Hadley Adelson too?

I could not ask him to elaborate on why his friendship with Mr. Schulz was ruined because of Hadley Adelson. After he told me that Hadley is the reason why their friendship was over, Amelia woke up and she was looking for us. We had no choice but to finish our conversation and go to Amelia to get her back to sleep.

If I am not mistaken, Ulie wanted to cancel the wedding, and I don’t see why Mr. Schulz will get angry with Ulie. Unless Ulie also has a feeling with Hadley Adelson, he had no choice but to let her go because of his friendship with Mr. Schulz.

I remember Nick told me that Hadley is in love with Ulie. Maybe, that’s the reason why Ulie’s friendship with Mr. Schulz is over. Well, all of these were all my assumptions. Nothing is confirmed yet.

I was back from deep thinking when I heard Kaela’s voice.

“Penny, for your thought, sis?”

I smiled at her. “It’s nothing.”

She went to me and sat beside me. “Are you sure?”

I sighed. “It’s nothing. I just got curious about Mr. Schulz.”

Her forehead creased. “Why do you think about him?” Then her eyes widen. “Don’t tell me; you like that jerk?”

I laughed aloud. “Is that a joke?”

Her eyes darted at me. “Do I look like I’m joking? If you don’t like him, then why do you think about him?”

“Why do you look so affected? Wait… Don’t tell me you are jealous?”

She flinched. “Of course not! Why will I like that cocky jerk?!”

“Then why are you so affected?”

“It’s… It’s because of my brother… Yes, that’s right, because of my brother.”

I rolled my eyes. “You are so obvious, Kaela.”

“What do you mean?”

“You like Mr. Schulz. Even the twins notice it. There’s no reason for you to deny it. Your reaction betrayed you.”

“What? No! Believe me, Ellie, I don’t like that guy! He is so arrogant and full of himself. He feels like he was the most handsome guy in the world! Why will I like him?!” She still denied it.

“Whatever, Kaela!”

“Argh! You are changing the subject. I was the one who asks first. Why are you thinking of him?” She asks instead.

I sighed aloud. “I’m curious about what happens to Ulie and Mr. Schulz's friendship. Ulie said that it was because of Hadley Adelson, but he didn’t elaborate on it. Did they fight because they both like her?”

Kaela rolled her eyes. “Brother didn’t like Hadley Adelson. If he likes her, he will not make you pregnant.”

“How can you be so sure?” I asked.

Kaela looks at me intently. “If my brother likes someone, he will not flirt with other girls. He will remain loyal to that girl. Just like now.” She said in a serious voice.

I averted from her gaze. I’m not comfortable with her speech.

“Then why Ulie told me that Hadley Adelson was the reason why their friendship was over?” I ask instead.

“Because Quen likes Hadley while Hadley likes my brother. It was her who ask her parents to arrange her marriage with my brother.” She explained.

My eyes widen from her revelation. So it was her who wanted to marry Ulie. But why did she not do anything when Ulie cancels their wedding.

Kaela seems like she read what’s on my mind. “I think the reason why Hadley did nothing when my brother cancels their engagement is that even though you already have kids, my brother didn’t marry you. I think that gave her comfort and hope, that she still has a chance on my brother.”


My conversation with Kaela got me more curious about Ulie, Mr. Schulz, and Hadley.

I set aside my curiosity about them in the meantime because now is my quality time with the twins.

No matter how busy I am with my work, I always have quality time with the twins. Quality time means all my focus is on the twins, no work, no phones, no other thoughts. In that way, the twins will not feel neglected despite my busy schedule. This is how my parents treated me when I was a kid, which was my best memory of my younger years.

“Mom, can we invite our friends on our birthday?” Alistair ask.

I smiled at him while caressing his face. “Of course, honey, as long as their parents will allow them to come with us. They can also invite their parents if they want to.”

Alistair's eyes twinkle. “Really, mommy? Yes! I always tell my friends about our Island. They also want to see it.”


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