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Planned Baby novel Chapter 28

“I heard that you had a meeting with Mr. Schulz?”

I smiled and nodded at uncle Laertes. “Yes, Uncle. They are planning to have Schulz Tech's first office building here in the Philippines.”

We are currently eating our dinner together as a family.

“I assume that you already close the deal.”

“I haven't closed the deal yet, but I will am confident that I will,” I said confidently.

I am confident to say this because I know my capability and my subordinates as well. We proved that already for the past years.

“What happened, Ellie? What's stopping them from giving you the deal?” Kaela curiously asks.

“Nothing happens, Kaela, don’t worry. It's just that they wanted to see our design first before signing a contract with us, which is the standard in this industry. The client has the right to look for another Architect if they are not happy with the building design.”

Kaela looks irritated, which made me confused. “That Quen is demanding! He always acts as if he was a king or something. Ugh!”


“Quen is Enrique Schulz,” Ulie answered.

“Are you close with him, Kaela?” I curiously ask.

She rolled her eyes. “Of course not! He was my brother’s former best friend.”

I face Ulie. “Former best friend? You didn't tell me about him.”

Ulie never mentioned Enrique Schulz. He knew that I would have a meeting with him, and he said nothing.

“I did not tell you because it's not a big deal.”

I feel a bit hurt because he failed to tell me about his friendship with Mr. Schulz, though he is not obliged to say to me everything about him.

“Are you angry, Ellie? I'm sorry if I did not tell you about him.”

I smile at him to hide my disappointment. “I’m not angry, Ulie. Why will I? Don’t worry.”

“Don’t fight over that guy. It's worth a fight.” Kayla said, still irritated

“Do you like that guy, auntie?” My son Alistair asks.

My eyes widen. My son is brilliant; he noticed it right away.

“Is that true, Kaela? You like Mr. Schulz?” I said in a teasing tone.

The twins are murmuring with each other. Kayla, on the other hand, blushed.

“Of course not! Why will I like that arrogant guy?!” Kaela denied the accusation.

“Auntie, you are so obvious. You are flushing right now.” Amelia commented.

“I am not!”

The twins chuckled. “You are!” The twin said to tease their aunt more.

I just shook my head. The twins are starting their bullying stunt with their aunt again. They know Kaela well that is why they know how to bully her well.

But despite their bullying, I know that they love their aunt so much. I have seen them when they found out that someone wants to pursue Kaela. They ask for my permission to spend a night in the mansion because her aunt told them that the guy would visit her to court her formally.

The twins were on Kaela’s side the whole time when the guy visited her. They didn't leave those two alone.

They will ask him many things to torture the guy and then blatantly tell the guy’s face that they don't like him for their aunt. And that scheme didn't happen once; they do that every time a guy will try to court their aunt.

“Alistair, Amelia, stop bullying your aunt,” I warned them before they torture Kaela more.


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