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Planned Baby novel Chapter 5

I felt Luna’s soft punch on my shoulder when we went inside the car.

“Care to explain what happens after our meeting? What is with you and Mr. Escarrer? Do you guys know each other?” Luna asked me.

It was very obvious that she was very curious about me and Mr. Escarrer.

I actually asked myself if I will tell her the truth or not. As much as possible I wanted to keep this a secret.

"I don't want this project anymore!" I said instead of answering her.

Her eyes widen and I got a soft punch again from her.

“What are you saying?! Are you crazy?! You waited for this project with LHI for so long and now you are saying that?!” She said in disbelief.

“Yes I wanted it before but now I am not sure.” I softly whispered but enough for her to hear.

She raised her right eyebrow. “Is this because of Mr. Escarrer? You wanted to miss this kind of opportunity because of him. Tell me the truth, what is with you and Mr. Escarrer?”

I just avoided her gaze and remain silent.

“You really avoiding answering my question. You know that it made me more curious to know what is with you and him.”

Then her eyes suddenly widen. “Wait, Ellie! OMG! Don’t tell me he was the guy?!” She started to get hysterical again.

She was still trying to absorb the idea that came to her. She can’t still get over it.

“He was so hot girl! OMG! You are so lucky! Did you know how hard I stop myself from drooling because of his handsomeness?! Then I will find out that he was the father of your twins! You are the luckiest girl!”

I am not sure anymore if she was still talking to me or herself because I can’t butt in.

“Girl, don’t you have any reaction?” She suddenly asked after her long dialogue.

I just rolled my eyes. “Of course he was handsome! Do you think that I will choose an ugly guy and give him my v card?! It’s already given that one of my qualifications on that night was his looks. It's my child that we are talking about here! My twin has to have good genes both from me and their father.” I explained to her.

“Wow! I can’t get over your cockiness girl! But still, you are so lucky! You don’t really want to tell him about your twins? It’s your chance to get him!”

I was stunned by what she said. I can’t believe what I am hearing from her. Is this really my friend?

“Luna I think you are forgetting something, I am Penelope Quinn Cabello, I never chased nor seduced any guy?!” I said a bit irritated.

She just rolled her eyes at me. “Oh well you never chased a guy but you got yourself pregnant.”

My eyes widen. “You and your mouth!”

She really doesn’t know when to stop when she was overwhelmed with something. She forgot for a moment that aside from the OB it was only me and her who knew about my pregnancy.

"Sorry I was carried away."

I just shook my head.

Today is Sunday and I don’t have work, I was just in my penthouse.

If I were to ask I would like to spend my whole day here in the house and sleep more, but my twins look like they don’t like the idea of just staying home.

I was craving something. I just can’t say what is it. I decided to just go to the mall and do some food hunting.


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