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Planned Baby novel Chapter 6

I rolled my eyes to make him think that I am not affected by what he said. 

"Can you stop with your absurd idea?! If you want a baby, then go and find someone else to carry your child.” I hissed.

“I don’t want to have a child yet okay? But if it happened then I don’t have a choice but to accept the responsibility. And also, I just said that because from your action right now, you look like a pregnant woman.”   He said in defense.

“It may also be because I was so stressed,” I said trying to defend myself and stop him from thinking that I might be pregnant.

His forehead creased. "Are you stressed because of the LHI project?" He asked a bit worried.

"Well... it is one of the reasons. LHI is a big project, and everyone in the industry wants to get that project. Also, I always wanted to have a project with LHI.” Yes! He believed in my excuse. 

He became silent and seriously stared at me.

I became nervous again. I thought he already bought my excuse but why did he become so serious all of a sudden. Did he still think that I was pregnant?

"If I give you this project will you not be stressed anymore?" He said in a serious tone.

I was stunned. "You will give me the LHI project simply because I’m stressed?”

"Why not? I mean I'm satisfied with your presentation. So far your company has the highest chance of getting the project. We still have 2 more companies to meet but I'm planning to decline the meeting and go with your company." 

I felt irritated with what he said. “You will not do that! Yes, I wanted to get the LHI project but I wanted to get the project solely because we deserve I and not just because you don’t want me to be stressed.”

“Who told you that your company does not deserve to get this project?! Are you deaf? I told you that so far, your company has the highest chance of getting picked for the project because, among all the companies who presented, your presentation was the best.”

“I only have two more companies to meet and I am pretty sure that you can still beat them. This project was eating up a lot of my time because of those meetings. I am just trying to save time and also at the same time, help you to minimize your stress.” He explained in a serious tone.

I pouted my lips still not accepting his explanation. "Still, you will not do that. Continue your meeting with the two companies. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to get a scheduled meeting from your company?!”

“I am very sure that those two companies had a hard time getting that scheduled meeting. You can’t just cancel it because of these reasons. They might not be chosen but still, give them their chance to prove themselves for this project.”


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