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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 147

After my warning, a hint of hesitation and unease flashed in Kate's eyes. She shot us a glare and strode into the hospital.

She's still here at this late hour to accompany Bonnie. She must really care about her.

Stella groaned with disgust, "Birds of a feather flock together. I can't stand anyone who's friends with Bonnie the Bitch!"

With that, she gave Mitch a hard pinch, "Including you, Mr. Can't-See-Clearly!"

Mitch grimaced in pain and quickly swore, "I see it now, I really do! If I protect her again, I'm doomed!"

"How did you see it? How are you suddenly smart?" Stella asked surprised.

Mitch spilled the beans about eavesdropping at the door with me. Stella gave me a thumbs-up, "You're spot on! You actually guessed she'd show her true colors!"

I smiled smugly, "Of course, she always acts this way when we're alone."

Stella nodded, "Makes sense. She'd have to keep up appearances in front of others. If it wasn't just me who went to see her today, but all three of us, she could've put on a whole show!"

I agreed.

Soon after, Stella and I parted ways, each heading home.

When I got home, my mom was waiting for me in the living room. She didn't relax until I was back, "Why are you coming home so late? You had me worried sick!"

"What, you were worried I went to see Neil?" I asked, laughing as I took off my coat.

"Exactly! I'm your mom, I know you best. You've liked Neil for so many years, I'm afraid you can't let go," my mom replied.

I sat down next to her, wrapped my arm around hers, and said with a smile, "If I couldn't let go, why would I divorce him and move to a different country? Wouldn't that be asking for trouble? It's not like I'm the one stirring things up."

My mom patted my hand, looking both relieved and sympathetic, "I know, it's just a pity about the baby... If you'd told us earlier, maybe we could've saved it."

"Mom, if you and dad knew I was pregnant, would you have objected?" I had been really worried about this.

"We would, but what could we say if you insisted?" my mom sighed heavily, "Your dad and I want to be grandparents too. All my old friends have already have grandchildren..."

Hearing my mom's words, I started off smiling. But as I continued to smile, tears slid down my cheeks, and a dull pain throbbed in my heart.

I don't know if my parents will ever become grandparents. The odds of me having a child are as slim as winning the lottery.

Hearing me cry, my mom quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe my tears, "Why are you crying? We're not blaming you, so don't blame yourself. Maybe the baby knew it wouldn't have a complete family after being born and decided to go back, planning to come again in future."

I couldn't speak through my tears.

My mom comforted me until I cried myself out, then took me to my room to rest.

The next afternoon, I woke up with puffy eyes. The sun was shining brightly outside, making it hard to open my eyes.

My phone was vibrating non-stop; a ton of WhatsApp messages had piled up.

I squinted at the screen; it was the girls from our group chat.


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