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The Alpha’s Substitute Bride novel Chapter 3

Kimani’s POV:

The first thing I noted as I came awake was the silence around me. Everything felt so still as if the world outside had stopped in its orbit and it made a slither run up my spine, forcing me to open my eyes. The room was dark, but it didn’t feel strange even though it was my first time sleeping in it.-

Soon, my eyes began adjusting to the dark and I saw that the space beside me was empty. Reece was out of the bed and as I stretched my fingers to touch the side of the bed that he had fallen asleep in, I knew that he had to have been out for a while because the spot was cold.

My eyes moved to the clock on the dresser and the blinking red numbers displayed 9:16 am

I couldn’t remember the last time I had slept in this late and slept so well too. It was almost as if I had no worry in the world like my life had not just been flipped upside down.

I moved out of the bed to pull open the curtains and the burst of light that flooded the room had me hissing as it burned my retinas. I moved into the bathroom next to brush my teeth and wash my face and when I looked in the mirror above the sink in the corner, I wasn’t surprised to find the imprint of his hand across my neck. I had known it was going to happen, but I didn’t think he had held me down for so long as to make the mark purple already.

I didn’t care enough about the mark to struggle to cover it up. This was a small pack and in my experience, the people in the smaller packs would always find a way to gossip. Whether or not I covered the mark would barely make a difference, since they were only going to still gossip and whisper about me either way.

I moved to the dresser and slipped a pair of jeans over my panties, changed my t-shirt before brushing my long hair, tucking it behind my ears and stepping out of the room.

I made my way into the kitchen and just as I open one of the drawers, my eyes caught a movement from outside the window and I walked towards the door to open it, revealing a huge backyard and Reece in the middle of it, stretching out his tall frame.

It was surprising to see a man with such height and build move with such fluidity. It looked like he had been doing this for a really long time now and I wondered how it could have been possible.

The image of Reece that had been painted to me had been one of a spoilt brat from a high-ranking family. I wondered how a brat from a wealthy family could have so many scars, and have such a powerful aura if I didn’t know his background I would think he had been exposed to battle before. I knew the loss had been difficult to bear but I didn’t think the loss would make him seem so different and I was still very afraid of him being a Ruffian, he had the tendency to be abusive and I wasn’t looking forward to that at all.

“Do you want to join me?” I heard him say and I jumped a little in my spot.

I had been so lost in thoughts and I had not been expecting him to speak, especially since he still had his back to me, but I was sure my scent had given me away. His voice never failed to shock me. It was deep and had an edge to it, but it wasn’t rough like the rest of his features. It was surprisingly calm but powerful, it sounded like something that would belong to an Alpha.

“N-no, t-thank you. I don’t enjoy exercise very much.” I responded and I heard his grunt, and for a moment I wished that he would turn around so I could get a glimpse of his face and not just the view of his sweaty back.

“I was wondering if you would like some breakfast though?” I added but he remained silent and when I listened closely, I could hear him counting his push-ups under his breath.

“No, thank you.” Came his strained response a while later and I nodded, turning around and moving back into the kitchen.

For some reason, I was disappointed that he had declined breakfast. I had been hoping to spend some time with him during this period and try to get to know more about him. I might be his substitute bride but I was already married to him and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. I might as well embrace it.

But as I mixed the batter for the pancake, I knew that if I didn’t try, he wouldn’t and we would be stuck in this awkward phase for a longer time and so I mixed more batter, added some extra strips of bacon and cooked enough eggs for two. I had just begun piling them into a plate for him when the door was pushed open and he walked in, his presence made the small kitchen feel even smaller and as he moved to fill his glass with some water, I tried my best to pick up a scent from him but there was just nothing.

Layana, couldn’t sense his wolf and I couldn’t pick a single scent off him, even after his sweaty rendezvous. It was scary just how mysterious he was.

“I made you a plate,” I said, steeling my voice and trying to prevent the nervousness I felt from slipping through.

3. Getting Along 1


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