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The Alpha’s Substitute Bride novel Chapter 6

Tristan’s POV:

“A lot has gone wrong already Tristan and it’s only going to get worse if you don’t come back. We’ve found the brain behind the whole attack, we just need you back so we can take a new course of action.” Darren, my Beta and second in command said and I hummed, before turning to my wife who had an expectant look on her face as we had arrived at the grocery shop.

“Hey, why don’t you go in and start getting the things that we need. I’ll just round up with this real quick and I’ll join you.” I told her and she nodded, making her way into the store.

“Who was that?” Darren said and I grunted.

“It’s none of your business. Listen, I can tell that you’ve been doing a lot of hard work since I’ve been gone and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it, but the time is not right yet. I can’t come back just yet. I’ve still got to lay low. You saw the attack, you fought alongside myself, did it look like it had taken one person to plan that? Did it look like it was a singular mind that accomplished all of that?” I asked and the hesitation that I heard from the other end proved me right.

“Well, we can’t continue here without you. We need a leader. We need our Alpha. If we’re going to take down these guys, we’ll need you.”

“And I’ll be here. I’m not trying to abandon my duties Darren. I’m trying to make sure that I can do it even better. Keep that guy, get as much as you can from him. If he let himself get caught so easily then I’m sure he’s not even the main guy but just get as much as possible as you can from him and keep me updated with whatever you get. I’ll try as much as I can to help out from here but I can’t come back right now, the time is just not right.” I said, subtly looking around me and observing my environment for any troubles.

This town was small and relatively safe, it was the reason I had chosen it to hide out for now but that knowledge didn’t make me lax, I still felt super cautious of my environment and I was constantly on edge. Especially when I had to be in amongst other people.

The identity I had also taken wasn’t the best. Most people were wary and afraid of Ruffians, some other people though enjoyed a little troublemaking. I knew I had to be careful.

“Where are you though, Tristan? The last time I saw you were barely alive and although you sound much better, I just need to be sure you’re fine.” Darren voiced

“I am fine and not to worry. When the time’s right, I’ll be home. Don’t contact me through phone calls anymore. Leave me texts and clear them out as soon as we’re done. Be careful too, these are hard times and we don’t know who to trust.” I ordered, waiting to hear his confirmation before ending the call.

I stood outside for a moment longer, just enjoying the evening breeze as it carasses my face. Lately, I was learning to enjoy the simple things even more seeing as I had spent the majority of my life worrying about the more difficult things and how to solve them. After a while, I made my way into the store and it didn’t take me very long to find my wife.

The frown on her face as she looked at a particular product worried me for a second.

“What’s the problem?” I asked and she jumped a little in her spot making me feel a little guilty for startling her.

“Nothing. I’m just trying to figure out which is better. Do you have any allergies or preference when it comes to food?” She asked and I shook my head.

“Okay, I think we’re done here then.”

We made our way to the checkout and once we had our things paid for and bagged we left the store. The walk back home was silent, but I knew that there would always be long and awkward silences with us and so it was better to get used to it. After all, this was just temporary.

“I’ll get started on dinner.” She said the moment we got home and I hummed.

“Do you need any help?” I wasn’t sure why a look of shock took over her features but my face remained blank as I continued to watch her for her response.

6. A Nice Dinner 1

6. A Nice Dinner 2

6. A Nice Dinner 3


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