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The Alpha’s Substitute Bride novel Chapter 7

Kimani’s POV:

I could hear Tristan grunting from somewhere around the house and I knew that he was on his morning exercise. The man had such a routine and it always surprised me how he always managed to stick to everyone of them. He was the most organized person I had ever met and it made me question who he was once again. No ruffian was actually that organized or cared to be responsible.

I knew that in a couple of minutes he would come in for his morning coffee and afterwards have breakfast and as I flipped the piece of pancake on the stove, it dawned on me how one week had somehow managed to settle things between us. I knew his routine like I had been a part of it since forever instead of only a week and from his efforts I could see that he understood my routine too. I was starting to get used to his cold, blank demeanor and the long silences were no longer awkward.

The door was pushed open and he strolled into the kitchen, heading straight in my direction the moment he had the door shut behind him.

“Good morning!” I greeted cheerfully and he paused for a second in his spot, eyeing me suspicion in his eyes, before moving again to pick up his cup of coffee I had just made.

“It’s seven o’clock in the morning. What are you so happy about? The day hasn’t even begun.” He said and I chuckled.

“It’s seven o’clock in the morning, what are you so grumpy about? The day hasn’t even began.” I responded, using his words against him and he let out a chuckle.

Shaking his head before taking a sip out of his cup.

“Touché.” He responded and I laughed, pushing a plate full of food in his direction.

He moved the chair from the dining area towards the counter closer to the stove and then he settled there to eat, causing me to raise my brows in confusion. He usually liked to eat at the table.

“What? I want to be able to steal more of the food you’re cooking.” He said

I pulled a chair and sat close to him and we ate our breakfast in silence. Several minutes had passed before I began speaking again.

“I’ll be going home t-to see my pa-parents today.” I said softly and even without looking in his direction I could feel his burning gaze on my frame.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, of course. I just want to say hello and you know…” I drifted off, wiping my sweaty palms against my shorts.

“Do you need me to go with you?” He asked and my heart dropped to my stomach.

“No, no it’s fine. I won’t be gone for long and it’s nothing really special.” I said hurriedly and the way that his brows furrowed in suspicion made me swallow.

My mom always told me I was a terrible liar and I was starting to believe her because I could feel the sweat dripping down my back as he continued to watch me in silence.

“Are you that unhappy here? Is that why you want to go back soon?” He finally asked and a gasp of horror escaped my lips.

“No, that’s not it I promise. I-I’m not unhappy at all and I appreciate the mutual understanding that we share. It’s just a quick pop in and I’ll be out just as soon.” I responded and that seemed to satisfy him because he nodded his head and resumed eating.

“That’s fine then.”

We had the rest of our breakfast in silence and once we were done and the dishes were cleared I headed to my room to prepare for the day. I got dressed in the bathroom before heading towards my room to fix my hair. The moment I pushed the door open it was to find my husband sat on it, with a huge box in his hands. He patted the space beside him and I moved to sit down there.

He opened the box and my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw the content of the box. There were various pieces of expensive jewelries inside.

7. Broken Promises 1

7. Broken Promises 2


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