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The Alpha’s Substitute Bride novel Chapter 4

Tristan’s POV:

“I’m heading to the store from which I rented the dress to return it.” Her soft voice had reached my ears but she had turned around and walked out of the room before I had the opportunity to respond to her.-

I never enjoyed it when people walked out of my presence before I dismissed them. It was one of the highest forms of disrespect and I didn't tolerate it, but for some reason, I didn't feel the urge to go after her and pull her back into the room to scold her for it. Instead, something else caught my attention.

It was already more than obvious she wasn't Kayla Peters, the breakfast she had made earlier, was enough to ease the rest of my doubts. But now it meant that I needed to figure out this woman, who she was and why she was married off to Reece Alderman instead of his promised bride.

The wedding ceremony from the previous day had been a simple event but he had been surprised at how rushed it had been and how distant her parents had seemed to be, especially her mother, but seeing her pack up the wedding dress that I was sure she had rented alone, it warmed my heart to see that she had at least put in some efforts.

The last thing I had expected when I fled into this small town and took the identity of Reece Alderman had been to get married. My mission had been really simple; escape, take on the identity of Reece, and keep a low profile until I completely heal. I didn’t think that there was a two-generation-old pact that had been made and was at the edge of being fulfilled and I would find myself with a wife, almost as soon as I settled into the town.

What was worse, I didn’t think I would marry a wife that would be in the middle of such difficult circumstances. She was the replacement bride, something had happened and she had to do it, I could tell that she wasn’t happy to be doing this, I could also tell that she hadn’t been given much of a chance and I wanted to know why she had agreed to do it.

Reece was supposed to be a Ruffian, if he had been one then he could decide to kill her if she so much as breathed wrong. No one in their right senses would take the gamble except for a good reason. I wanted to know what her reason was, and then her real name too.

I had woken up earlier than she did and I was surprised when she had barely moved even as I had stroked away the mane of hair that had covered her face completely. She looked even smaller as she slept and I could tell that she struggled even more than I thought. Her attempt at making conversation with me at breakfast was proof that she was willing to work a little extra and attempt to be happy. It made me respect her.

I had responsibilities, I was an Alpha, I had a pack to get back and I knew that I couldn’t stay here for long. Only until I was healed enough and Maximus, my wolf was also completely recovered. The marriage would have to come to an end by then. She didn’t belong in my reality, none of the things that was currently happening belonged in my reality, but as long as I was here now, I might as well make it work out. I could help make her life easier no matter how little, or how short it lasted.

I pulled out a shirt from the dresser and pulled it onto my frame before making my way out of the house, hoping to catch up with her. I didn’t have much to do here anyway, so spending the day with her didn’t sound like such a bad idea.

The sun was out bright and proud and it made me smile at the fact that I could walk down the street and no one recognized me for who I truly was. Everyone thought I was Reece Alderman and they treated me the way I’m sure they would have treated him if he were still here. With distaste and fear.

Everyone moved out of the way when I walked through like I had some sort of disease they were afraid of catching, after all, I was supposed to be a Ruffian and could be quite unpredictable, but I didn’t feel bad about it. I was okay with everyone thinking I was some sort of monster. As long as nobody tried to poke their nose into my business, during my stay here.

I had tried to search for the closest wedding stress store in the town and I realized they were only two in the entire town, one of which was super close to where we lived and the other which was ok the other side of the town. My bet was on the closest one and so I headed in that direction.

In no time I was pulling open the door to the store, but I froze in my spot at the unfolding scene in front of me.

“Linda, you know I had been a little desperate yesterday when I came in and I’m telling you that this dress was already dirty when I picked it up and it was even worse when I saw the extent of how much but it was too late because I didn’t have the time to properly observe it and had just picked it in a hurry. You are respon-“

“Please, look at you. Making it look like you had much of a choice in wedding dresses. You picked up the cheapest one and didn’t have the time to inspect it as you claimed because you spent most of the time trying to bargain the already ridiculously cheap gown. Aren’t you a little ashamed of yourself? Walking into this store and even attempting to speak up instead of cower in shame in a corner. You’re so poor, I’m not sure why you thought it would be a good idea to get married in your situation.”

There was my wife standing inches shorter than the shop attendant who looked like she was going to attempt hitting my smaller wife any second. I couldn’t explain what the rage that filled me was for. I couldn’t tell if I was just angry about the insults she was hurling at my wife or the way that she addressed her but I knew that I shouldn’t feel this way about the situation.

We weren’t meant to be together, we were different in many ways. We we’re not going to be married for long, I had to leave the moment I felt better. I knew these things in my heart but saying them to myself didn’t make me feel better or less angry. It didn’t stop me from walking towards my wife and pulling her into myself before speaking.


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