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The Alpha’s Substitute Bride novel Chapter 5

Kimani’s POV:

“This dress was dirty and stained in weird places from the moment I slipped it on yesterday which meant it wasn’t maintained from the store, because I didn’t even take it out of my bag until I got home. I made sure to clean it last night so if you can still find stains on it, you can only imagine how it had been given to me.”

“So you expect me to believe that the store had given you a dirty dress for no reason and you had just taken it home like that after inspecting and you were not worried about the stains to bring it up during inspection?” She said and my frown deepened.

“Linda, you know I had been a little desperate yesterday when I came in and I’m telling you that this dress was already dirty when I picked it up and it was even worse when I saw the extent of how much but it was too late because I didn’t have the time to properly observe it and had just picked it in a hurry. You are respon-“

“Please, look at you. Making it look like you had much of a choice in wedding dresses. You picked up the cheapest one and didn’t have the time to inspect it as you claimed because you spent most of the time trying to bargain the already ridiculously cheap gown. Aren’t you a little ashamed of yourself? Walking into this store and even attempting to speak up instead of cowering in shame in a corner. You’re so poor, I’m not sure why you thought it would be a good idea to get married in your situation.” She said maliciously and I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

I felt so distressed and hurt that I didn’t hear when the door to the store had been pulled open and someone entered. But just as I opened my mouth to speak, I was pulled into a warm, muscular arm. The blissful feeling had me distracted for a second.

“Is that the way you speak to your customers here?” His voice boomed in the small space and I watched as Linda froze in front of me, I also didn’t miss the loud gasps from around me.

Proof that the other ladies were still perched somewhere around the store, eavesdropping on the unfolding scene. Linda seemed to recover from her initial shock and she sneered in what sounded like disgust before bursting out in malicious laughter.

“I can’t even tell which is more embarrassing about your situation. I can’t tell if you’re more stupid for choosing a stupid and poor man for a husband who is trying to act rich because you’re good-looking enough or-“ I interrupted her before she could finish the sentence.

Hurling insults at me and embarrassing me was one thing and I could ignore it for the most part. I didn’t feel the need to attack her when she belittled me, but hearing her insult Reece made myself and Layana want to rip out a part of her throat with a claw.

“You can’t talk to us like that, whatever you say, I still paid for this dress, it wasn’t given to me for free and you agreed upon the price, you don’t get to shame me right after taking my money. If you thought you couldn’t rent the dress to me then you shouldn’t have in the first place, but you did and I paid for it! I demand an apology right away!” I said, my voice shaking with the emotion in it.

Linda looked ready to lash with a razored tongue but Reece beat her to it.

“One more insult hurled at myself or my wife and I promise you won’t have a tongue by the end of the day,” Reece said in his cool, deep tone and I could feel myself freeze at his words but he didn’t seem to mind and only continued to hold me protectively to himself.

Linda looked to be in shock too.

“A-are y-you threatening me sir?” She asked, her eyes blown wide in shock.

“Do with it whatever you wish. Bring me your most beautiful and expensive dress.” He said and I looked up to him in shock.

“Reece you can’t,” I whispered as Linda walked away with her head bowed, moving toward a separate room.

“Yes, I can and she can’t talk to you like that. Sit.” He commanded as he led me towards the seat and settled in beside me.

“It could be really expensive. How can you afford it and don’t you thi-“

“Here it is ma’am. You can try it in the other room.” Linda, having appeared again, said placing a large box into my hands and pointing in the direction of the changing room.

“It’s heavy,” I whispered under my breath and Reece stood up first, taking the box out of my hands before walking in front of me towards the changing room.

“I’ll be right outside. If you need any help.” He said after placing the box in the corner

Alone in the room, I looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of me and I let the recent events of the afternoon run through my mind. I couldn’t deny it, I loved the feeling that had come with Reece defending me. I couldn’t remember a time when I had felt as protected and safe as I did moments ago. It felt too good.

I pulled the dress out of the box and I was stunned with the embroidery. It was beautiful, I could already tell how expensive it would cost and the thought made me not want to try it but I might as well. I was in the dressing room with the dress and it would be a waste if I didn’t put it on even once just to enjoy the feeling of wearing something expensive.

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5. Support 2


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