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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 100

“Can you tell us what happened Mr. Callahan?” One of the police officers that had arrived on the scene asked.

Felix looked up from staring at the stuffed bear. It sat atop the mountain of nylon bags piled on the shopping cart. The rain had stopped ages ago but puddles of water had already gathered on the ground, reflecting the lights from cars and building signs. After he had explained what had happened over the phone, the 911 operator had sent two officers to his location. The older one had gone inside the supermarket to inspect the exits and to check if the CCTV footage had been able to pick Cassie leaving the supermarket. He and the younger officer stood opposite themselves outside the supermarket, the stuffed bear in Felix’s hand and a notepad in the officer’s hand. He had already provided the officer with a physical description of Cassie and what she had been wearing.

“Cassie and I were at the amusement park when it started to rain so we ran to the supermarket. We picked up some things while we were here and joined the line to pay. Then Cassie left to get milk. After I paid, I didn’t see her so I started to look for her. I went through the supermarket four times, and I even asked a staff member coming out of the female restroom if she had seen Cassie but she hadn’t. So I went to check the car, in case she went there but she didn’t. Then I came back here and asked the security guy whether he had seen him leave, he said that he hadn’t. After I called her and left a voicemail, I saw this under one of the shelves on the milk aisle. She wouldn’t have left it behind; she loves it.” He explained.

The police officer took a break from furiously scribbling in his notepad to look up at Felix.

“You said that you went through the supermarket four times. How come you didn’t notice the bear any of those times? I’m not accusing you of anything, I’m just trying to paint a picture.”

“When I walked by those four times, I was looking at people’s faces to see if I would spot Cassie. I wasn’t looking at the ground. I just happened to spot it that time.”

“I see.” The officer said and went back to scribbling. “Did the two of you have any argument? Something that would make her take off without you?”

Felix shook his head. “No.”

“Can you think of anywhere that she would have gone to?”

“There are a couple of places. Her best friend’s place or her family friend’s but she wouldn’t just spontaneously go there this late at night and under the rain.”

“Do you know anyone who might have taken her?”

“Fucking Chad Collins. Most people call him Big Daddy but he’s just a big fool. He set her house on fire and shot her best friend in the chest last year. Either that or he paid someone to do it. He’s been on the run ever since.”

“I see.” The officer said again.

The older officer popped his head out of the supermarket and waved at his partner. “Are you done over there?”


“Well get your ass over here.” He ordered before he disappeared inside again.

The younger officer turned to Felix. “That’s all for now. We’re going to do everything in our power to find her. If you remember anything that might be helpful, even the smallest detail, get in touch with us.” He said before he went to meet his partner.

Felix picked up his things from the shopping cart and started the walk to his car. The journey took longer as he walked rather than ran. He was an odd sight: a miserable looking man walking along the wet road carrying tons of plastic bags and a stuffed bear. As he sat behind the wheel of the car, the last words that Cassie had said to him before she had left, floated around in his head: Just go on without me. The problem wasn’t just that he wouldn’t, it was also that he couldn’t.


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