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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 101

Cassie felt as if her head had been shattered into thousands of pieces by a sledgehammer, hastily put back together with hot glue and then a band of tiny people had started to use it as a venue for a rock metal concert. She felt worse than that time in her freshman year of uni when she had attended a series of parties nonstop for an entire week, drinking everything that was handed to her and dancing to every song that the DJ had played. The thing was, this time, she hadn’t been partying. In fact, she had just been… What exactly had she been doing?

Cassie tried hard to recall what she had been doing before, straining her brain and ignoring the headache that intensified in her attempt to remember. Her memory came back to her in slow flashes. Riding the Ferris wheel with Felix. Being presented with a stuffed bear. Running in the rain and seeking shelter in a supermarket. Felix let go of her hand so that she could go and get a carton of milk. Try as much as she might, that was where her memory ended; with Felix letting go of her hand. She couldn’t even remember if she had ever made it to the milk aisle. What exactly has happened since then?

Realizing that she was surrounded by darkness, she tried to peel open her eyes only to realize that her eyes had been open ever since. Her vision had just been obstructed by a blindfold wound tightly over her eyes. She tried to lift up her hand to move the blindfold away only to find that they were bound together. Even her legs were bound together. She started to struggle against the bindings, barely succeeding as her body seemed like it was filled with lead and refused to cooperate with her. She could tell that she was lying on the floor of a moving vehicle as she could feel the movement and hear the sound of the engine; that wasn’t a good sign. She tried to cry out for help but there was a gag around her mouth that prevented her from doing so.

“I think she’s awake.” A voice stated. “Why is she awake? How many milligrams of midazolam did you give her?”

Cassie froze. It didn’t take much effort on her path seeing as she was barely moving before.

“Enough.” A different voice replied.

“Enough is not an answer.” The first voice snapped. “You were supposed to measure out exactly seven milligrams of the midazolam for her. We’ve been planning this for months now and you want all of that to go to waste because you couldn’t be bothered to follow the instructions? I knew you were stupid but I didn’t know you were that stupid.”

“Firstly, watch your tongue when you speak to me. I am not an errand boy and I will not be addressed as such. We are equal partners in this shit.” The second voice sneered.

“Secondly, how did you even know that she’s awake? I didn’t hear anything from the back.”

“That’s because you’re focusing on the road and I’m focusing on her. I saw her move. It was a little, but it was something. Stop the car.” The first voice ordered.

Cassie didn't know whether to be happy or worried. Stopping the car meant that she could have a chance of escape; that was if she could will her muscles to move. It also meant that one of the two voices would soon be coming down to administer another dose of whatever it was they had given her to make her feel so groggy and heavy. She tried to sit up but found that she couldn’t use her muscles to do so. She felt the vehicle slow down to a stop. She heard the door open and then there was silence for a couple of seconds until she heard another door being dragged open.

“Hello Cassie.” The first voice greeted. “Don’t pretend that you can’t hear me. I know you’re awake.”

Cassie lay as still as possible, trying to give the illusion of unconsciousness in hopes that the person would think she was still out cold and get back into the car, giving her enough time to regain movement in her limbs. The plan fell apart when she jolted and squealed into her gag as she felt something thin and sharp slice her forearm.

“There. I knew you were awake. Stay still for this next part. You’re going to feel a light prick and we wouldn’t want the needle breaking inside of you.”

Cassie felt a sharp pinch in her arm as what was undoubtedly a syringe was inserted into it. She started to feel herself drift off to sleep. She tried to fight it but the drug was fast acting. Her last thoughts before she felt the full effects of the drug was how vaguely familiar one of the voices sounded.


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