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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 102

The next time that Cassie regained consciousness, she was careful not to make any sudden movements so that she wouldn’t alert any of her kidnappers. Everything was the same with her situation. The blindfold was still over her eyes, her bindings were still tightly secured around her arms and her limbs still felt absolutely useless. The only difference was that her head hurt minimally less than it had the first time she had woken up. She started to prepare herself for the next time the door would be opened, wiggling her toes and fingers as a form of training since it would have been too conspicuous of her to move an entire limb and she didn’t want to draw attention to herself again.

She was so focused on preparing herself that she didn’t realize when the car stopped again and the door opened once more. A sudden blast of cool air blew over her body. She was suddenly reminded of how she had never dried herself off after the rain. Her dress was no longer damp but her hair stuck to her scalp and neck in limp clumps as a result of not being dried after the rain. The back of her neck felt sticky from perspiration. Even with her blindfold on, she was able to tell that it was already day as she could feel the warmth of the sun on her face. She listened for any sounds that would give her an indication of where they were but she heard nothing. As it was daytime, she was able to see a fuzzy outline of the two people who had kidnapped her through the fabric of her blindfold.

“When do you think she’ll regain consciousness this time?” The second voice, the one that had earlier claimed to not be an errand boy, asked.

“I don’t know. It has been four hours since her last dose. Let me check on her.”

Cassie felt approaching footsteps and braced herself for what she knew was going to happen next. Another slice across her forearm was made, almost parallel to the first one judging from the pain that she felt. As she had been prepared for that tactic, she had made herself entirely still and silent the moment her skin was sliced. It hurt even more than it had the first time because she was more awake this time, had more feeling in her body and whoever had cut her made a deeper and wider cut this time.

“It looks like she’s still knocked out. See this is what happens when you properly measure things. Since the drug is supposed to last from two to six hours, she’s probably going to need another dose of it in about two hours. Let’s get her into the house. Pick her up.”

“I love the way you said that we should get her into the house but that I should be the one to pick her up.”

“Well, I’m not going to break a nail over her so, just fucking do it.” The first voice ordered.

“What do fuck are you doing?”

“Looking for a rag to wipe the blood off with. I don’t want any of that on me.”

“Really? You’re wanted for murder but you’re squeamish around blood?”

“I’m not squeamish. I’m just disgusted. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood stains off fabric?”

Cassie felt movement in the vehicle as the person searched around for a rag to wipe the blood off her. After a moment of moving around, the vehicle went still.

“I think you’ve have realized by now that there’s nothing in this van except for that stupid bitch and that moldy slice of pizza you should have thrown out since last week you disgusting fuck!” The first voice said.

Despite what the other person wanted to believe, Cassie could clearly tell from the dynamics of their conversation that they weren’t equal partners.

There was a tense moment of silence before she felt herself being dragged across the floor of the van, the skin on one of her elbows scraping off in the process. It took everything from her not to give any form of reaction. She felt herself being hurdled atop the shoulder of someone that smelled of cigarettes and severe body odor. She felt movement as she was carried out of the van and into the house. She tried to make a mental map of the building as they moved but it was impossible as she wasn’t walking and whoever was carrying her kept slamming her against the corners of walls. Whether it was intentional or not, Cassie didn’t know.

They walked around for what seemed like ages before she was thrown to the ground like a rag doll and then heard a door being locked behind her. She waited for five minutes, counting the seconds away in her head in the process, to see whether any of them would come back. When they didn’t, she rolled herself toward the nearest wall and sat up. She pulled off the gag from her mouth and the blindfold from her eyes, the brightness of the room immediately blinding her as she did so. Slowly, she peeled her eyes open and accessed the room. It was spacious but devoid of any décor or furniture. All of the windows had a barrier of wrought iron security bars on the outside. The security bars looked newly added. Has the room been specialized and renovated for her?

She struggled against her zip ties but found that she was never going to get them off without help from a sharp object. She examined the cuts in the forearm. The first one that had been made had already started to heal but the second one was still bleeding. Groaning, she brought her hand to the back of her aching head and was more than bothered when her hand came back bloodied. That was why her head ached so much. The stickiness she had felt at the back of her neck in the van hadn’t been sweat, it had been blood. As she struggled to her feet, the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place for her: the smell of cigarettes and body odor, the familiarity of the voice and the fact that the person was wanted to murder. One of her kidnappers was Robert Smith.


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