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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 104

By Cassie’s calculations, she had been Robert’s captive for six days.

When she had realized that it had been him that had taken her, she had had a lot of questions, some of which she hadn’t been able to answer. Since when had he gotten out of prison? Was he working in conjunction with Big Daddy? Had he also been a part of her house being set on fire and Isabel getting shot? Would he also be going after Felix and the twins later? Where exactly was this house that he had taken her to?

She still found it bizarre that he had had a hand in her kidnapping as she had forgotten all about him after she and Isabel had testified against him in court. She chided herself for not seeing it coming. His exact words to her as they had carted him into the squad car on the day of his arrest had been: I’ll get you for this you stupid bitch! That day, she had thought that his words were just an empty threat of a mad man; she had never expected him to make good on it.

Judging by the fact that it had been daylight when she had been tossed into the empty room, she had theorized that she had arrived at the kidnap room on Sunday morning. Moving around the room had been difficult as her legs had still been bound but she had managed to waddle around the room, searching for something to cut her zip ties with. She had soon realized that the room was truly devoid of objects. As a result, she had to resort to standing up and using the metal bars on the windows to slowly cut through her zip ties. It had taken her almost forty minutes – an awkward twenty-five of which she had spent upside down so that she could attend to her legs – to finally free herself. When she was done, she patted herself to check whether Robert was still stupid and had left her with her phone again, but it seemed that he had grown some extra brain cells since the last time they had encountered as her phone was nowhere to be seen. She had tried escaping from the room but the door had been locked from the other side and although she had at least two hair pins in her hair, she had no idea how to pick a lock with them.

She had been futilely tugging at the metal railing on the windows again to see if they would come off when the door to the room had been thrown open. She turned around hastily to come face to face with a grinning Robert. He had only changed a little since the last time she had seen him. His blond hair was still a limp, oily mess but was slightly shorter than it was the last time they had seen. He was still lean but had added some extra muscle mass which Cassie knew would be problematic for her if she ever got into a physical struggle with him. His face was twisted in a predatory grin with the scar that ran along his face making him look even more sinister. As he was shirtless, Cassie could see that there were multiple scars and tattoos marking his body.

“I’m not surprised that you were able to get yourself out of the cable ties.” Robert stated.

“You seem like you’re very smart. Nice interview by the way. You looked really nice on camera. I would say that your face on Under the Spotlight is prettier than your face is on the pictures that they put up of you on your lost e-poster and a lot prettier than what your face looks like right now.” He teased.

Cassie balled her fists. “Fuck you!”

Robert smirked at her and then started to walk toward her, his long strides letting him reach her in just a few steps. Cassie tried to duck out of his reach, but he moved quickly and pinned her in reverse bear hug. As he breathed down in her face, she almost gagged as she inhaled his smoky breath.

“It’s time to go to sleep, bitch.” Robert whispered.

Before she could wiggle out of his grasp, she felt a sharp prick in her arm and that was where her memory ended. By the time she had awoken, she found herself in a different room. Just like the other, it was devoid of furnishings but it was a lot larger than the first, almost twice the size, and it had two doors. When she tried the first door, she found that it didn’t open but when she tried the second door it led to an en-suite bathroom. The bathroom was large enough to be just about the same size as the old room. It had a shower and a bathtub and as she explored further, she found that the water was running. She found everything from bath soap to toothpaste in the cabinet below the sink. Cassie thought long and hard before she got into the shower. The bathroom door didn’t lock, it barely even closed properly as the deadbolt was bad and the shower didn’t have a curtain. If she got in, she had no way to ensure her privacy should Robert burst in.

It was her reflection in the window of the bathroom that convinced her to get into the shower. Window because the bathroom didn’t have a mirror. She could tell that the room had a mirror before as she could see where the screws had been in the wall and there was a rectangle shaped patch of lighter paint above the sink. It had probably been removed from the room before her kidnap as if it was still there, Cassie would have found a way to break it and use a shard to defend herself the next time Robert came into the room. In the window she saw a faint reflection of herself and she did not like what she saw. Her face was streaked with dirt and her hair was knotty and strained with blood. And she smelled like a combination of Robert’s body odor and sweat. Pulling off all of her clothes and leaving them in a small pile on the floor of the bathroom, she got into the shower and started to work on thoroughly scrubbing at her skin.

She had just started to wash her underwear when she heard the door to the room being thrown open, the wood banging violently against the wall. She held her breath as she tried to listen for any sounds coming from the room but heard nothing. Without properly rinsing the soap from her body, she spread her still wet underwear on the edge of the bathtub, she slipped on her clothes and propped her head out of the door. When she didn’t see anyone inside the room, she came out of the bathroom completely, her hair still dripping with water.

Just at the front of the door, there was a cup of ramen noodles and a miniature bottle of water. She stared at them for what seemed like ages before she finally picked it up. The seal on the bottle of water was unbroken and the ramen in the cup had already gone cold. Initially, she had been wary about eating the food, concerned that some sort of drug would have been slipped into it but upon recalling that she had already been injected with a drug more than once she figured that the worst had already been done. There was no cutlery so she settled with eating by tipping the cup of ramen into her mouth. When she was done with eating, she dropped the empty containers on the ground, sunk to the floor and started to wait for the door to burst open again. She tried fighting off sleep as the day dragged on but she soon fell asleep on the ground.


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