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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 21

Felix waited for his new personal assistant to hunt for a notepad and a pen to take to their meeting. She was wasting too much time with her search for the items and ordinarily, he would have snapped at her but he wasn’t looking forward to attending the meeting and for once in his life, he was grateful for having his time wasted.

“I’m ready.” She announced, trotting towards him. She was clutching the items she had found close to her chest: the notepad with the company’s letterhead had come from somewhere in his office but he had no idea where the glittery pink pen with an obnoxiously large pom pom on top of it had come from because he definitely had never owned something like that in his life.

Felix gave her a curt nod. “Follow me.” He instructed. The pair began to walk towards the elevator at the end of the brightly lit hall. “All you have to do at this meeting is sit in the corner and take notes throughout. Preferably, take them in shorthand and then after the meeting, type out the minutes in detail and send it to my mail. Any questions? You know before you once again accuse me of not telling you something you should have been able to figure out by yourself.” He reached past her and pressed the button to go to the thirty-seventh floor.

Cassie frowned up at him. “No sir.” She said through clenched teeth.

“Good.” He declared. The elevator stopped moving and the doors started to slide open. He looked down at her in disgust and Cassie was sure that he was about to call her out on the tone she had used to talk to him. “You have a booger in your nose. Get it out. It’s absolutely disgusting and completely inappropriate.” He said and walked out of the elevator leaving Cassie simmering in anger and embarrassment.

She was so stunned that she didn’t register that the elevator’s doors were coming to a close until it was too late. “No. No. No.” She cried as she hit the doors repeatedly in a futile attempt to get them to open. “This cannot be happening right now.” She groaned, giving the doors a satisfactory smack which made things a whole lot worse as she had accidentally hit a couple of buttons on the control panel.

She sagged against the door and tolerated the up-and-down movement of the elevator until it took her to her desired floor. Once when the door slid open on a floor that she was not supposed to be on, she thought about leaving the elevator and finding her way to the floor where the meeting would be held. She had reconsidered the thought as quickly as it formed in her head. Getting off on a random floor meant that she would have had to take the stairs and then arrive at the conference room sweaty and bad-tempered. If she stayed in the elevator, she would arrive at the conference room non-sweaty but still bad-tempered.

Then there was still the matter of the alleged disgusting and inappropriate booger in her nose. She had left her compact mirror in her handbag back in Felix’s office, so she had no way of telling which one of her nostrils had the offending booger and she wasn’t about to get digging for gold on her first day of work.

The elevator doors slid open and she hurried toward the lady's bathroom. She widened her nostrils and used a sheet of toilet paper to remove the booger from her nose. She couldn’t help but momentarily fawn over the soft texture of the toilet paper in her hands. Compared to the cheap one she had bought a couple of days ago, the one she currently held in her hands felt like it was top-quality toilet paper. A single unit of it probably cost more than the entire pack she bought. The one in her apartment made her think of sandpaper every time she used it. She discarded the wadded-up toilet paper and had begun to wash her hands when she heard a toilet.

A bathroom stall opened and the woman who had been inside it fixed her with a venomous glare. She looked like a walking carrot but a beautiful one nonetheless. Her sleeveless silk pink top was tucked into skin-tight leather pants that could not have been comfortable to wear outside the air-conditioned walls of Tech Town. With her heels, she stood about five inches taller than Cassie. Her dark hair was piled onto her head in a severe bun so tight that Cassie was tempted to tell her that she was ruining her baby's hair. With all the makeup she had on, she looked like she was on her way to a photo shoot for the cover page of a magazine. The only flaw with her makeup was that her blood-red lipstick was severely smeared. Cassie couldn’t shake the feeling that she had seen her somewhere “You!”

Cassie pointed at herself in confusion. “Me?”

The woman scoffed. “Of course, I’m talking to you. You’re the only one here.” She snarled, taking long confident strides toward Cassie’s direction. “You stole my job you stupid bitch.” She accused poking Cassie’s chest.

Cassie smacked the woman’s hand away. She had to stop herself from gagging as she inhaled the copious amount of perfume the woman had doused herself with. It was absolutely suffocating. “First of all, I don’t even know you. But if I did ‘steal’ your job, then I apologize. And secondly, don’t call me a stupid bitch. That’s rude.” Cassie scolded and wove around the woman to make her exit from the bathroom. Every second she spent in the bathroom talking to the mystery woman was a second wasted. Felix had already told her that he would not tolerate having his time wasted and she was sure she would be wasting loads of time if she stood to confront the woman.

“I will get my revenge.” The woman announced catching up to her and blocking the exit. “You are not as special as you think you are.”


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