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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 22

It was drawing close to seven in the evening when Felix felt a presence hovering above him. He ignored it and continued to type on his keyboard determinedly. He had been able to spot the errors in the program he had been writing all week and intended on correcting them before he answered whoever it was that required his attention. He looked up from his laptop’s screen. His eyes were red and his back was sore from the lengthy time he had spent hunched over the laptop. He found his new personal assistant staring down at him earnestly.

Despite the day’s tasking events, she still managed to look put together and generally unaffected. He probably looked like the walking dead. He was glad there wasn’t a mirror nearby for him to see how disheveled he looked. Cassie was an excellent PA, often going the extra mile for all the tasks that he asked her to do. She was quick and efficient and used her initiative when performing tasks. She might not have known it, but her suggestion about creating a map for the company and adding signs to the doors was a brilliant one. When he had asked her to fetch him a pen, she had asked the color he wanted. It wasn’t part of her job description, but she had still been nice enough to ask him for his lunch order and had gone to fetch it for him. Despite all her good qualities, it was still obvious that this was Cassie’s first PA gig. She was constantly asking about the method of doing things and where various things were located. After he had snapped at her when she asked what to do with a report from the HR department, she had resorted to going on the internet to ask her questions. He was more than okay with that. It left him with more than enough time to brood over his life and fret about the lines of code he had been writing.

“Yes?” He asked. “Can I help you?”

“Yes sir,” Cassie answered. “You asked that I should send the minutes of this afternoon’s meeting with Mr. Luther Hart to your inbox but you never gave me your email address.”

Felix had to restrain himself from laughing. It was true that he had asked her to type out the minutes of that afternoon’s meeting in detail and send it to his mail. But did she really think that he wanted the minutes of the waste-of-time meeting that his waste-of-oxygen stepfather had held? “Miss Peters.” He started in a bored drawl. “I’d like to assume that you have a functioning brain.”

Cassie balked at his statement. Of course, she had a functioning brain! How dare he insinuate otherwise?! She struggled to keep her anger in check as she replied. “I do, sir.”

“Excellent,” Felix said with a singular mocking clap. “Then you should know that I do not need the minutes of this afternoon’s meeting.”

“But sir!” Cassie protested. She was well aware of how much she sounded like her little sister Lily whenever she was told that it was time for bed. “You said…”

“I know what I said.” He interrupted. “But you’re out of your mind if you think that I want the minutes of that meeting. It was an absolute disaster and you know it.” Felix huffed.

Deep down, Cassie knew that Felix had a point. The meeting in the afternoon had been a complete waste of everyone’s time. Luther had struggled to operate the interactive whiteboard which Cassie had found moderately hilarious. How could a person working at a Tech Company not know how to operate a basic piece of technology? He had finally gotten it up and running with the help of the woman that had confronted her in the bathroom. Cassie learned that the woman, who was Felix’s ex-PA and Luther’s current PA, was named Emerald Johnson. It was nice to put a name to the face of the woman that had called her a stupid bitch. After the first two slides, it had been obvious to anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention that Luther’s business plan was a shitty idea. The old man probably thought that he was being coy by trying to pass up an elaborate money-laundering scheme to a room of fifteen people as a potentially lucrative business opportunity. It was pathetic.

The icing on the shit cake was when Emerald had raised her hand like a high school student and asked for permission to use the bathroom. Not up to a minute after she had left, Luther had made up a stupid excuse about going to check whether he had locked his car and had also left the room. The pair returned fifteen minutes later and didn’t even have the decency to try to cover up the fact that they had fucked. Luther’s fly was undone, Emerald’s pants were on backward, her bun had come to loose and her lipstick was even more smeared than before.

The cherry on the icing of the shit cake was when Luther had physically attacked Lucas, an intern who had tried to tell him that his ‘business idea’ was a terrible one that was probably going to bankrupt the company in a few years. Felix had to restrain Luther until Tech Town’s security arrived to escort him to his office. For the life of her, Cassie hadn’t understood why security had just escorted Luther to his office and not just out of the premises. For all his bravado, Luther was very easy to subdue. It was either that or her boss was strong enough to subdue as Felix had held Luther in a viselike grip all while looking utterly bored as if it were a daily occurrence.

As a result of all the shenanigans, the meeting had gone on a lot longer than expected and Cassie had points in the drafted email that said things like “Mr. Hart suggests that Lucas should fuck himself with a sandpaper dildo”. So all things being considered, Felix was right to not require the meeting’s minutes. She just wishes he would have told her that before she spent the past hour typing it out.


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